

“Tell me where your phone is,” the man asked her, the tone being gruff, holding a warning that she better not overlook, “Hm?”

As he arched a brow up at her, signaling her to defy him and see the consequences, Delilah's heart was going crazy by the passing moment. She was pushed into a dangerous condition, she feared she might make a mistake that led the gangsters to her father and it would be worse than what was happening with her.

Her thoughts were pushed towards her father and she knew if she decided to call her father, they'd force her to have a conversation with her father at the gunpoint. Though she wanted to save her father, she had no other way than to listen to the goons.

“Girl, are you sleeping with your eyes open?” The man's sarcastic comment brought her out of deep thoughts in which she was immersed.

She resisted to roll her eyes, knowing very well that the short-tempered men would not be able to handle that look on her face.

“No,” the reply was quiet.

“Your phone,” he repeated, trying to be decent with her because he saw she was pretty and it earned her a plus point in his eyes. However, his cruelty couldn't be oppressed by his heart's desire, that's why his patience was running thin.

Her jaw clenched as she glared at the floor, being as stubborn as the man somehow expected. She couldn't believe, after what they did to her, they were even expecting her to disclose everything to them. She couldn't believe they could be fooler than this.

But once again an interruption was there to break her stubbornness when the man put the nozzle of the gun on her temple, grumbling, “Speak.”

Her eyes widened at the cold touch against her warm skin. She felt a drop of sweat trailing down her skin along the metal and her breath came out shuddering.

“F-First remove th-that g-gun!” She requested, her fists clenching tightly.

The man listened to her. He calmly pulled back the weapon, letting her sigh in relief. She couldn't grasp how he made such a civilized decision but said nothing or she knew he would step ahead for worse.

Taking a deep breath, she looked up at the man. “I don't believe you!” She said as she took another breath to calm her crazily beating heart but it was of no use.

The man frowned as he looked back at the girl. Somewhere his mind warned him about her tactic to play with him but he remained silent, willing to watch how far she was going to stretch this moment to buy some time which he considered stupidity.

Delilah nodded to his disappointment. “How can I be sure that you know my father?” She was testing her luck and buying time as well to plan something better and the man could see that. “I know that in order to loot, goons like you collect data of random people and rob them.”

No wonder why she impressed him.

How she accused him and the reason she brought up indeed could be useful but only if she knew who they were. They were not some mere goons as she called them but worked for some darker authority that she was not even aware of.

As far as the man could see in her, he knew she couldn't even imagine what they were and for whom they worked.

But this wasn't the time to praise her for that.

He pinched the bridge of his nose as his eyes fell shut. Maybe she annoyed him up to the brink. While Delilah watched him confusedly, he stepped back while shaking his head, and the next he said, he had her seized in terror;

“I don't think this girl wants a normal conversation. Carlos, you handle her.”

That was enough to add more fear to her. Her eyes immediately flew to the murderous man who gripped her hair in rage and made her cry in agony. He was asked to handle her and she didn't want that.

As she saw him take a step in her direction, she yelled the very next instant, “No, no, no! I can't talk to him in his language!”

She was not someone who could stop him. She held no authority over Carlos and so her request did not stop him. As soon as he could reach her, he got stopped by another command from behind.

Delilah was grateful this time.

Carlos rolled his eyes while Delilah saw the man who commanded Carlos, stepping closer in her direction. Her eyes were filled with fear yet he wondered why she was taking risks after risks.

The answer was simple; her father.

“I already told you we don't share further with you because you have to die after you know the truth—”

“Why should we even care, Mad? Let her learn and die!” Indeed Carlos was careless but Delilah was confused. Who could they be?

“No, I don't wanna die,” she was quick to jump in between, then she didn't care who they were. She had no curiosity in their case.

“Wise decision,” a smirk played on his lips, “So where's the phone?” Delilah knew he was being patient with her or else they'd have found it by themselves. She wondered why. “We'll call him and you'll ask him about his whereabouts, okay?” She already knew that.

At his gentle request, like he was trying to make a child understand, Delilah decided to ask another question, “What will you do to my father after knowing about his location?”

