
CHAPTER 5: Weird

Back at the Wolfsong Dominion Pack

Cassius’s POV

My father told me he had once made this kind of decision, and the consequences led to the death of my mother during an attack by a rival pack because she was weak and couldn’t defend herself.

I didn’t listen to my father; I forsake my crown so I could be with Callista.

A string of betrayals pierced my heart as I learned that the wimpy Omega, with whom I was in forbidden love, poisoned my sister and even dared to cheat on me.

Damn! It's so annoying. I rejected my mate for her, and all she could do was betray me.

I don't know why I stoop so low for that useless late bloomer.

Anyway, it’s fine now; she has gotten a taste of her own medicine.

I hope she doesn't rest in peace.

It's been three days since the death of Imogen; my father is still mourning her, and he is very angry with me. I need to get on his good side. I thought for a while, and then an idea struck my mind.

“Father, I am sorry for disobeying you.” I bowed my head, with my face glued to the floor. I immediately found him sitting on a fur-covered couch in the pack house.

“I have regretted my actions, and I am ready to do as you wish, Alpha." I pleaded with my father.

No one in our pack would pray to witness the Alpha's wrath. He is a ruthless old man in his fifties.

“Son, get up!” He raised my shoulders with both of his hands and stared directly into my eyes. “I don’t want the past mistake to repeat itself; as you know, the pack’s safety is the first thing we need to consider." His golden brown eyes bore into mine as he spoke. “The deed has been done; go back to your fated mate; the position of the Alpha is yours once you do that."

The Alpha has vowed that he won't step down for me as the next Alpha if I refuse to do as he wishes.

"Okay, father," I said, bowed my head, and left the pack house.

As I turned towards the entrance of the pack house, the familiar scent filled my nostrils; it was sweet and calming. It is no one other than Selene Orion, my fated mate.

I regretted rejecting her, even though I don’t love her. I miss Callista, and I wish to spend the rest of my life with her. Pfft! Why am I even thinking of her?. She is fu*king dead.

“Hey! What are you doing here?” I sounded harsh.

“Why do you care?” She rolled her eyes disdainfully at me as if I were a petulant child.

I could feel that her wolf wanted to jump on me as soon as she set her eyes on me, but she held it back, which made her wolf retract far back in her mind dejectedly.

“I know you love me; why are you being so stubborn?”

“Says Who?” She retorted calmly with a raised brow.

“Says me, your fated mate.” I chuckled slightly with a smirk.

“Ohh,” her mouth forming an 'O' shape. “Now you know I am your fated mate?” she asked, not moving with my flatter.

I crossed my hands on my chest. "But I never said you weren't.”

“Eww!, just save me all of these dramas''she hissed, trying to walk out on me, but before she could move far, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer to my chest level.

Without warning, I raised her head and parted her lips, surging upward to kiss. We stood there for a few seconds, and the sparks between us became stronger. I could feel her wolf growling happily, but mine wasn't.

“Will you be my Luna?” I asked as soon as I withdrew my lips from hers.

Her eyes widened with excitement, showing a broad smile on her face.

“Tell me you are joking,” she pressed excitedly.

“You know I'm not."


"Yes," I replied.

“You are so sweet, baby,” she cooed dramatically, giving me a tight embrace.

“I know I'm always sweet." I grinned softly.

“Hmm, don't tell me you are blushing.” Her lips pouted as she raised her head to look me in the eyes. Her hazel, monolid-shaped eyes bore into mine, still holding me tightly.

I could feel the spark between us. Her wolf is humming excitedly, but mine isn’t. I don't know why Chase, my wolf, seems so mute.

“Do you feel that?"

“Yes, I guessed she was happy,” she responded blushingly, referring to her wolf.

“Do you mind if we have some time together?”

She giggled “Sure, I don't mind,” she pouted.


I took her hands in mine as we walked past some pack members who were seated near their fireplace. They all stare in admiration.

We walked through a winding pathway, leading to a secluded lake with towering pines and moss-covered stones around. After a few minutes, we got to our destination.

We climbed up a rock not very far from the lake and sat on it with our two knees brought closer to our chests as we wrapped our hands around our legs.

The rock is the only place free of towering trees in the woods. The pack members would come there whenever there was anyone among them who wanted to have his or her first shift because the moon shone directly on the rock; maybe that is where the moon goddess has chosen.

I remember vividly when Callista was not able to shift on the first full-bloom moon of her thirteenth birthday. It was so embarrassing, she felt hurt. I have been a shoulder for her to cry on, and we have been secretly seeing each other.

“What are you thinking?” Selene quizzed me as soon as she noticed I was far gone in my thoughts.

I took a deep breath and scooped her closer to my body with one of my hands. “I’m here for you, baby,” I replied with a grin as she rested her head on my shoulder.

“I have been wanting to ask,” she paused and raised her head to look into my eyes, “why did you pick that ugly smut over me?” Her brow was raised with jealousy.

I smirked slightly. “At least she is dead now,” I answered.

She giggled. “Yeah, now I can have you all to myself,” she said, heaving a sigh of relief.

“Our mating ceremony will be in a few days."

She raised her brow. “Isn’t this getting too fast?"

“No, that’s what the Alpha wants, and so I can take his position as the next Alpha, or don’t you want to be the next Luna?"

“Hun! Why not?” She cooed dramatically. “Everything you decide is fine with me, okay?"

“I’m not sure if I like our mate." Chase, my wolf, growled.

“Why?” I mind-linked Chase.

“She is weird."

“Even if she is, she is still our mate, okay?” I responded to Chase, defending Selene.

My reply made Chase retract far back in my mind; I felt he wasn't happy with our mate. Aren’t wolves meant to be happy with their mate? I think the reverse is the case with Chase and Selene, but with time, they would learn to live with each other.

“Where have you been?” Alpha Damian mind-linked me.

"I'm out in the woods with Selene,” I answered.

“Your attention is needed urgently; Dahlia wants to have a word,” he uttered back, mind-linking.

“Okay, on my way.”

“What’s that?” Selene asked curiously, and after observing, I was dead silent for a few minutes.

“The Alpha wants me home, now."

“Is it that urgent?"

“It’s Dahlia”

“Dahlia?” She seemed shocked upon hearing the name; her eyes squinted nervously. I couldn’t read her mind, but I felt she was nervous.

“Are you sure you are okay?”

"Yeah, I'm fine; let’s go."

“I told you she was weird,” Chase mind-linked. I didn’t reply to Chase.

I scampered out of the woods, dragging Selene behind me, straight down to the pack house, where I found Alpha Damian sitting on his fur-covered couch.

“Go check in the cell.” Alpha Damina raised his voice as soon as I entered the pack house. I felt he was a bit angry.

"Okay, Father,” I responded, and I left.

On getting to the cell where I asked the warriors to lock Dahlia up, I was shocked to the marrow with what I found.

Damn it!

Dahlia was lying lifeless on the cold floor.

She had been murdered.

How come?

Who might have access to the pack cell?

Who killed Dahlia?

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