

Ruby sighed, sitting on her bed. She had been packing her luggages since morning and it seemed like it was never ending. She never knew she had so much stuff. Yesterday after signing the contract with Luke, Gabriel had entertained them a little before they had bid bye. Ruby had been to her part time work places and resigned right away. It was kind of difficult to resign from her job at the departmental store that she used to work at. It was not a problem with the owner but the memories of breaking up with her then boyfriend, Adam in that place made it difficult for her. She had left the place with tears in her eyes. Within a span of a month, her life was turned upside down. One moment, she had a boyfriend whom she thought it was a serious relationship and the next moment she had broken up with him and signed up to become a surrogate and then she was carrying someone's child and now she was even moving in with him and had signed to become his pretend girlfriend.

“Uff… why the hell do you have so many things?” Mia said laying on the bed. She had come early in the morning to help Ruby to pack her things.

Ruby shook her head, “I have no idea why I have so many things. And I have no idea about my life either.”

Mia turned to face Ruby, “Why do you say that?” she asked.

Ruby forced a smile on her face, “Just.. just look at me. I am so reckless. I made decisions that brought more problems into my life.”

Mia interrupted Ruby, “Please don't say the baby is a problem.”

Ruby sighed heavily, making her shoulders steep down, “Ok, baby is not a problem. But that baby making decision has brought me problems.”

Mia sat up on the bed and held Ruby's hand, “Don't worry. Everything will get better. Isn't Luke helping you now? Just like that there will be a way for life.”

Ruby was not that convinced by Mia's words, “Until he inherits the company, I will be his girlfriend. After that what? Won't I have a life? Except for my baby.”

Mia clearly understood about Ruby's dilemma. She gave Ruby a light smile, “After Luke inherits the company, you will be a free bird. And you will be back in the market. I am sure by then you will have finished your studies and have a job. While Luke supports you financially, you can save up for a better life. You will find a man who will love you to death and you will get married and have more kids.”

Ruby could not help but chuckle lightly, “That kind of man who will accept me, an orphan, who brings no benefit to him and a baby of mine, is in the far distant world.”

Mia huffed, “You have become such a narrow minded person, Ruby. Don't overthink anything. And even if you don't find a man like that, chill, because I will be there for you. No matter what.”

Now, these words gave Ruby a warm feeling inside her heart. She immediately leaned forward and hugged Mia.

Mia chuckled and hugged Ruby back. She also rubbed and patted Ruby's back, so that it would soothe her negative thinking. The friends part from the hug.

“So, now, get back to packing,” Mia said and made Ruby get off the bed. They continue to pack Ruby's clothes.

“Do you think I should ask Luke for a few new dresses since I will be making appearances with him?” Ruby asked, as she folded one of her dresses.

Mia nodded her head, “If the need arises, I can guarantee that Luke is going to get you a whole new wardrobe.”

Ruby scoffed at that and got back to folding clothes. Mia stopped folding the clothes and turned to Ruby, “Tell me honestly, don't you think Luke is a nice man, contrary to what you thought about him when we first met him at the coffee shop?”

Ruby had thought about it and she had to agree with Mia's words. Because Luke was really being a gentleman with their present situation. It was like he was a whole different person. He seemed nothing like was when they first met.

Ruby nodded her head in agreement, “I think so. But who knows? He is being nice only because he has benefited from this proposition.”

Mia could not argue with that. Because it was the truth that she could not deny. “Yeah… that also matters. But I still think Luke and Gabriel have a soft side.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. We will know in the future since we will be meeting frequently,” Ruby said.

They go silent for a few minutes, before Ruby spoke again, “Gabriel is also rich right. His house and cars itself spoke tons of it.”

When Ruby and Mia had visited Gabriel's house during the signing of contract, he had given them a house tour. And my, my, Ruby and Mia felt like they were in some kind of summer palace of a king. Everything in that place reeked of richness and luxury.

Mia suddenly became alert since she heard Gabriel's name, “Yeah, he is rich. He is the only son of the Moretti family. He has only girls as cousins. So he is bound to inherit the company anyway.”

Ruby laughed at Mia's words, “You have googled him. Haven't you?”

Mia silently slipped away from the place to check other things. Ruby shook her head, knowing her friend too well. Mia was a curious creature. Of course, she would have googled Gabriel.

By evening, everything was set. Mia stayed back until Luke picked up Ruby. Suddenly, they heard a car horn sound. Mia peeped out of the window and saw Luke getting out of his expensive car and walking towards Ruby's apartment.

“He is here,” Mia said. Ruby jumped out of nervousness. She was nervous for a reason. She had been living on her own for some years now and she has never lived with a man. Not even with her ex boyfriend, Adam. And he never liked to stay at her place. And now, ruby knew the reason why.

Mia opened the door for Luke and they exchanged smiles.

“All set?” He asked Ruby. She bit her lip before nodding her head, “Yeah, all set.”

Luke smiled at her, which only said that he was as nervous as she was. He was no different from Ruby. He has been living on his own for a few years. And now, he has to share his apartment with a person, who is also a girl that is apparently carrying his child.

“Let us get on the road soon. It is already late,” he said to Ruby. She managed to nod her head and grab her hand bag. Luke was a gentleman and carried her luggages to his car. Ruby was glad that Luke did not comment anything about her living conditions or her small apartment.

Ruby bids bye to Mia and promises to meet her soon. Luke and Ruby take off to his place soon after.

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