
She's here


I am working on the payroll when a knock on my office door gets my attention. "Come in." The door opens, and it is like time stops.

"Mate, that's her. She's here. Run to her, touch her, sniff her, we need her." I can hear the urgency in my wolf’s voice. “Get up and go to her. I need her to be mine! Move human! That's our mate. Push her onto the desk so we can mark her.” He sounds excited. We both have wanted to meet our mate for a long time, and now she's here.

"Calm down. She’s human; we will freak her out if we pounce on her. Plus, you heard Rachel; she's had a hard life. It might be best if we stay out of the drama. I think we have been through enough."

"No! The moon goddess mated her to us. Her body, her mind, and her soul, all designed for us. Maybe she had to go through that life so she could be ready for us."

I watch her. As she walks towards me, and I push myself closer to my desk. It will not make a good impression if she sees how turned on I am by looking at her.

"Hi, I
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goodnovel comment avatar
Deniece Smith
being submissive is not a problem ,if you're interested in it.
goodnovel comment avatar
Kristy Skaggs
I really liked the story until it got to the submissive stuff.. I think without that the story line was really good In the begging.. not my thing but whatever floats your boat. I was really getting interested 🙁
goodnovel comment avatar
Sebrina White
Owen and his fantasies!! Holy hot damn!! Mel has her work cut out for!

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