
Chapter 1

“Come on, Ai, please. This will be fun, I promise!” Daisy said, almost begging. She has been asking me to join their group date. She has two other friends from her class joining the said date. I don’t know why she’s asking me when she can ask someone else from her class. She knows I don’t do this kind of stuff.

“I already said no,” I replied as I continued walking faster. I still have to go to the Library because it’s my free time. I’d rather do some homework than waste my time on other things.

Daisy kept on following me, even if she still has a class and is now running late.

“Aira please,” she pleaded again, this time in an even sadder tone. “Can’t you just grant me this, just this time? Please? You know, my crush will be there and I just want you to meet him, and maybe you can check him out for me?”

I stopped from walking and she did too. Daisy looked at me with her pleading eyes. “And you really want me to check him out for you? Are you sure?”

“Why not? You’re good when it comes to judging people,” she said innocently.

“You’re crazy.”

Daisy laughed. “Well, it’s true. You’re good when it comes to recognizing red flags.”

“So basically, you just wanted me there to see if your crush’s good for you or not?” I clarified.

“Yes?” She replied. She even smiled sweetly at me. “You have a date, too, you know? My friend said he’s from the College of Medicine,” she added. She wiggled her brows at me. Like that would make me say yes.

I snorted as I continued walking, Daisy still tailing me. “From Med? Do they even have time to date?” I queried. I thought they’re busy people. I always see Med students in the Library and I see how thick their books are.

“Well, the guy for you will be there so I believe he’s free,” she replied. “My friend told me he’s pretty smart, so that’s probably why he has a lot of time. You know, smart people like you don’t really have a hard time studying. You absorb information like you’re just inhaling them,” she added. She then linked her arms to mine. “Please? This will be your birthday gift for me. I won’t ask for anything.”

“Tell me, how important is that date for you?” I questioned. Well, it must be very important that she’s willing to beg for it. If I tell her to kneel, she’ll probably kneel. That’s how desperate she is.

“The future father of my future babies depends on this date, Ai,” she answered. She said those words sincerely like it really matters a lot.

I snorted again.

“Please, Ai. This will really help a lot. You will contribute so much to my happiness, I promise.” She has already said a lot of excuses just for me to say yes.

“Okay,” I just said, so she would stop. This is just tonight and that’s just for what… an hour or two hours tops? Whatever. Additionally, she’s already late for her class so this madness has to stop. “Now, go to your class. God, you’re tardy again. You're shameless, aren't you?”

Daisy jumped and screamed in joy. She was also smiling so widely it could light up the whole world. “Thank you, Ai! You’re the best!” She even hugged me. “I’ll see you later!” She added before finally running towards her building, hopefully.

Daisy really knows how to make me agree to things. She knows I have a soft spot for her and she uses it so well.


“Wow, chocolates again? Can I have this instead? I know you’re not going to eat it anyway,” Daisy said when she saw the chocolates on my table. She’s probably done with her class that’s why she’s here in the Library. She doesn’t really stay here unless I’m here. She’s not much of a Library person.

We’ll be having lunch together today, like almost always. Good thing she came. If not, for sure I won’t be able to have lunch. I always lose track of time whenever I bury myself in books or school work.

“You can have that,” I just said, referring to the chocolates.

“This is from Charles, right?” She queried. Well, who else?

“Yeah,” I replied. I started picking up my stuff and put whatever I can put in my bag. When I stood up, Daisy followed.

“Don’t you think it’s best to tell Charles that he doesn’t stand a chance for you? I feel like the guy’s still thinking he has a chance when he clearly doesn’t,” Daisy stated as we were heading to the exit.

“I already told him a million times, Daisy. I don’t like giving false hope to anyone. But he just doesn’t listen. I’m not sure if he understood what I told him. The guy’s too persistent and it’s scaring me,” I rambled. I can still vividly remember how his eyes turned dark in anger when I said I would never like him.

I tried explaining things to him before but he seemed deaf when it came to hearing me. I’ve used kind words- words that are hardly offensive, like I’m talking to a child. Still, he didn’t stop. I tried telling him directly to the point and God, he’s still pursuing me. I just don’t understand. Is English that hard to understand?

“What will you do, then?”

“I don’t know. I’m kinda lost, Daisy,” I replied truthfully. I have already exhausted all ways of rejecting him. What does he want me to do, shout at him in public, in front of a lot of people? Hell, no. That would be embarrassing for the both of us. As much as possible, I want to reject him nicely and privately.

I was carrying a thick book when I realized my backpack still has space for this particular book. So I opened it to put my book inside. “I don’t-”

I wasn’t able to finish what I was about to say because a hard object bumped into me. Well, it’s not an object, it was a person!

“Are you okay? I’m so sorry,” the guy who just bumped into me quickly said while helping me stand up. I could feel the impact of the floor to my butt. It's bearable, but I can still feel it.

The guy in front of me is wearing an all-white uniform which means he’s from the College of Medicine.

“It’s okay,” I said. I’m partly at fault here too because I wasn’t really looking, so I don’t really have the right to get mad or what.

“I’m really, really sorry, Miss,” the guy repeated. He gave me the book that I dropped to the floor.

“It’s really okay. No worries,” I just said. He apologized once again before he finally walked away. He’s probably late to class because he was rushing.

“Are you okay?” Daisy asked.