“You don't have to know what we're going to do to your father,” he cautioned her, now getting tired of her constant questions, “Now, the phone? Or we may dig through your house, starting with your room.”


She did not want to do what he said because after taking a bath, she spent a lot of time looking for a dress and because of that, her room was turned into a mess. Her clothes are scattered over the floor. Undergarments, too!

Before she could put her clothes in place, these cavemen intruded on her house and now she sits helpless under their mercy.

“You don't have to. It's on the nightstand of my room.”

“Morgan!” He gestured to the man standing behind Delilah, ready for a command to catch.

Delilah pressed her lips in tension, not forgetting to add, “You won't dig further in my room. Just the phone and nothing else, okay?”

The man released a light and humorless chuckle. “Trying to hide something?”

“No. My room isn't just clean and I don't wanna be embarrassed.”


She rolled her eyes as she stared blankly at the floor. Being a typical Indian and learning manners through an Indian babysitter, too, she was afraid of being embarrassed just because of that minor mistake. The values she was taught couldn't let her guests find her careless behavior.

“Keep that in mind,” the man said to Morgan and he nodded before going to her room. Delilah watched him go up, her eyes not departing from his tall figure while her heart was beating crazily. It hadn't been relaxed since the arrival of the goons.

She was praying silently all the while. She wanted to escape them as soon as possible and she knew she would.

Not a moment passed when the man came back. “Got it!” He announced while Delilah wanted her phone to explode right there in the man's hand.

Panic and the need for survival made her selfish, too.

Morgan came to hand their boss the phone he just discovered. He got it and typed something in her phone. Delilah watched him confusedly every time, wondering what he was doing when her phone was locked. However, it surprised her when she realized he just unlocked her phone.

When did that even happen!?

“Did you just unlock it?” She gasped, making the man chuckle. “How?!” She uttered, gulping in nervousness. The man was indeed dangerous.

“I have my ways, baby girl,” he winked at her, a cruel smirk spreading on his lips while she resisted this urge to gag right in front of his eyes to hurt his ego, at the way he addressed her.

Baby girl?

By no means it was cute.

“Here, answer him.” He put the phone in front of her, signaling her to glance at the screen.

She swallowed as she looked at the screen of her phone. The picture of her father with her flashed before her eyes which was slightly blurred and the ring was going. She waited, anticipating as well as praying inwardly for her father. She did not want him to answer the call.

Seconds passed and the ring kept echoing in the air. Her heart was beating crazily. Not a blink she missed the screen. The man in front of her waited patiently, staring at the girl instead of her phone screen.

He saw how pale she looked and how her lips were moving. With narrowed eyes, he could guess she was praying under her breath.

Typical human. He has met many like that. People pray when they're in trouble but before that, they live however they want to. Holiness seems to come only when they're in trouble. God comes to mind only when problems decide to cross your path.

The man scoffed in his head.

Surrounded by the air of anticipation, as if was arrested to stay where it was, he saw how a drop of sweat trailed down her temple.

What a sympathetic girl! The man silently mused. Even though her father was the sole reason for her current condition, she was still praying for him.

Only if she knew. Just like his name, he was a betrayer.

Finally, the moment ended as the dull and disappointed reminder made by her phone indicated that her father missed the call.

As soon as the screen changed, Delilah tried her hardest to hide this great urge to release a sigh full of relief.

She was glad that her father didn't answer.

The man in front of her frowned in disappointment. He grunted under his breath, followed by a bitter curse. Delilah closed her eyes for a brief moment. She never liked cuss words. She was raised in a nice environment.

“Let's try again,” he said and put her phone on another call. Another moment of anticipation passed which felt longer than the previous but still, her father didn't answer.

Delilah couldn't be more grateful. She thanked God under her breath.

“What the f*ck is wrong with him?” Carlos grumbled, glaring at the girl like it was her fault.

“I-I think he's busy,” Delilah answered in a stutter.

“And what if he knows we're here?” The man whose orders other men followed, said as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Are cameras installed around?” He asked, staring at Delilah.

Her jaw clenched at the absurd question. Why would they keep cameras inside the house like they were some criminals? Delilah gave a slight shake of her head, murmuring, “No.”

