
Chapter 15


We got to the address that Ben had sent. I looked around trying to figure out where the fuck the club was. I saw a limo driver get out of his vehicle to smoke a cigarette. I walked over to him, "Excuse me. Have you seen this girl?" I asked, showing him a picture of Ophelia. 

"She's in the club." he said, pointing to an old building. 

"The club? Where?" 

"Underground man. Walk over to the door and say the password." 

"Thanks." I walked over to the metal door. I knocked and a small window opened, and I could see a man's face on the other side. 

"Password." he said. 

The one thing I’ve learned from working for Mitch the last few years, is that the Geno name goes a long way. Just about everyone in the underground world knows who he is and knows not to fuck with him. Even though I had no clue what the password could be, I had something even better, "I'm looking for Geno's daughter." 

The man's eyes widened, he unlocked it, and opened the door.

"Where is she?" I asked, as the man closed the door. 

He pointed to the elevator. We walked over and stepped onto the elevator; the man closed the door and pressed the down button. When it stopped, he opened the door to a massive underground night club. The place was packed, and the music was loud. 

I stood in the back of the club with Nathan, Brad, Tyler, and Anderson next to me, "Split up and find her."

I walked around the club looking for Ophelia or Sam or one of her friends. I couldn't find her anywhere. When I got to the back of the club, I saw another door with two guards posted on either side. I walked over to the guards and they put their hand up to stop me. 

"VIP section. Turn around." one of the guards said. 

"I'm looking for Geno’s daughter.”

The guard nodded his head and opened the door. I stepped into another room and saw people everywhere. I walked around the room looking through the crowd before I finally saw Chase. He looked at me with a surprised look on his face.

He was drunk off his ass, he put his hand on my shoulder to keep his balance and started laughing,

"DAMIAN! You found us."

"Where is she?"  

He looked around and pointed to the back of the room. From where I was standing, I could see her straddling and kissing some guy. When she stood up, I could see she was drunk, and I recognized the guy she was with. Ever since the accident, Jax has been briefing us on the major players in Russia. Somehow Viktor had found her, and it looked like he was about to take her out of the club. There was no way in hell I was letting that happen.

I pushed my way through the crowd and stood in front of him, "Let her go." I yelled.  

He narrowed his eyes, raised a brow, and made the decision to challenge me, "Or what?"

When he said that I didn't hesitate, I reached back and punched the smirk right off his face. I hit him so hard he went to his knee and Ophelia fell back onto the couch. I saw a few of his guys stand up and start to walk over to us. Viktor raised his hand motioning for them to stand down, one of his guys walked over and took a seat next to Ophelia. 

Viktor stood up and wiped the blood off his lip. We were both about the same height and standing toe to toe the psycho actually smiled and started to laugh.  


"You think you can save her?”  

"I'd kill every motherfucker in here if it meant saving her from you." 

"Oh really? I spared your life once bodyguard; don’t think I’ll spare your life again.”

“What are you talking about?”

“In the papermill when Anatoly was about to shoot you. Who do you think stopped him?”  

“How did you…? Why would you do that?”

 “I saw the way she looked at you. The way she kissed you. She loves you and you love her. I figured it would be fun breaking both of you. Fortunately for you, I wasn’t there the night your boss raided the place, or I would have killed her then and there.”

I went to grab my pistol, but he grabbed my arm and got closer to me whispering in my ear, "You pull that gun, and my man sitting next to your princess will shoot her. She will bleed out within minutes and die. Her blood will be on your hands forever." 

I glared at the guy sitting next to Ophelia and saw that Viktor was not lying. The guy had a gun pointed straight at her. If he shot her, the bullet would rip through her causing her to bleed out. 

He let my arm go and I moved my hand away from my pistol.

"What do you want Viktor? How did you find her?”

"It was honestly by chance that she came into the same club that I was in. I’ve been waiting for her to leave the protection of that ridiculous compound Mitch has. I was not expecting her to walk into this club though. I was going to take her back to Russia. Could you imagine the kind of empire I would have if I were married to Geno’s daughter? I would be unstoppable. Now that, that would be worth keeping her alive, at least for a little while.”

“That’s not going to happen. You’re not going to take her.”

 “Not yet at least.”  

"What’s that supposed to mean?" 

“I will let you take her tonight, bodyguard. Just know that I will always be watching, and when the time comes, I'm going to rip her from you. You will watch as I destroy her." 

I took a deep breath and clenched my jaw, "You're not going to touch her." 

"Oh, but I will. And there will be nothing that you or her father will be able to do about it. She will be mine. One way or the other." 

As we stood there face to face, Nathan and the other guys walked up behind me. He looked at each of them then back at me. He motioned for his guys to follow him, he patted me on the shoulder and said, "Good luck to you bodyguard. I will enjoy this hunt." Then he and his guys walked off.   

I grabbed Ophelia's arm and pulled her up off the couch, "Let's go. Now." I said into her ear. 

She pulled her arm back away from me, "I don't want to go."

"Ophelia, it's not an option. Either you come willingly, or I will carry your ass out of here." 

Folding her arms across her chest she looked me straight in the eye, "You wouldn't dare."

I raised an eyebrow, "You asked for it." I said, then bent down and picked her up over my shoulder. 

She slapped my back and started to yell, "PUT ME DOWN!"   

I walked out of the VIP room, through the first room and to the elevator. Once we were on the elevator, I put Ophelia down.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU," she said, slapping me in the face.