“I hurt my butt, but I’m good,” I replied.

We were about to go when I saw something on the floor. I picked it up and realized it was an ID. I searched for the guy but he was already nowhere.

I looked at the ID I was holding.

Zandrey Joseph L. Del Fuerto

He was really from the College of Medicine.

“Woah, he’s handsome,” Daisy commented as she was peeking at the ID. I quickly hid the ID in the pocket of my bag. I’ll just drop this off later at the lost and found station.

“You already have a lot of crushes, Daisy. Are you going to add him to your long list?” I kidded. I continued walking. We’re late for lunch.

“Not for me. For you!” She replied with a grin.

I furrowed my brows at her. “I don’t need a crush,” I said. I’m just really not interested. For now, I’m busy with a lot of things. I still have a lot of plates to do which are due next week. Next year, we’ll start our thesis. I really don’t have much time for other things. I need to focus because I have exams I need to ace, and a father I need to impress.

“You really don’t want a boyfriend, huh?”

I shook my head. Nope. Nah. Not right now.

“But you will be there at the group date, okay? It’s not required to have a boyfriend after that. We’ll just have fun.”

I shrugged. “As long as that’s the last time you’ll ask me for something like that.”

“Can’t promise you,” she said with a grin.

I shot her a glare, but she just shrugged at me.


I just got out of the classroom from my last class of the day when Daisy suddenly appeared in front of me. I almost jumped in surprise.

“Let’s go!” She exclaimed, carefully dragging my hand. She started walking so quickly that I was having a hard time keeping up. God, I have such short legs!

“The date, remember?” She reminded me. “I still have to fix your hair and do your make up.” I looked at my clothes. I’m wearing a simple white shirt, pants, and a pair of flat sandals. What’s wrong with my outfit?

“I’m good,” I said.

“No, you’re not! We have to look so good! We have to impress those guys. Who knows? Your date might be the one for you. So you should look your best,” she rambled. We went inside the comfort room.

Daisy gave me the paper bag she was holding. “Wear that,” she commanded.

I just chose to follow what she said and went inside the cubicle. I checked what’s inside then made a face.

It was a knee-length chiffon dress that had a floral pattern. I don’t really wear stuff like this. It’s too girly for my taste, but I don’t really have a choice.

“You look so pretty!” Daisy said with a huge smile on her face. She just got out of the cubicle, now wearing an off the shoulder long-sleeved striped dress. Just like mine, the hem ends just a little bit above the knee. I gave her a thumbs up because she also looks good and it suits her well.

“The food will be free, right?” I asked when we finished fixing ourselves.

Daisy laughed at my question. “You’re going there just for the free food, aren’t you?”

“At least I have something to look forward to,” I responded. Well, if my date turns out to be horrible, then I’ll just eat. That way, I gain something.

Daisy brought her car so she drove us to the cafe where we will meet the people involved in this group date.

When we got there, I was gonna wear my backpack because I don’t have any other bag. But Daisy stopped me from doing so and gave me a clutch- just enough for my phone and wallet.

Huh, did she have a closet in this car?

“Daisy!” I heard one of the girls called. She waved her hand, probably so we could spot them easily. Daisy waved back and carefully held my hand like she’s afraid I’ll run away.

We walked towards them. They are seated in an eight-seating table at the corner. There are two girls and three boys occupying it.

“Hello,” Daisy greeted them with a smile before taking a seat. She patted the chair next to her, telling me to sit there.

“This is Aira, my best friend,” she announced. They also introduced themselves to me. All of them seemed to be already acquainted with each other.

“Hello,” the girl named Jamie greeted. The other girl Nathalie also smiled and greeted me, and I did the same.

When I look at the side of the guys, I noticed they’re already sitting in front of what I thought was their ‘date’. Now that I notice that, there was no one in front of me.

Huh, don’t tell me my supposed partner’s late?

I was going to ask Daisy if my ‘date’ pushed through, but the guy in front of her whose name is Jed, started talking to her. Daisy was smiling so widely while talking to him. So I figured he was the crush she’s been talking about.

I should probably start judging him for the sake of my friend.

“Bro, where’s Zandrey?” I heard the guy named Francis ask.

“I already texted him,” Dominic replied. “He was late to his lab class earlier because he lost his ID. He had a hard time getting in so I guess he finished his activity late.” I saw Dominic look my way. “I’m so sorry, Aira. He’s a Med student so he kind of had a lot of things going on.

If he has a lot going on, he shouldn’t have agreed to this set up. I shouldn't have been here.

“It’s okay,” the pathological people pleaser in me just said. Well, if he wouldn’t come, I think that’s better. Good thing I only looked forward to the free food.

But the only good thing I was waiting for got taken away from me. They said we will eat once that guy Zandrey’s here. I heard he's on the way. Well, he should fly and get here as fast as he can because I'm starving.

The other six people at this table were busy chatting with each other while I was busy drinking my juice. I don’t want to join their conversation because they seem to be enjoying their partner’s company.

“Sorry, I’m late,” I heard someone say. I looked up and saw the guy sitting in front of me. I hurriedly sat up straight.

I furrowed when I saw the guy who bumped into me earlier. He is no longer wearing an all-white uniform. He’s now wearing a maroon dress shirt with the sleeves folded up to his elbow.

He smiled at me. “Hi.”

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