
Food Truck


Clutching my cup of coffee with both hands, I heaved an exasperated sigh, lowering my head before biting the corner of my lower lips tentatively. One thing that I didn't understand was how my life seemed to have turned upside down as soon as Ethan came back and most importantly, I couldn't understand how the messages that I had received from Ethan seemed to have disappeared.

How? Just how.

"Junia, you don't need to bother yourself about that creep of an ex-husband! Why would he set up cameras in your room? Are you even sure that it is him?" Betty asked, concern laced in her voice.

I heaved an exasperated sigh, dropping the cup of coffee on the table as I leaned in the chair. "I am as confused as you are if I am honest. I don't know what the hell he wants from me. That day, he said that he was back for me because he never left in the first place. Ethan is just filled with a whole lot of nonsense"

Betty leaned forward with her forearms on the table. "I am so pissed right now!
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