
Chapter 7

Lisa's POV

Wade took everyone to a sand volleyball court apart from the rest of the beach. A grove of lush palm trees are outlined against the azure of the sky, ruffled slightly by the salty ocean breeze. Sun rays peek through the leaves to dance around in patterns on the sugar white sands I wish I can taste. My first impulse is to flop down on these cushion-y grounds and snooze my way through the game. Especially when…

          " Hey," I lean in to whisper to Yvette. " I have not even the teeniest idea how to play…" 

          " I know right. Me too," Yvette concedes, fiddling with a halterneck strap of her one piece peacock blue swimsuit. " I never had a chance to try out for the volleyball team back in school. This is all Selena's idea afterall. It wasn't initially part of the bachelorette week." 

          A sigh slips past my lips. I know just how whimsical my aunt can be. 

          " Girls." Selena stops in her tracks and suddenly wheels on us, balled fists stuck on her hips. "This isn't the Olympics. Not like any of us are halfway there. Well, except for Leigh…" 

          We all swivel in unison to stare at Leigh's toned arms and chiselled stomach about to morph into really enviable abs. 

          " I wonder what her gym routine looks like," Yvette breathes. 

          The oblivious Leigh stands in a classical Wonder Woman pose, squinting at something so far off only she can see it. 

          "She used to be a tennis star. She's also one of the top scoring goalies in a sports academy she went to." Why does Selena sound like a proud parent? " Why the career was cut short isn't my story to tell." 

          " Oh." I pray my dismay doesn't show. I yearned to hear more. 

          " So the whole point is… we're here to have fun. It doesn't matter if you're skilled or not. Plus," Selena's tone drops like she's sharing an international secret. "Wade has really cute friends." 

          " I've been checking them out all day," Tiffany puts in, almost startling me. I didn't know she has her ears here. "You reeled in quite the huge fish, Lisa. The delicious, hot and filthy rich kind." 

          " Oh yeah?" I regard the men behind the net at the other side of the court. Wade is tossing the ball from one large hand to the other, and is in quite a deep conversation with Glenn, who beams straight at me when our eyes meet. But there's no sign of Damien anywhere around them.

          "I looked him up on our way here." Tiffany declares, and I survey the amply endowed pinup-esque body poured into her ladybug spotted bathing suit. This one doesn't need to possess the skills for this game. Those huge mounds on her chest are already a huge distraction. 


          I whirl around to the sound of Damien's voice. "Hey." 

          Tiffany takes her cue to leave, and skips away to join the other bridesmaids. I notice with a relish he spare no glance at the ripe globes under her bikini top. 

           "Looks like someone has a knack for ending up wherever I go." He crosses his arms over his chest. My gaze lingers on the biceps straining against the dark fabric of his shirt. My traitorous fingers itch to wrap themselves around them, so I slip strands of my hair behind my ears instead. "You're a bridesmaid too?" 

           "Surprise surprise." I shrug. "I'm filling in for a bridesmaid. She was involved in an… accident." 

           "Ooh. That sucks." But Damien's eyes are sparkling in that characteristically handsome face of his. "That means I'll get to see you around. Oh, I'd have done that anyway, since we're next door neighbors." 

           I roll my eyes.

           "And Glenn?" He watches me carefully. And raises both arms in defense when I shoot him a glare. "Just curious." 

           "Says he saw me leave the hotel yesterday night." While I wished it was you. Ugh. I give myself a mental kick. 

           "Gather round, folks. Fall into position!" Comes Wade's booming order. 

           "Let's talk after the game." Damien's hand alights on my elbow. Tingling sweeps onto my skin from his touch, my nerve endings zapped with electricity. Erect nipples poke at my bikini top. I suddenly want those hands all over me. Hell, sex is all I can think about whenever he's near me. 

          The gleam in amber eyes before Damien saunters away proclaim he enjoyed the contact.

           " Shall we begin?" The air reverberates with Wade's words. " Since this isn't a professional match, we'll keep the rules simple. Don't let the ball hit the ground." 

          " Why don't you pass the ball, Darlin'?" Selena drawls, batting long lashes at her fiance. " Let the women serve first." 

