
Chapter 17 Engagement part 2

        Rudra was holding Adhya by her waist, it was not a tight grip but still a firm grip. His other hand was holding adhya's hand in a light grip. Adhya took some courage to see his face, she found him looking everywhere but not at her.

  Slow music was making the atmosphere romantic, the dance move was slow as usual. But Adhya was feeling so nervous but, at the same time, she thought of rudra as a mannerless man who even doesn't know how to approach a lady for a dance. She just praying for the music to end soon.

 As already expected  Vicky Jaiswal come toward them and asked politely.

    " May I have the pleasure to dance with this beautiful lady" he forwarded his hand towards adhya.

  Adhya thought him to be gentleman enough and at least it was better than dancing with Hitler, she wanted to accept his offer but before anything like that happen, the grip of rudra "s hands tighten on her hand. She looked at rudra who signalled her in no, Adhya got more scared she stilled on her place and the next order came.

    "Sorry, mr Jaiswal but she is dancing with me, so maybe next time".


'"sure mr Shekhawat I understand "

  Vicky Jaiswal knows very well who rudra was, his powerful status and possessiveness for his family were not a secret for anyone in Shimla. So he just gave a small smile and left from there

    Adhya's eyes turned glossy, firstly rudra pressed her hand so tightly and then he had ordered her something. Adhya was not a girl who liked to be in control. Her parents never forced or ordered her with anything. But first time in her life she was feeling so helpless.

  Rudra was oblivious to her thoughts, he just signalled the musicians to stop the music ., with a great round of applause the dance got ended. Rudra left Adhya on stage and called Abeer as he has to discuss something important with Abeer.

     The DJ started playing dhol music which youngsters were enjoying on the dance floor.

  Adhya looked at her hand where blue marks are visible because of rudra's tight hold. She told her mom that she is going to the washroom,drishti tried to accompany her but she refused politely .she just want to spend some alone time with herself to cool down the anxiety that she was feeling at that time.

     Adhya was on her way to the washroom when she spotted Abeer and rudra standing in the aloof corner of the lobby. It did not look like a discussion more like rudra was scolding abeer for something which Abeer was listening with his head down.

    Adhya's nerves filled with rage after misbehaving with her rudra had the guts to scold her fiance too. She decided to give peace of mind to this Hitler, she didn't want to think of the consequences as her self respect held more importance to her than anything else.

   She started walking towards rudra and Abeer when a voice from behind stopped her. Sameer rushed to her and started speaking in a low voice

   "Adhya I know what you must be thinking but please listen to me first then you can decide what you have to do "

    Adhya nodded yes, and let him continue.

  " I and rudra switched the partners because I saw Vicky coming towards you. Vicky Jaiswal is the son of the MLA of the ruling party, a famous Casanova of Shimla Many cases of rape and molestation are charged against him in court. I know he will ask you for dance and trust me it was not my place to refuse him. The only man who he is scared of and has the authority to say no to  dancing with you was rudra ."

  " Rudra did the right thing, as we already know that Vicky will have molested you. Which is not acceptable to us ., as you are now a family and dignity of our house too ."

 " And please remember this that rudra is very protective and too possessive of his family ."

 " Right now rudra is scolding Abeer for not taking care of you. That's all I have to say, now you can do whatever you feel like ." After finishing the lines Sameer returned to the hall.

     Tears brimmed in adhya's eyes he looked at rudra who was patting Abeer's back...How wrong she was in judging rudra's intentions, who was just saving her from coming miseries. Now she  knows why rudra is respected so much in this family

she just shook her head and left for the restroom to fix her makeup.

When adhya came back to the hall she found garima listening to a loud voice of a lady Cladded in heavy Banarasi saree and royal jewellery looking like in her fifties. Their talk was looking like she was scolding garima for something She started moving toward garima but her feet freeze when she heard the next line.

  " You find only a Punjabi girl for my Abeer that to from London haan, don't you worry about our traditions and culture. If you are too busy to find a suitable alliance for Abeer you should have told me, I should have found a Rajput girl for my dearest nephew

    Abeer entered the hall and rushed to Adhya ., he found Seema bua the only cousin sister of his father, was as usual scolding garima.

     Adhya said in an angry tone " why aunty is not saying anything to that lady "

 "   Shh! she is our aunt,  Mrs Seema Rawa my dad's only cousin sister. , But where is badimaa "?

  "  Now what will she do ?"

Abeer spotted gauri coming towards Seema, a wicked smile appeared on abeer's face. " Get ready to watch the show baby " he pulled Adhya by the waist which adhya smacked on his hand.

 "  Seema didi pranam, how are you, congrats to you as your dear nephew is going to get married in some days "gauri greeted Seema smilingly.

  " Gauri, I know garima is naive but what happen to you and rudra haan, how could you people accept this proposal. a Punjabi girl, I am terrified at the thought only that our daughter in law will roam in Shekhawat mansion wearing skirts and frocks.