"Fuck you! Why couldn't you give me this one night? Why the fuck did you have to come after me?" she said, slapping me again.

Nathan and the other guys stood silent as she slapped me again and again. Although the look on their face was one of amusement. They had never really seen her when she was pissed, it wasn’t often Ophelia even got mad, but when she did, she was a little spitfire.

When we reached the top, I grabbed her by the arm and walked out of the building. She was fighting and slapping me the whole way. When we got to the truck, I pulled her in front of me and pushed her against the truck. I pinned both of her hands over her head with one hand and wrapped my other hand around her throat. I stood there looking into her eyes. I was so angry, but I knew I could not let myself lose control. I stood there with her pinned to the truck giving myself time to calm down. 

When I saw that she was starting to gag, I let her go and she leaned over to throw up. I grabbed her hair to keep it out of her face. I think she threw up everything she drank. When she finally finished throwing up, she stood up and looked at me with drunk sleepy eyes, "Okay. Let's go home."

I opened the door and she got into the front seat, I walked back to the other guys, "Y'all head home. I’ll take care of her." 

"You sure?" Nathan asked. 

"Yeah. I'm sure. I'm going to call Mitch and fill him in. Y'all go home." 

"Okay. Don’t let her push you over the edge.”

“I won’t.”

He nodded then he and the other guys walked back to their trucks and drove off.

I got into the driver side and started driving back into Montreal and called Mitch.

"Did you find her?"

"Yes sir. She was at some underground nightclub with Chase and some of her other friends. She's um, she's pretty wasted right now." 


"Yes sir. She's already thrown up once and I'm sure it won't be the last time. If we drive all the way back tonight, someone is going to be cleaning vomit out of the truck tomorrow." 

    Mitch laughed, "Well. I know she ditched you and did shit that she isn't supposed to do, but if she is safe, that's all that matters. Take her to the penthouse, I'll call them and let them know you're coming. Let her sleep this off." 

"Yes sir." 



"Thank you for finding her." 

"Yes sir." I said, and Mitch hung up the phone.

By the time we got to the penthouse, Ophelia was completely passed out. I pulled into the parking garage to the valet. I got out, walked around to the passenger side, and opened the door. I put one arm under her legs and the other behind her back and picked her up. As she rested her head against my chest, I walked over to the private elevator and went up to the penthouse. 

When I stepped off the elevator I went over to the bed and laid her down. She rolled over and grabbed one of the pillows pulling it to her to snuggle it. I grabbed a blanket and covered her up. I walked over to the bar, poured myself a glass of whiskey and sat down on the couch. I rubbed my hand against my forehead and sat there watching her sleep. This girl is going to be the death of me. I kicked off my shoes and pulled my revolver from behind my back, set it down on the table and laid down on the couch. 




   When I woke up, I was alone, I looked around and realized that I was in the penthouse. How the hell did I get here?  My head was pounding and the light shining through the windows was making my eyes hurt. UGH I am never drinking that much again. Looking around the room, I noticed there was a note on the nightstand next to the bed: Be back soon. D. Next to the note was a glass of water and two Advil. I took the Advil and laid back down, pulled the covers over my head and went back to sleep.

A little while later I heard the door open and heard footsteps walking through the room. I pulled the blanket down slowly and saw Damian standing next to the bed. 

"Coffee?" he asked.

"Yes please." I said, as I sat up.     

He handed me the coffee and took a seat in the chair at the end of bed. "You shouldn’t drink that much.”

"I wanted a night out. I needed to get out of my own head for a while. Plus, the way you acted about me wanting to go to the spa kind of pissed me off." 

"I'm sorry about that. If you wanted to go out, you should've told me. I may not understand what you went through, but I can understand the need to get out of your own head. You forget, I’ve been to war a few times. I know all about needing to get out of your own head. All you had to do was talk to me." 

"Yeah well, I didn't want to talk. I was pissed off." 

"Well next time, just talk to me, that way I won't run all over town looking for you then find you sucking face with some random guy." 

"I didn't." I said petrified.

"Oh, but you did. When I found you, y'all were about to walk out the club, back to his place I'm sure. Then what would you have done?"

I put my head down, knowing that I messed up, "I don't know."

"I'm not here for shits and giggles O. I'm here to protect you, but I can't do that if you ditch me then go out and get wasted."

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again." I said apologetically, “Is dad mad?”

 "He was worried."

"How did you find us? I had never heard about that place before. How did you know where we were?"

"We drove all over the place looking for you. When you turned your phone on at the club, Ben tracked it and sent me the address."

"I'm sorry I put you through that. It won't happen again, I promise."

"Okay. And I promise I won't get mad again if you want to get out of the house. There is a lot going on right now and I want to keep you safe." 

"Okay. Now can we go get food? I'm starving." I chuckled. 

"You going to wear that? It's cold outside," he asked, pointing to my tiny dress.

"My clothes are at the hotel, I kind of don't have a choice." I got up out of bed. 

Damian got up and walked over to the couch and picked up his black jacket, then came behind me and put his jacket over my shoulders, "This will at least keep you a little warm." 

He pulled my hair from under the back of the jacket and let it fall to one side. His jacket was warm, and chills ran across my body as I took in his smell. I slipped on my heels, he grabbed my hand and we walked out of the room to the elevator and went down to the parking garage.

The valet brought around the Escalade. Damian opened the door and I got in the front, he went around and got into the driver side and drove off. I was so happy that I found a pair of sunglasses in the truck, the sun was killing my headache.

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