          Guffaws from the other side of the net meet her suggestion, yet her armor of coquette does not waver. 

          " Attempting to play foul, are we, Selena?" Taunts the one wearing a top the color of ink. 

          " 'Tis by all means not, Jeremy. Be a gentleman, will you?" 

          " I like you." Jeremy laughs. " Why don't you marry me instead of this big guy here?" 

          Wade tosses the ball over at us. " Fine. Anything for you, Mi Amorr." But he growls at Jeremy. " No way in hell." 

          I don't know which one of them blew a whistle, but Leigh, in response leaps like an energetic horse, executing a most powerful serve that at first seems like a blur. I didn't have sufficient time to pick my jaws up off the floor, because the tallest one amongst the groomsmen effortlessly flicked the ball back to us. 

          " Way to go, Matt!" Glenn hails. The giant flexes his muscles, and a ghost of a smile plays on his lips, crinkling his coffee brown eyes a little. If only he would keep smiling…

          I don't know how long I've spent hopping after a ball that never fails to elude me, but I'm seriously having a rethink about us whooping their butts, or anyone else's butts at all. Not when Leigh evidently is the only sporty one on our side. The men appear to be enjoying themselves, tendons rippling, slick with sweat, exhilaration pumping through their veins. Selena is giggling and squealing along with Tiffany, the latter's ample bosom bouncing with the rest of her body. Even Yvette seems to get a hang of the game, and she has a toothy smile plastered on her creamy face. But my own hands feel like rubber, and I'm already out of breath. We're here to have fun, Selena says. But I'm finding even that challenging, unlike any other person around here. 

          " There is nothing else to you aside for a pretty face, is there?" 

         " You never amounted to anything much in the end afterall. Just a measly metal circlet as Homecoming queen." 

          I never was a good math student, or even the class favorite. I only had passion for food, and cooking them. Though I was easily the prettiest girl to walk the hallways of Beacon High. Boys wanted me. Girls were wary of me. Hated me even. But Selena… she wasn't just beautiful. She was, is captivating. And brilliant. She had no idea how much I craved that sunshine aura she possesses, that ability to make people instantly feel at ease with you, no matter which room you walk into. She had no idea how much I wanted to wake up each morning and find myself in her skin. 

          I let these thoughts occupy me so completely I barely notice Tiffany coming from the opposite direction. We slam into each other, my head against her teeth, and I crash to the ground hip first. The earth seems to tilt at a precarious angle. My brain feels light, and woozy, like it's floating on soapsuds. I squeeze my eyes shut. 

          " Lisa! Are you alright?" 

          " Open your eyes!" 

          Damien swims into view, concern creasing his forehead. 

          " That's one hell of a shiner." I spy Glenn from one corner of my eye. 

          Selena steps in front of me, holding out a palm. " I'm so sorry, Cupcakes. This is all my fault." 

          " I'm fine." I try to wave aside the apology. My head is dominated by a king-sized headache. " It's your bachelorette week. I wanted you to have loads of fun." I let her help me up, though I wobble on my feet.

          Tiffany is cupping a hand over her mouth, and Yvette is rubbing her back. 

          " Damn that hurts!" Comes her muffled scream. 

          " Thank goodness it isn't bleeding," Yvette says. 

          " But I won't have any teeth left for the picnic!" 

          " Come on," Damien slips a hand slightly damp with sweat around my shoulders. A delicious shiver shoots like an elevator down my core regardless. " I'll take you back to your room." 

          " But…" 

          " You're not fine," He grits out, his voice lowered in a growl. 

          " I just need an ice pack." 

          " And aspirin," Damien adds. " A bed rest too." 

          Everyone else is casting me sympathetic gazes, but at the same time watching us like we are part of their favorite soap opera. Glenn fixes Damien an odd regard. Like he's a third grader on Halloween and Damien just made away with his trick or treat candies. 

          " Damien." Selena rests her hand on his forearm. " Take care of Lisa for me." 

          " You can count on me." He steers me towards an exit, then calls over his shoulder. " Lend me your keys for a while, Matt!" 

          " As long as you don't wreck my car!"  

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