       , "Hmmm garima also opposed this alliance but I convince her by giving an example of your family only as if we can have a Punjabi son-in-law in our family, then why not daughter in law .?"

     Seema's tongue got stuck in her mouth as her elder daughter also married a Punjabi boy. Gauri was talking about that only.

     Gauri knows very well how to handle this needle pe dehla marna aata hain usse, she believes in tit for tat. Garima didn't speak a word against Seema as she know that gauri is enough for Seema didi.

 " Adhya beta come here " gauri  switched the topic cleverly

  Adhya was already dumbstruck watching this side of gaurii.

  ,"  Meet our dearest and only sister-in-law Seema Rawat "

  Adhya touched her feet, she blessed her.

    "You know didi Abeer found a perfect girl for our family, as you can see she can handle frock and lehenga both gracefully and effortlessly .she is pretty

Hain na '

 " Hmm "Seema doesn't want more embarrassment for herself, she knows how gauri Shekhawat is.

Abeer and Rudra also greeted Seema who hugged them,rudra and Abeer was her favourite nephew as they are the only reminders of her dear brothers.

  Rudra and Abeer took her bua on the dance floor and the trio danced their heart out on bhangra music.

   Sameer took Adhya,drishti,garima and gauri to join them. All of them were enjoying their happy moment to the fullest without having any idea about what Strom is going to hit this family which will change everything means everything.

  After the party got over,abeer took adhya for a long drive as was leaving for London the next day with her family .adhya decided not to discuss the incident that happened at the party and enjoyed the drive with abeer.

" I will miss you abeer "

As abeer was going stay in Shimla only, for some more days for business.

" Miss you to love, but just a month more than we can be together forever" 

Abeer tried to cheer her up hugging her more into him.

' hmm'adhya hid her face more into his chest.

After some time abeer dropped adhya back at her hotel.


In Audra's bedroom, rudra was selecting some pics which can be printed tonight as he wants to gift them to the Khurrana family. The photographer send him all the pic while going through the photos .he stopped at one photo in which Adhya was dancing with him. A smile crept on his face looking at Adhya's pale face, she is a scared pigeon.

Rudra pov

From the very first meeting at the temple, Adhya never failed to amuse me. In temple she was surprised or I must say shocked to see me, it was clear from her face that she was not expecting me to be blessed with good looks .she literally scanned me from toe to head, so lost in checking me out that she even forgot to greet me. I understood very well that this girl has a   mirror-like face which is a good thing for others but not for her.

   The same day at lunch she was looking nervous which was obvious too as it was the decision of her life ., but when I declared about abeer's shifting to India. , She was upset .her face says it all. The next encounter with her was happened in the garden and swimming pool I point out one more thing about her, she doesn't have a filter in her mouth nor does she caress her surroundings When she poked her finger in my bicep to conform to my presence, I want to laugh at her antics the way she makes a run, मुर्गी की तरह दौड़ती हैं. ( She ran like a hen) .

    I didn't mind her rambling, but I know my brother very well he will not let her go so easily. So as I was expecting Abeer reached the office with Adhya. The way she said sorry to me was again a landmark she complimented my looks, and my eyes and even called me hot in her mind. But the most beautiful thing she did was her confession of love towards Abeer, it was direct from her heart so it meant to touch other's hearts too.

I laughed at the nickname I have given to her which she will never know.

When Sameer signalled me about Vicky I want to kill Vicky that time itself for eyeing the daughter in law of our house.

I don't want Vicky anywhere near adhya so I look for Abeer who was dancing with mom without even caring about his fiancee's whereabouts.

This is not something that I will appreciate, so I had to do something to save Adhya from that brat. Sameer understood what I signalled him with my eyes, he pinned Adhya towards me and I pinned Chachi at the same time.

    Chachi doesn't mind it but Adhya she was looking scared me at the same time .she must be thinking about my manners but I have to do it. When she found herself in my arms she flinched which I noticed. I tried my best to keep her comfortable but I lost it when Vicky ask her to dance and she was ready to give her hand to him to stop her I squeezed her palm with little force. Her palm will be bruised for sure there but I didn't want to hurt her.

   When she looked at me with her small eyes, I said no to her. Glad that she got what I signalled her. Vicky will never dare to oppose my statement so he left from there. I made the music stop and left the stage leaving surprised Adhya there.

   I want to scold Abeer for his carelessness I talked to him in the corner of the lobby and tried to make him understand his mistake. My little brother got my point and assure me that he will be careful from now on.

   I just want my family's happiness, today when I watched the blooming happy faces of maa, Chachi and Abeer I felt peace in my heart. I hope dad and chachu are not upset with me.

   One more thing that I was sure of is that Adhya will lf to be the perfect daughter in perfectly.

    Soon to be Mrs Adhya Abeer Shekhawat, a scared pigeon for me

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