The man didn't make a fuss about it. He hummed and sat beside Delilah on a couch, spreading his legs wide and leaning against the couch comfortably. He still had her phone and he started checking inside, amazing her with his audacity and shameless act.

“Hey! You don't check my phone; this is wrong!” She uttered, glaring at his side face. Her loud voice grabbed the attention of the men around her and Carlos was amused among them.

“Easy there,” the man rolled his eyes, “I'm not spying. Just checking ya phone so that I can contact him through you some other way.”

Her jaw flexed. The reason was still not enough to make her sit peacefully. Not even her father checked her phone like that and the man was being a literal caveman. She couldn't hate him more.

He could feel her burning gaze on him, drilling holes through his temples and indeed, she wanted to do it. Only if eyes could burn, or only if eyes could kill.

“Angry much, huh? Don't tell me you saved nudes in your gallery,” he chuckled, shoulders jerking.

“Disgusting,” she murmured in anger, rolling her eyes but her cheeks were on fire. She was ashamed to even look at him.

“Was it?” He cocked a brow as he looked at Delilah, a smirk spreading on his lips, “Or you're too saint for your own loss.” He realized a tsk sound, and the way his tongue clicked couldn't go unnoticed by Delilah.

Carlos laughed mockingly and about other men, Delilah wasn't sure of their reactions but she disgusted them very much. They were frustrating her with their mannerless nature and stupid mouth.

“I'm normal,” she said through her gritted teeth, “While you, wild animals.”

Eyes narrowed to slits glared at her like burning and sharp laser beams pointed in her direction. Through every direction, but she didn't care. The truth seemed too bitter to them. Well, that's why they say truth is a bitter pill.

Delilah only stared at their boss, eyes reflecting not even a pinch of sarcasm, and the man knew it was said from the bottom of her heart.

He looked at her like he wanted to tear her apart but he remained calm, holding his anger in his fists as he glared at Delilah.

Indeed, only if eyes could kill.

“She speaks too much,” commented Carlos, twisting his bottom lip. Something very brutal and out of this world was brewing up in his head for Delilah.

“But only the truth.” The man shrugged. He let a smirk sit on his lips and Delilah saw how twisted it was. “You know we're wild animals, so shouldn't you be afraid of us?”

“Animals can be tamed.”

“You think you could tame us?”

They laughed and Delilah rolled her eyes, irking Carlos somewhere in his heart. He said nothing about it.

“Surely I won't even try to, seeing how much of an animal you are. Sensible humans won't step in dark dens but you see, what place belongs to animals?” She narrowed her eyes at the man, knowing very well that she was playing with fire but she enjoyed irking the hell out of him.

Done with their uncivilized behavior, she was only wanting to get away from them but now seeing that they were thinking too highly of themselves, she couldn't keep in her heart what she thought about them.

Cruelty isn't a trend to follow.

“At foot!” She spit the last words in pure hatred and disgust for the men around her and that was it.

He got up and gripped her hair from behind, twisting her neck as he applied his manly force.

A yelp escaped her lips and her eyes squeezed shut. Pain shot through her scalps but she didn't regret her words. Her jaw was set and even if tears rolled down her eyes, she managed to glare at him through the glossiness.

He stood tall, glaring at her with those narrowed and dark eyes.

And how pretty she looked in his eyes, he couldn't deny that.

“Indeed, you speak too much. Aren't you afraid of us, little girl?” He bent a little, bringing his face closer to hers and his breath fanned her wet cheek.

With glossy eyes, she could see him even more clearly. The proximity made her realize he smelled spicy, attractive to any woman but his nature and behavior could make them think otherwise.

Disgusting creatures!

His features were sharp. A bit older he was. Eyes dark yet beautiful. Naturally curled eyelashes but all this was for what? A soul so cruel and heartless.

“You're disgusting!” She gritted through her teeth.

He scoffed, eyes running down her flushed and tear-stricken face. So beautiful, so pretty but with a mouth so loud and filled with bitter truth she possessed. Unfortunately, he never liked women who talked too much. He preferred them mute, knowing they carry words as sharp as swords, and the woman before his eyes was such a queen.

