
Chapter 56: The end is near

Ansari's pov.

It had been a very long time since I had a beer this good. I looked at the bottle one more time before I emptied the contents.

“Ahh.” I breathe out in satisfaction.

“Go easy on it, we have more,” Jasper said with a little laugh. I wiped my mouth with the back of my mouth and got up from my seat.

“Walk with me,” I said to Jasper. He looked up at me for a while before getting up.

We walked through the ruined town for minutes. Wolves were very resourceful creatures and the rebuilding had already begun, we just needed more time to repair all the havoc that had been wrecked. The wind blew through the little bushes and filled my nostrils with the sweet breath of the wild.

“I have forgotten how sweet the night air is” I finally said. Jasper glanced at me and turned away.

“What do you mean? I heard no news of you leaving Moonstone.” He said.

“That is because I never left, but I have had so much on my mind but I could not really… I could not pay attention to the beauty of nature.
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