
Chapter 11 I

I groaned as my eyes fluttered open. The pain was coming from my stomach

I leaned forward to find a sneaker laying nonchalantly on my torso

I turned to the only culprit in this house who would do this to me

“What’d you do that for!” I whined 

Jerry’s red eyes blared at me “Pick up your damn phone!” He said before submerging back into his cozy blanket

My head snapped to where I kept my phone as I heard my ring tone blazing through the speaker.

*Light it up like dynamite! Whoah oh!* I was tempted to join in but I know my singing this early in the morning would earn another sneaker being thrown at me. 

Dynamite… it was a good jam back when I was young, oh well. 

I picked up my phone and clicked the answer button without looking at the caller ID

“Its me” A rough husky voice spoke from the other end

“You who?” I scowled but I was shocked at how rough my voice was. Maybe it's because of Lucy, probably sucked her nips too hard.

“Its Dickson” he said again 

“Oooh! The sinner with the D finally calls me” I chuckled 

“Haha, very funny. You know I hate it when you call me that” He sighed and I laughed. I gave him that nickname because it suits him the more, he’s a sinner, a bad bad sinner. 

“I need you to come pick me up Theo” He said after my laugher had died down

“Really? That’s why you’re calling? I should have known. But it’s soo early in the morning” I whined. As always, he only calls me when he needs me to do something for him but I’m not complaining, I hardly see him these days so no matter how I whine, I’ll still do his bidding. I just want to nag him because I’m really clingy when it comes to D

“Do you want me to get someone else Theo?” 

“No no, I’m just saying it’s too early, that’s all” I splutter

“So where am I picking you up? Limpopo?”

“Yeah Nezu street, behind the abandoned ferry” 

“Ok, I’ll be there in a breeze” I said as I ended the call and started to look for a pair of pants.

“Where are you going?” Jerry’s head popped out of his blankets as he saw Theo put on some clothes

“Its D” I said without turning to look at him

“Limpopo then, I hope it’s not Wisdom grass this time” Jerry sighed 

“Are you telling me brother? I didn’t even bother asking” I sighed as I picked up my car keys and left the house, but deep down I was worried about him.

I entered the car and kick started the engines before zooming off to the ferry station. It had better be important D, I don’t like waking up at 3am. 

Within some minutes, I was at the ferry station and I parked my car and boarded a ferry to Limpopo.

Back then I had many dealings in Limpopo, like sure the place was nice at first, we'd go visit friends and learn how to bond with peeps same age, sure we made a lot of troubles here and there as kids and the other kids would create a diversion so we could escape, it was fun. But when the city zone turned upside down, all those peeps  became gangs, some cults, things started getting scary, it either you step up and find your own way to survive or you get left behind feeling lost. I guess my good features made it easy for me to get going in the gigolo business when Dickson introduced me to it, I was young, partly dumped, I was going through a rough time that year and I need the fine currency in my pocket, I don’t know what D saw in me but I’m glad I never disappointed him. He wanted to drill some skills into me but I was like whatever man, just give me a gig!

Stupid me that time, I didn’t know the business that much and I didn’t acknowledge that I really needed training. My first gig Mrs. Katherine, I failed miserably, I can’t believe I flopped my lines that’s why they say practice makes perfect, I could remember I was acting like a school boy, I guess that turned her off but something she said made me wanna come back one day for a rematch but oh well... I guess I haven’t pinned a date for that.

 There is nothing as scary as trying to lure your first catch, maybe your first off white deal would match up. Yeah, your boy Theo did some bad stuff back then but I didn’t like the off white deals, anything can happen and it might end up with bullets blazing either when the police burst the deal, or when your buyers clash with rival gangs, or maybe when they feel you cheated them, now that will end with a bullet in your chest. I remember my first trade and it was damn dangerous, after that day I knew the Off white business wasn’t my trade at all. If not for sweet talks that I had, things would have ended up pretty badly, the buyers asked for coke and the freaking suppliers gave me Benz, freaking Benz! Why would they do that? If I didn’t think better, I would say they wanted to kill me that day!

I had to talk to save my life, I told them that coke Supply was a bit low and difficult to get hold off, They had to keep me there to ensure that they made  big money from the Benz sales before they let me go. I just knew that that wasn’t my thing, but I did pickup some details like how some of the rich folks from Main land would pay mad cash for these things, it was quite funny when I saw them speaking in public and saying things about Attitude, Character or Morals, sometimes my heart chokes with laughter, In my head I be like ‘if I tossed a wrap of off white at you while on stage what would be the reaction? Maybe one day I’ll do it or pay somebody to do it.

The ferry reached Limpopo and I go down, got a cab and told the driver to take me to Nezu street.

“The abandoned ferry” I said as we zoomed off. I just hope D is okay, he’s like a brother to me. We’ve known each other since we were little kids unlike Jerry whom I met in college. D changed me and made me into who I am today, he’s the big boss when it comes to Playboy, he taught me all I know today.

The car came to a halt and I saw D's silhouette make it’s way out of it’s hiding place. I got down and we shared a bro hug.

“Sup” we said in unison and I chuckled

“Running early morning Buzz?” I asked 

“Yeah, but it’s not what you think” 

“It ain’t the stuff?” I furrowed my brows

“ Off-white? Nah...not now. You know I’ve been playing on my package, you know treating her with care, she called for me to come spend the night over, I have to respect her wishes when she’s recharging the aza” He smirked

“ But dude, when do people from Mainland start making late calls from Limpopo, like can’t they just do it in their own houses?” All those egoistic bishes 

He chuckled a bit before patting me in the shoulder “You’ve been out of the game for a while, you don’t know what’s going on, Mama’s now want to play it safe, the risk of media exposure in Mainland is getting higher so Mama’s are getting smatter, they make arrangements with a motel manager in Limpopo, rent a room, give boys the location we come, we meet we go, and aza gets credited. It’s safe and no stress, except when it’s at odd hours like this”

 “What are you talking about? The people here never sleep, it’s all clubs, parties and big troubles” I exclaimed 

“Exactly an that’s why I need a fast driver, there are some faces I don’t want to see at the Bene check point” he shrugged 

“And how do you expect to escape the cops? I’m your designated driver aren’t I? You’re so mean…” I whined 

“Why can’t you just call me like a normal brother. We haven’t seen each other for weeks now and when you call, you’re using me to get rid of your cops problem. I think I should just disown you” I said playfully 

“Quit Yapping like that Theo” it seems like he didn’t get the joke because he was really glaring at me.

“Okay okay, it was just a joke. But you know they’ll stop us to check who’s inside right?”

“That’s why I need you to make sure they don’t see who’s inside, you know how you do it, take them under the bridge and give them the slip” 

“Okay then, let’s hit the road” we got into the car and zoomed off. 

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