“Tsk-tsk,” he looked at her with pity, which she never asked for, “You haven't seen my disgusting side yet, Delilah.” The way he called her name made her feel his disappointment. To the core.

“I don't even intend to, keeping in mind that you're an animal.” She hissed when he applied much force.

“Careful there, sweetheart, you might regret what comes out of those beautiful lips,” his gaze fell at where he pointed, a humorless and soft chuckle escaping his lips as an idea popped into his mind.

She shuddered, blinking. More tears spilled. “Leave me,” she said firmly.

He smirked and did as she said. As easily as it passed, she was confused as to how he got some understanding in his animalistic mind but she was grateful.

Her scalps still burned but she was glad the pain couldn't increase anymore. However, she felt dizzy.

As soon as he let go of her, she let her head rest against the headboard of the couch. A sigh escaped her plump lips.

“Not without teaching you a lesson,” he reminded her not to relax so soon, breaking her fleeting trance.

And the next, she felt a pointy and cool tip under her chin. She eventually caught what it was and her breath shuddered. She made no movement but her eyes carefully tried to take a look at the object, confirming what she thought was correct.

“Look up,” he commanded, getting an instant reply. She looked up at him and he smiled in satisfaction. “Remembered fear too soon, haven't we?”

“You're sick—” She gasped when he applied some force and she felt the tip being pushed into her skin.

Too sharp against her soft skin that invited it plainly. The point was tainted crimson.

“Uh-huh, careful, baby. I wouldn't do that if I was in your place.”

She gulped carefully, trying to breathe normally. However, she couldn't. She was shuddering, realizing it could go further if she didn't comply. The current danger she was in, made her palms clammy and her heart found no rest until now.

Surely her mouth got her in danger but she could repeat to her mind that she never regretted her words. She was firm on her decision.

Animals will be animals, after all.

“Now, you see, I'm not good at handling women with sharp tongues gently,” he said, watching how blood rolled down her smooth milky tea skin, disappearing behind the neckline of her top. “I need to give you a punishment for badmouthing me so that my men remain in fear of me. You see, we can't set a bad example now, can we?”

“Dumb excuse to torture me—ow!” He pushed the tip more and more blood trailed down her skin. It was painful and slow. The slower he went, the more painful it was becoming. He was stretching the dip wide.

He couldn't let her speak so openly after he just realized she wasn't really afraid of him. More than fear, she carried a fire inside her that was burning. She was furious, and he could see it.

In those dark orbs. Those beautiful dark eyes, there was a perfect blend of frustration and fury. He could see she couldn't take nonsense. There was a limit. A limit that they were crossing.

But he could not see his honor falling in front of his men. Whatever Delilah said may be true, but she had to be punished for battling with him in words, otherwise, how would his men be afraid of him?

“Was saying something?”

“You're heartless.”

“Apologise,” he gritted out, keeping his eyes focused. He stopped pushing the tip which was getting stained with her blood. A drop rolled down the slant of the edge of the knife, reaching his grip but it remained steady.

“For saying the truth? I will not,” she gritted out back, glaring at him beneath those wet and inky eyelashes.

“Sweet mouth but bitter words,” with that said, he trailed the edge up to the corner of her lips, making her gasp. “I'd love to taint it red.”

“You won't!” She warned him in a low voice, earning herself a smirk from him.

An evil glint appeared in his eyes as he realized he just found the right nerve. “Scared?” He sounded sick in his head.

“Whatever.” She still couldn't let the facade fall.

“Someone just loves her lips,” Carlos laughed. “Woman,” he spat in disgust, glaring at Delilah with hatred.

Neither the man nor Delilah showed any concern for what Carlos said but the man was entertained while Delilah was filled with more disgust for all of them.

Staring into each other's eyes, they spent the moment which felt like an eternity to Delilah but tempting to the man.

But finally, it came to an end when her phone started ringing. Deliah learned it could only be her father and the man retreated his arm.

She was glad and scared at the same time.

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Patricia Cooper
Her father doesn't care about her he left her to get abused knowing those guys were after him

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