

It was raining heavily outside. The strong voice of thunder could be heard all over the place. Anna was walking down the street not being able to acceot that she was disowned by her own family. The sister she loved the most took away her everything and she was the one because of whom she had to sleep with Mark.

"Why did this happen to me?"

"Where I went wrong that I lost everyone today?"

She sat on the side of the road and started to cry.

"Mom Dad I wish you were here. I cannot take this. I am left with nothing today."

She was trying to call her best friend for help. But she accidently called another number. Because of continously crying she was not able to see the screen clearly.

"Hello....." Anna said in a low voice.

There was no response from the other side.

I need you Leslie......I need you the most this time.......I have been thrown out of my house...... I have been betrayed......You are my last hope...... You are the only one I can trust now........ I have lost my everything.........Please come get me......I am at........" Just then the call disconnected. Looking at this she began to cry more and became disapponinted at her fate.

After a while, she could hear screeching of tires coming close to her and a minute later she felt as if someone is trying to cover her up and protected her againt the rain. As she tried to look up she fainted. She was not able to see the person but she thought it was Leslie because she was the only one whom she had called.

Tight arms wrapped around her and she also wrapped her arms around that person.


When Anna rushed to the bathroom this morning, Mark took her phone and saved his contact. He had realized that he took away her virginity and he believed that she would need him some day.

Few minutes before when Anna was trying to call Leslie she could not see the screen properly due to rain drops and she called Mark.

As Mark heard her voice he knew who it was. He was expecting her call but was not expecting that he would get her call when she was in such a bad state.

"She was fine when I left her at her house. What the hell happened after that?" Mark asked to himself.

He took out his phone and dialled a number.

"I am sending you a number. Send me the exact location of that phone. I want it done in 5 minutes."

"Ok sir." The person from the other side replied.

Within 5 minutes he received Anna's location and he drove it to her as fast as he could.


Anna opened her eyes and she found herself on a soft bed. Looking around she noticed that it was not a house she could identify.

"Where am I?" She questioned to herself.

"I had callled Leslie.... Maybe she brought me here.... Nooo....Wait......Someone picked me up from the street......It was not Leslie.....Who was it?"She started to doubt what happened with her. She looked at her clothes which were changed.

She started to panic as she thought about what happened with her in mansion.

"You are awake."

Anna turned around to see Mark standing behind her.

Confused and shocked she stared at him for a moment and then asked him.

"How are you here?Have you been following me?"

"I bought you here baby girl. And I am not following you. You called me yesterday for help so I came."

"I have not called you. I called my friend......"

"That was my number."

"Did something happened again between us?........" Anna asked in a low voice and looking downwards.

"Why do you think so?"

"My clothes......"

"When I took you here , your clothes were all drenched due to rain so ......"

"So what...."

"So I asked my maid to change your clothes. Do you think I am so low that I would touch i girl without her permission."

"I did not say that."

Lucas was sitting in his room when Nina entered and asked him about them getting married.

"What are you looking so pale?" Nina asked as she moved her hands on his chest.

"Nothing just thinking where should be Anna."

"Why do you care about her?"

Lucas took Nina's hand in both his hands and said "Even though I was not in love with her but I was friends with her and we have been together for almost 10 damm years. I am not so cruel that I would become so heartless."

"You do not worry about her."

She ran her hand towards his face and locked her lips with his lips. Crashing into each others lips their tongue danced together. They both kissed each other with passion. Lucas ran his hands over her chest and then down towards Nina's skirt. He started to make circle with his fingers on the entrance of her. She was moaning his name while kissing him and pulling his hair.

Lucas bent down to her chest and started to unbutton her shirt. In a minute Nina was in front of her shirtless with only the bra on her upper body. He ran his hand all over her body and slowly took off her skirt. Then putted his hand under her panty and she started to moan loudly than before also pulling his hairs tightly.

Lucas took off her undergarments and then started to suck her nipples. With one hand he was pushing his fingers inside and with other hand he was pressing her breast. As he sucked her nipples her breast became reddish. She was reaching her peak.Once she reached her peak he again started to make her wet. He stood up and Nina helped him undress him. Nina took his crotch in her mouth and he moaned with pleasure this time. She was giving him extreme pleasure. Lucas stood up and made lye on the front table and then began to thrust inside her. He was pushing hard inside her and she was screaming his name.

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