
Chapter 5

After sleeping for more one hour, Anisha opened her eyes. She looked around and saw Viren was sitting on the sofa and working on his laptop . She remembered how she shouted on him in the morning, she sighed and gets up from the washroom and walked toward the washroom. After sometimes, she came out of the washroom wearing formal clothes without wearing any marriage symbol.

She was combing her hair and said :” I am ready , let’s go to have break fast “,  he replied without looking at her :” I am not hungry , you can go and have breakfast “.

He got up  from the sofa to take his phone which was on the charger when Anisha holds his hand , she wrapped her arms around his neck making him shocked , she ignored his expression and said :” You are angry on me because of morning shouting  , actually I am not a morning person, and it’s irritate me when somebody disturbs my sleep . Now, don't make this type of face on first day of our marriage and smile a little. I don't want my servant to get any doubt “.  Viren composed himself and nodded his head , and remove her arms from his neck and walked outside .

They reached to dining hall where Alya and her parents are already there , Anisha sits on the head chair and said :” Mr and Mrs  Gupta, you are still here ? This is my house not charitable organization , I only allowed Alya , not everyone to stay in my house “. Alya’s parents are numb because of their insult, Alya was fuming in anger , she looked at Viren who was busy in drinking coffee .

Alya ‘s mother faked smile and said:” Actually, you know, Alya is our only daughter. We never stay without her, it’s a matter of one year. Can we stay here please, the house is so big and there are lots of room , we will not disturb you “.

Anisha  took  a deep breath and said :” Fine ! I have already hired Alya as care taker  of the house , you can also choose the work you like “.

Alya interrupt her and said :” What ? I am caretaker of this house   ? When did I agree for this, Ms Anisha Mathur “.

Anisha  smile and said :” It’s Mrs Anisha Viren  Malhothra for you . I have said earlier , I am saying again , this is my house not a charitable organization . Why did I allow my husband’s ex wife to stay with me , without any benefits . My caretaker was pregnant, she was on leave. She will come back after one year , I thought, until you can manage this house “.

Alya gets angry , she speaks in loud tone :’ I am not servant “. Anisha  smirked and said :’ Then door is that side , you can go . According to the contract, only Viren has right to stay with me . Choice is yours, either get out of my house or if you want to stay here, you have to work. I will not let anyone stay in my house  without doing any work.

She clean her face with napkin and said :’ Excuse me, I have to attend an urgent call. In the evening I will make the contract for this  , I never hire any of my staff without contract “. Saying this, she walked away .

Alya gets up from her chair and said angrily :” Viren , she insulted me and you remained silent . How can she think I will work as servant here “.

Viren gets up from the chair and said:” Alya , she is the owner of this house . It’s her house; we can’t say anything in this. It’s her choice what she wants. Moreover, I am not a human being but a thing, which she purchased. Technically, she is my owner too and I can’t shout to my owner . It’s your decision to sold me , now it’s your decision whether you want to stay with me or not . In short, it’s between buyer and purchaser, I have nothing to say “. Alya gets irritated with him , she said coldly :” ,Viren stop taunting me . Whatever I did , it’s for our future . I did not say you  to sleep with her , just stay marry to her for one year . What’s the problem in this “. She was going to speak further when her gaze falls on Viren's shirt , she saw lipstick mark on his shirt. She holds the shirt and asked :” What is this ?”.

Viren looked at the mark, and said : “It’s ma’am lipstick, in the morning when she was .”, but he stopped thinking  Alya does not need to know everything between him and Anisha. His trance broke with Alya’s voice :’Why did you stop ? What were you  doing with her , that her lipsticks mark was on your shirt “.

Viren sighed and said :” Alya , we stay in the same room. She falls on me by mistake , this mark would be leave at that time . And stopped asking question to  me like a police man, we are in this situation because of your greediness “.

Alya was about to say something , Anisha voice interrupt her :” So , Alya what did you decide ? Are you going to stay here or leaving , if you choose second option  tell me ,my driver will drop you at your old house . I am leaving as I am getting late for the office, you can inform your decision via phone , bye ! “. Anisha walked outside , followed by Viren. 

Anisha was going to sit in her car when she stopped Viren  and asked :” Do you want to come with me to the office ?”.

Viren smile faintly and said :” No , thank you, ma’am . I have my bike and what would you say to people if they see me , coming out of your car . You can’t say , I am your purchased husband . So , it would be better if we come separately “.

Anisha looked at him for a few seconds and said :” Fine ! And remember, nobody should know that you are my husband “.

“Off course , I understand this thing when you did not wear any marriage symbol . You are not interested to show anybody that you are married woman “: Viren  said while sitting on his bike . He started his bike and left for his office , after few seconds  Anisha also sit in her car and left for her office .

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