
asking for a death wish

Rise of the Bullied Lycan


Chapter 7: asking for a death wish


Ford, dazed by sheer horniness and lack of concern for his safety, licked his lips and pressed his ass to Dallas’s cock letting the phallic member slip in between his soaked cheeks.

His glide up made the the bulbous tip catch his hole, and he pressed inward, forcible stretching his hole to accommodate the girth and sucking the cock in by its own greedy demand. In one slow, surprising go he seated back just enough to feel the cock brush his prostate and began fucking himself on it.

Raze was wrong. Raze didn’t know what Ford was thinking. Raze couldn’t help. Raze wouldn’t understand.

Dallas let out a surprised moan,“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” His hole squelched between them and Ford felt no resistance by the hands on his ass.

He rolled his hips back. And that in itself could’ve been a death wish but Ford’s shivering body couldn’t take it anymore.

The small amount of friction had already made the omega croon with broken praises, spoken to himself mostly but the sound of Ford’s“ah~ ah~ ah~” should be music to the alpha’s ears.

A guttural sound was released and Dallas snapped his hips foreword, punching the air from Ford’s lungs. The alpha stuttered, no, shook at the maddening heat of the omegas squelching hole.

Ford could nearly tell Dallas was trying to hold back, trying to get a hold of himself, but instead the alpha began to pound into him mindlessly. The taller slid his right hand around to Ford’s stomach, yanking him back flush against him. His left hand scrambled to his shoulder, grip tight, firm enough to cause bruises.

Dallas had been reduced to guttural groans in a matter of seconds, sounding off in Ford’s ear and stirring satisfaction where the once was none.

It was rough.



Brutal the way Dallas bucked his hips, length hitting places inside him that he didn’t know existed. The alpha was unforgiving with his treatment to Ford. No part of his grip, his stiff arm around the smaller and panting breath were gentle.

Dallas almost seemed frustrated. Irritated. Aggravated. He drew blood where his fingers lay, claws out and proud, dragging themselves across pale skin, meeting scratches from before in minimalistic patterns.

Ones that could tell stories if they could speak.

All of the sensations Ford didn’t know he was missing out on arose throughout him, firstly forcing out his first orgasm, pleasure wracking him. He wailed but Dallas didn’t falter his movements to accommodate the smaller.

Ford’s body felt exhausted but he was running on pure instinct right now because Dallas’s aroma of arousal was the only thing his omega could focus on. He needed to make sure the alpha got all he wanted. All he needed. Ford needed to be a good omega. Another orgasm caught him off guard.

He then felt Ford’s chest huff and he tilted his head to look at him. The alpha’s hair was stuck to his cheekbones, eye’s squeezed shut so his only focus was on fucking Ford’s hole. Another jagged growl was released and then Dallas bit deep into Ford’s shoulder, about an inch away from his gland, blood pouring down him in rivulet’s.

Ford let out a soundless scream, feeling the catch of Dallas’s knot on his rim. But the alpha didn’t let it happen, pulling out but keeping his dick pressed to his entrance so he wouldn’t be stuck but could still cum inside the smaller. The foreign feeling of his cum painting the inside of his walls made Ford want to thrash around, his head doing so, but his cloud of lust told him to stay put.

When Dallas opened his eyes they immediately made eye contact and the alpha sneered as he ripped his teeth from the flesh. Dallas replaced his dick with his finger’s collecting some cum before pushing Ford into his knee’s. He grabbed the grey-haired boys chin to make him look up and shoved the cum coated finger’s into his mouth almost making Ford choke.

“You like that taste bitch?” He wiped the rest of the cum down Ford’s face before shoving him away. “Don’t get fucking used to it. I feel disgusting now. I need to go take a proper shower to get the smell of slut off me.” That was all he said before he gathered his belongings and left Ford on the floor in an ice-cold spray of water.

It was so quick. And Ford didn’t really know what just happened. Seconds pass and he reached up to turn off the shower, eerie silence ringing his ears as Ford gradually became aware of his situation, sex daze gone.


Ford lay in his bed two days later. His mind swirled with the memory of what happened to him like he was reliving it. A select few words were constantly flashing in his mind: ‘not a Virgin, Dallas Oaks took it, you let him.’ But Ford was out of it. Deep down, he really knew that if he actually didn’t want it, it probably wouldn’t have happened.

But Ford could only think about how lonely he felt, sitting on the concrete floor, small streams of blood set and drying on his skin from rough treatment, and the alpha didn’t care. He left Ford sitting there sensitive, used, confused. Shaking by the aftershocks of his sense’s all over the place. Body not wanting to work properly as he dragged the rest of his dignity back to his room sleep it off.

He was drenched in the alpha’s scent, completely coated and could’ve been mistaken as property if the situation called for it. Ford looked like he’d gotten into a filthy fight, bruises and scratches littered on his skin, stark contrast to his flesh. The bite mark was tender, it would take a while to heal.

He lay there, curled underneath his blankets, Dallas’s scarf shamefully laying on his pillow.

Ford whined, “Raze, why did I do this to myself?”

‘Ford, it is not your fault. Do not blame yourself for something that is out of your control.’

“Bu-but I-“

I know.

Ford’s omega wanted Dallas. Everyone wanted Dallas.

He was the ideal alpha: Strong, good genetics, handsome, his presence could silence a room and for all Ford knew the younger could be smarter than him.

Ford groaned and curled in tighter, gasping when one of the cuts seemed to open as his body moved.

Sleep more. Your heat is approaching within the next week. You must rest.

The grey-haired boy didn’t disagree, eye’s slow shutting on their own. Ford drifted off on the spot.

Rain. It sounded like it was pounding around him, ears ringing. Ford gasped awake attempting to sit up in place in one go. His hair was drenched and he could barely see, darkness around, brisk air tickles his skin. Ford was outside.

He could smell the blood of someone- no- two.. three.. four.. “Raze.. what-“ his voice caught, he gagged, puking up leftovers of Raze’s rampage. He wiped the blood from his lips with the back of his hand forcing himself to stand up.

His body felt hotter, more alive, he peered down at himself with Raze’s vision. He could barely find parts of himself that weren’t painted red, God, he looks debauched. But Ford was used to it, so he looked around, searching for what piece of clothing Raze had decided to bring with him. He sniffed, head snapping to the side, tilting as the scents around spun like music notes in a symphony. He leaned down, scaling the grass around him.

Rain. Too much of it, not the pouring rain.. but the alpha’s scent. He began shoving leaves away as the smell got stronger, worry flaring in the pit of his stomach.

Ford scrambled “no.. no-NO!” He was shaking, there was no way Raze would do this, he couldn’t have he- Ford saw a shirt.

Black as the one Dallas wore in the library.

His scent was all over it.

He picked it up and inspected the fabric. It was in good condition, no rips or tears, dirt was bunched in the fabric but that didn’t matter.

“Raze, you didn’t..”

‘He was not touched.’

”Then how do you have this?”

‘Tore into his locker.’

“Raze! Why didn’t you just take some of my clothes?” Ford felt out of breath, heart trying to calm down after his near heart attack.

‘You prefer his scent, do you not?’

”No!-I mean, yes! But you can’t steal people’s things! What do you think he’s gonna do if he can’t find his shirt.”

‘Does not matter what he does. If he is not busy mating you then he should be dead otherwise.’

Ford blushed deeply. He shook his head.

They didn’t mate, they didn’t even make love, they fucked. Or, Dallas fucked him.

The thought made his lower tummy tingle and he pressed his legs together. God he loved the alpha’s cock. The whole experience had turned out better than he thought it would. But those were thoughts for another time.




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