

"Oh no!" Jerome muttered as he didn't care to look at his broken phone.

He dashed towards the exit door of the room, looking dumbfounded and still trying to process what John had just told him.

"Mr Jerome! Mr Jerome! Mr Jerome wait..."

But he ignored all their calls and left the conference hall.

"Good day, sir." The driver on duty greeted him.

"Take me to the hospital!" Jerome said hastily opened the car, and entered.

He wanted to call John to confirm her condition but he remembered dropping his phone and not caring to pick.

"Faster!" He ordered.

"Yes sir." The driver replied and increased the speed but they got stuck in traffic, with too much noise coming from the impatient car drivers.

"Shit!" Jerome cursed.

"It seems like a car broke down sir." The driver said.

Jerome rubbed his forehead frustratedly.

"Just go out and find out how long it will take to get the damn car out of the way," Jerome ordered the driver did as he was told and soon returned to Jerome.

"It will take like an hour. It's a big truck and the road agency is trying its best to get the truck from the road." The driver said.

"Oh my God," Jerome muttered.

"Stacy needs me. I can't waste another minute." He soliloquies and decides that the best thing to do is to get out of the car and trek down the hospital no matter how tiring that might be.

He got out of the car and the driver did the same.

"I'm leaving and don't ask so many questions," Jerome said and walked away.

He started running speedily, trying as much as he could to meet up on time.

Thankfully it wasn't that far from where the truck broke down, but it was a little bit far.

Some minutes later, he arrived at the hospital, looking all sweaty in his suit.

He saw John waiting outside the emergency room and rushed to him.

"John, how is Stacy?" Jerome immediately questioned, breathing heavily.

"Thank goodness you are here sir. I don't know about her condition right now. She is under intensive care." John answered.

Jerome sighed and sat down.

"I don't know why Stacy had to be going through a lot." He mumbled under his breath.

"You looked tired sir. What happened?" John asked.

"A truck broke down at the main road so I had to trek down here." Jerome narrated.

"Oh my God! You shouldn't have..."

"It's not your decision to make and yeah, don't ask again," Jerome warned.

He stood up, pacing up and down, silently praying for Stacy to be fine.

He knew she would lose her life eventually but not now.

He has never met someone as strong as Stacy and he just can't afford to cut out the remaining months she has alive.

The emergency light turned green and the doctor came out of the emergency room together with some nurses.

Jerome rushed to him.

"Doctor, doctor how is Stacy?" He asked anxiously.

"Calm down Mr Jerome. Stacy right now is out of danger. Thankfully it was just some minor injuries. She will be transferred to a private ward for better treatment." The doctor answered and Jerome exhaled a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, doctor." He smiled.

"Can I meet her?" He asked.

"You can, but after she gets transferred to the private ward, we will conduct some tests to make sure the baby is okay." The doctor answered.

Jerome nodded and waited as he watched the nurses wheel her out of the emergency ward to a private ward.

"You can see Mrs Stacy now." A nurse announced to her and he felt excited and headed straight to the ward.

When he entered, he saw her looking pale, with a bandage tied around her face and some stitches around her hand.

He walked closer and sat on a chair next to her, staring at her.

"I'm sorry you had to go through this," Jerome muttered and slowly carried her hands and placed them on her chest but he felt her hands held his own.

He looked up and saw her open her eyes gently, her eyes a bit swollen though she looked beautiful despite her predicament.

"Stacy." He called and his face transformed into a big smile.

"Hey." He waved at her.

"Hey," Stacy replied in a low tone.

She tried sitting down and groaned.

"Ouch, I will help," Jerome said and quickly helped her sit down while placing a pillow behind her to support her back.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm fine. If not that I'm already looking like a mummy in this." Stacy answered, making him laugh.

"Come on. You don't look bad." He said and held her hands.

"I'm so glad you are okay. I was, I was scared." Jerome said looking into her eyes and she smiled warmly.

"It's nice to know that you cared for me." She exclaimed.

"Of course, I do care for you. I mean, I don't want you to die earlier than you should." Jerome retorted.

Stacy gave him a side giggle.

"By the way, what lead to the accident?" He inquired.

"I don't know. I just...I can't remember." Stacy muttered, holding her head as she struggled to remember but it was all abortive because she couldn't see the clear image of what led to the accident.

"It's okay, don't force it okay? You don't have to remember. What's important is you getting better and I will make sure of that, okay?" He said and she nodded.

"I will go get you something to eat and to change. Tell me if you need anything." Jerome added and stood up.

Stacy beamed and he covered her with the blanket before heading out of the ward.

The doctor met with him and invited him to his office to discuss the outcome of the result.

"Is there any problem, doc?" Jerome inquired, Looking worried.

The doctor flipped through the files and hummed.

"We already know about Stacy's condition of the risk that comes with her pregnancy. I mean, she is still going to die even if she keeps the baby, but the accident just increased the high risk of it." The doctor exclaimed and Jerome's heart skipped.

"What...what are you saying doc? What does that supposed to mean?" He asked, looking scared already.

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