
How my thoughts got entangled in a magnetic field?

Hurt by the wind, I ask for strength to the floor. I am witnessing death which I don't deserve. I know.

Light in the magnetic field. I am still determining what the impact is. Light can be dispersed or concentrated to a point by a magnetic field. Sound, too, is impacted by the magnetic field. I would think so. There is not much sound in my room. Light seems to control the floor. It may be natural or due to the strong magnetic field in my lab. In the region where I stood, there was a substantial magnetic pull on my body. The frog hops a few millimetres less in my lab than he dies outside. What is interesting to me is that I have started eating less since the time I introduced this giant magnet here, but nonetheless, I feel more energetic.

My brain works at an altogether different wavelength after this magnet is there in my lab space. Am I attributing everything around me to a magnetic pull? But then everything else has stayed the same in the past few days. I even felt that the storm that hit the city failed to hit me here because this magnetic field was repelled all the more elsewhere. Or did I cause the storm to happen in the first place? No, my experiments on a death cure are still far from success, I know. I repeat my inclination to understand the magnetic field around me that richly holds me.

What I don't understand is, am I understanding? Is there a ghost supporting my intellect from behind? Could she be Amy after being dead? But my experiments have started giving sound speculations after her death. Can ghosts really help or deter human thinking? Ghosts are the remaining energies left out after complete bodily death. If it's energy and it's free. If it has no body. It can go for free anywhere. No one has ever before talked to ghosts in a scientific lab. Ghosts never so openly supported scientific understanding and research. But what if they are doing so now? The past happenings need not always be in conformity with the present. That's the reason I repeated every science experiment in my lab. But why will ghosts so exhaustively support my cause? Why will ghosts open unreachable records for me? I am a substitute for none other in research around the world. Why am I being helped by ghosts? Why me? Why so?

The magnetic field was enhanced in my lab when I dropped some water on my magnet. Does the magnetic field of the earth also become stronger during the rainy season? Is it also so that underground water is a must for a strong magnetic field? Earlier, we didn't, but with scientific innovations, we are quickly exhausting underground water. Will this reduce the magnetic field? Just as my lab's magnetic pull didn't let storms affect me more, so will a reduced magnetic field cause more storms or hurricanes in a region. Is the lack of underground water the cause of all this? Nature usually does what is missing. Does this signify the reason why there is heavy rain during the storm? Lack of water underground results in the lowering of the earth's magnetic field. Due to less water to strengthen the earth's magnetic components underneath. Lack of the right level of magnetic field is resulting in storms and hurricanes. Nature takes it all as a lack of water and causes massive rainfall, resulting in floods. Could this theory be the cause of hurricanes? But wait, why do I do this research? For me to live forever, I will need a good environment, too. What if I fix a huge magnetic ball on my triangular ceiling? Then, there should be no storms, hurricanes, or floods around me.

Remembering Amy, I end this talk on a polite note of possibility. Anything impossible can always change in its possibility. I don't give up differences in race, colour, or creed, for the storm in anyone's life is not worth a repeat. To be adjustable in rhythm. I am not at peace with myself. This thing hurts me less than the thought of the death of all my loved ones. Why do we lose people to death? If it is correct, then why aren't others fighting with me against the death rule? An acceptable loss is all that stands in mind. How can a failure be so good? Then, it is pervasive, spreading everywhere. Still, no one rejects this loss like me. Why? Why am I alone facing this storm of no-cure death as a misfit? Why don't others reject it? Why don't others feel the depth of it? Why don't we question nature, which is allowing for this loss?

I have passed my study time. I am still into books. There is no mention in any ancient book of how scientists worked hard thousands of years ago to fight death. As if fighting with death was never a reality of any lab way back in the far, far past. But why so? Why? Why do they never question the atrocities of nature we live in? Why is every loss or rule by nature acceptable without attempts to make things better?

I am hurt by the storm within. The magnetic field seems to need fixing at that. Hey! What do I see? As I came really close to the high source of the magnetic field, my thoughts of negativity came out of my mind. I discovered something in this misfit. When I was standing at a distance from the magnet, I had mainly negative thoughts about life and death. I had a lot of aggressive moods. When I moved closer to the magnet by walking slowly, my negative thoughts started disappearing. The intensity of negative thoughts in my mind indeed declined. And as I stood a bit near the magnet, I felt very happy. I am happy with the thought that I have the facility, health and a little money to work on research and defeat death. Wow! Isn't this a fantastic thing about this huge magnet?

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