
4: The Enslaved King


Joseph Kaine banged the door to the conference room closed behind him. He fumed as he walked in, courtesy of my sudden summon. I had just distracted him from having his way with the new breeder he acquired under our father's name.

"Kaloyan! What in the fuck's name is this about?"

Nothing. I had summoned him too early because I felt the need to protect Cara from his cruel hands. My brother was getting worse by the day. He was becoming a monster I couldn't recognise.

"You have forgotten what day it is."

Joseph looked around him in thought. He focused his eyes on the view outside the window, realising we had a family tradition of burying the deceased one day after.

"Oh," he simply said, plopping himself down on the chair at the head of the long table.

"Try speaking it with your mouth, Joseph. It's father's burial." I shook my head, wearing a look of disgust. "You know what? Forget it. I had hoped I would find remorse in your eyes, at least."

"Someone's cheerful this morning."

I flashed a fake smile before thinning my lips. "His lawyer will be here to read the will soon."

Joseph laughed arrogantly, and the sound sparked a rage undefined inside me. He was truly a monster. Sometimes, I wondered how we had the same blood running through our veins.

"And you are sitted here because?"

I ground my teeth together. "In case you have forgotten, I'm a Kaine just like you. Your blood."

Joseph gestured for the maid standing behind his chair to fetch him something. She returned seconds later with a white powdered substance. I had to grip my thigh so hard my claws tore through the seams to avoid bursting out in rage.

He snuffed the cocaine and said, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. We are brothers, but we are two different people, Kal, and I'm very sure Father would realise that in his will."

"The same father you sent your pyscho personal assistant to kill?" I growled.

Joseph paused. His hand shook before he could hide it underneath the table. I could read fear in his eyes because no one except me knew about that truth. But I didn't have to see the situation to know Cara was framed. Blood knew blood.

"Everyone! Leave us."

I sat back in my chair as the guards and servants exited the conference room. The sound of the door closing echoed after them. We were alone, and Joseph's expression looked like it was made of rock.

"No matter what you think, you will never be funny to me, Kal. Now, stop playing games—"

"You are the only one who's had the luxury of playing games since day one! Jane killed Father and framed the breeder for it. How sick, Joseph? God..."

Joseph lost it. He shot to his feet and paced for a second. Suddenly, he threw his hands in the air and yelled. "He was old. He was always going to die because of his sickness anyway. I just made it happen quicker!"

I remained silent. The skin underneath my eye twitched. We weren't close with our father because he had a lot of duties to preside over, but after our mother died, he was the only one Joseph and I had left. Now, my brother's selfishness had turned us into orphans too soon.

"You are a fool."

"And you are weak." Joseph tugged at the buttons of his white dress shirt, unfastening a few. "Just like he was."

The lawyer came in on cue, stopping what was about to progress into a brawl. Mr. Evan took his seat and dropped his suitcase on the table.

"I don't need to hear any clauses. Just go straight to the point. How did he share it?" Joseph fired invisible canon balls at the man through his tone of voice.

Mr. Evan cleared his throat and said, "Equally, Mr. Kaine."

My brother seethed. "It's Master to you."

The news that I would get a share out of Father's assets annoyed him greatly. He was older by a year, but that didn't stop father from treating us equally. It stamped a small smile on my face.

"Of course, Master Kaine, your father thought so, too."

"What?" He narrowed his eyes, clawing at the wooden table.

Mr. Evan had managed to throw Joseph off his lane all by himself, and I was proud. Someone had put him in his place for once.

"Edward Kaine gave you the title of the Kaine household’s master. His lands and many servants now belong to you."

My brother almost vomited breakfast at the shock coming his way. "Only?! What about the fucking throne, Mr. Evan?"

The lawyer looked at me. "That belongs to Kaloyan. He is the next Lycan King that would be sworn in as we speak."

"No! I will never accept it!" Joseph slammed his hands on the table, glowering at me.

"Kaloyan was also given the ownership of Kaine group and its subsidiaries."

I was in shock as well. I didn't think my father thought this highly of me to even pass down the family business to his youngest. All of this was too good to be true.

"Mr. Evan, I accept my father's will."

The lawyer nodded. He stood, ignoring Joseph and coming around to where I sat. He bowed before me, his king, offering me the royal seal.

I took it in awe. Meanwhile, Joseph stormed out of the room after breaking his wooden seat to pieces. My crowning as Lycan king of Eastmoon would happen now. Mr. Evan led the way.

But before I left, I offered Cara some help because without me here, she would die in Joseph's hands before she could even be useful.

I was crowned King at the Eastmoon palace after my father had been buried in our home. People in the city and across the globe turned up for my coronation, even though it happened too soon.

My coronation as the Lycan King happened separately, when all humans had left the event. The Eastmoon pack was all mine. Something I had never dreamt of.

After it was over, I was taking off my special clothes in my bedroom after dismissing the servant whose job it was. Joseph came in unannounced.

I didn't turn to ask. "What do you want, Master Kaine?"

"I wanted to remind you just in case you forgot," he said, walking up to where I stood by the mirror.

I stopped working the buttons of my shirt free. Joseph placed his hands in his pocket and turned the tables around with his words.

"Father may have crowned you the Lycan king of this city and our pack, but I own you, Kaloyan Kaine. You will never be free of me, except in death!"

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