

Barbara Hampton sneezed loudly while lying down, she was thinking of what had happened between her and the strange man. Ah chu! She sneezed again wiping her nose with a tissue. She was in a long flowered night gown and was wrapped in a very thick coverlet, sitting up on her bed and soft pillow behind her back to support her. Her long blonde hair had been blown dried yet she still felt cold. Her nose and ears red from cold, even though the heater was in good condition. "Let me check your temperature" her mother muttered as she raised Barbara’s arm and placed the thermometer under her arm. The thermometer dinged as the red digital number on the small screen read Thirty-eight point six. She felt disturbed at the figure. "Here, drink this", Natalie Hampton fed her some tea. Barbara sipped gently, she was very weak. "Now Lie down and get some rest” she helped her daughter lye carefully on the bed. “I will be back with medicine" Barbara nodded while she stroked her hair before walking out.

Ah chu! She sneezed again, took another tissue from the bed stand to wipe her nose. She was pulling the comforter to her neck, about to lie down when her father walked into the room with a tray of food. "Have some porridge” he smiled at his daughter.

"No!" Barbara whined. Pulling the blanket to her head. "Dad you know I don't like porridge" she said weakly. "You haven't eaten anything all night, you have to eat something before taking your drug" he dropped the tray close to her and stroked her hair. Me. Hilary Hampton loved his daughter dearly and was not happy that she was sick. Just have a little, he tried to persuade her while bringing the spoon close to her mouth.

"I have taken some tea." She muttered while pulling the blanket to cover her head completely. That should do, she tried to convince her father.." "No, it won't. You have to take something that will hold your tummy" Hilary uttered, trying to remove the coverlet from her head. She held onto the bedcover tightly refusing to let it go. "I am not hungry."

"See how she has become so pale; she cannot even eat anything" Her mother sobbed as she walked into the room. Turning to face her husband with a piercing look, "And this is all your fault. How could you send our daughter out so late at night? You sent your only child to jump in front of the young Alpha of the Nightwalker pack on a freeway just because you wanted to prove a point, in such heavy downpour!" She exclaimed. "What if she was hit by the car"? What would we have done, what?....

"How was I supposed to know it was going to rain cat and dog." He interrupted her. "Do you think I wanted this to happen? Do you really think I would deliberately send out my only daughter out in such heavy rain”? He continued.

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