
Chapter 12 I’ll Help You

Quinn Forester felt a flash of displeasure. He picked up the bowl of porridge he had brought in and took a sip. Then, he leaned down, kissed the woman to pry her teeth open, and force-fed her the porridge.

Perhaps due to her body being too hungry, Jenna instinctively swallowed the porridge in her sleep.

In this manner of feeding her sip by sip, the bowl of porridge quickly emptied into Jenna’s stomach, and Quinn’s tightly furrowed brows also loosened.

He was about to withdraw the hand supporting Jenna’s neck when she gripped it tightly, holding it to her face.

“Mom…!” It was like Jenna had found a lifeline as she murmured. Hot tears quickly covered the man’s hand. “I really miss you… Take me with you…!”

Quinn looked at the woman quietly, his eyes full of indifference. “Jenna, the only one who can save you is yourself.”

With that, he withdrew his hand without hesitation and left the room.

In her dream, Jenna saw her long-dead parents run to her to reprimand her for falling for Shawn and being deceived into handing over the company.

She felt so overwhelmed by their questioning that she could not breathe and cried as she begged them to take her away.

In her daze, she heard someone say by her ear, “The only one who can save you is yourself…”

Jenna opened her eyes abruptly to see a snow-white ceiling.

Grandmother would have been fine, but Yvonne had gone to the hospital to tell her about her murder attempt and literally angered her to death!

Jenna wanted to take back Seabright, avenge her parents, and make Shawn Sadler and Yvonne Nelson pay for what they did in blood!

Jenna’s hazy eyes became cold and determined. She picked up the long dress on the chair, put it on, and stepped out of the bedroom.

Once downstairs, she noticed a man sitting in the dining room.

The man was wearing a light grey vest over a shirt and seemed to have just returned from work. His expression was cold as he ate while listening to Sam report to him.

“Miss Radcliff.” Sam saw Jenna first and smiled. “Do you feel better?”

Jenna nodded. “How long was I asleep?”

“A week.”

“That long?” Jenna was shocked.

She wondered why she felt no hunger, even after having slept for so long.

The domestic helper entered the kitchen to grab a set of utensils and set it down in front of Jenna.

Jenna looked at the man opposite her and wanted to say something. However, seeing that Sam was currently reporting to him about some matters, she lowered her head and silently ate her meal.

Very soon, the man finished his meal and pushed his chair back to go upstairs, which led Jenna to also put down her utensils.

She followed Quinn into his bedroom. Seeing him take off his vest as he walked to the bathroom, she bit her lip and mustered her courage to stand before him.

“L-let me help you.” The man was very tall, and Jenna’s hands had to reach quite high to grip his shirt button.

He did not move, only looking down at her quietly.

The two stood very close to each other, and Jenna could sense the cold aura coming off his body. Her hands attempting to unbutton his shirt trembled even more, and for the longest time, she could not even unbutton his collar.

Quinn waved her hands away, his expression apathetic. “What are you doing?”

“I…” Jenna pursed her lips slightly. “Thank you for sending someone to get me out of the police station.”

If it had not been for him, she would have been stuck in the detention center until taken to court for sentencing. It was also this man who had arranged for someone to organize her grandmother’s funeral.

Now, all she had was…

Thinking of this, Jenna pulled down the zipper on the back of her dress. It dropped to the floor.

With her snow-white skin now exposed to the air, her body trembled.

Quinn stood before Jenna and unavoidably saw everything. His breathing stuttered a little.

His gaze made Jenna feel very uneasy, and she held her arm across her chest as if she wanted to hide something. Her words were indistinct and hard to get out as she said, “Please help me. I want to take back Seabright…!”

Seabright was left to her by her parents. She had to get it back!

“That’s why you took your clothes off in front of me?” Quinn’s cold gaze toward her was full of mockery. “When prostitutes seduce people, even they know to tease their customers. However, you just stand before me like a zombie, just with paler skin!”

Jenna did not expect her offer of what was left of her dignity to be repaid with such an evaluation. Shame and anger suffused her face red.

It was at this moment that the man’s phone rang.

“I have no interest in zombies. Put your clothes back on and return to your room.” The man said indifferently before walking to the window to pick up the call.

Jenna scrambled to put on her dress and ran back to her room with her head down.

Once she closed the door, her body slid down against the door panel. Thinking of Quinn’s words, she felt shame, anger, and sadness as she buried her face in her arms.

She did not know Quinn’s background, but he knew everything and could even make the station chief send her out of the police station personally. That was enough to prove he definitely was not a simple man.

She thought the man wanted her body and how it seemed to be the only thing she could offer.

Yet just now, he rejected her…

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