
Chapter 2: The Taste of her Scent Part 2


I shifted myself in the car; every bump in the road making one or another of the injuries sting or bring back the pain. I was tired, the drugs they gave me to help cope the healing process worked well, but they made me feel like I could sleep for days.

"Alpha, we've arrived. The guards at the front say there is no one, except a human far on the other side."

"Let's just get this over with," I said as I frown.

Peyton was Alexei's son; or Alex as I call him, and he was the most painful loss in last night's battle. The stubborn pup wanted to help, but he should have listened to his father when he told him to stay back with the rest of the pack. When Agape, the wife of the rogue's alpha, found him barking at them, she smirked an evil soulless smile just before she snarled at him and in a matter of seconds, broke his neck with her maw. That bitch was going to get what was coming to her and her pack.

Alex hadn't say a word since we heard that last quick cry, just before his life ended, we ran towards him and found him lifeless in the ground. At least this time she left him almost complete for us to find, there had been other times where she would eat a part of them and then leave the remains at different locations. How did the Goddess allow such a heartless woman exist was beyond me. But I gave my word to Alex that we would find her and all her pack, and banish them.

The trip to Cara's hometown was only to lay his remains on their family's pantheon, a small private Crypt inside the city's cemetery. I wanted to get that done before I focused on going back to start tracking down the rogues. They had increased their numbers over the last couple of years, and since Cornelius assumed command as their alpha, in hand with Agape, they became a huge threat. They wanted to take a territory for themselves, and they wanted it done yesterday. Cornelius was already leading a pack, but the rogues joined him and made him a powerful adversary.

The cars stopped, our guards went out to look around before they gave me the signal. Everything in my body hurt, the wolfsbane slowed my body's natural healing process, but I wanted to avoid a new confrontation so soon, and at such a solemn hour.

I saw Alex coming out before the guards gave their safe signal, they tried to stop him but couldn't. His pain felt close, the pup was only 18 human years old and was a promising warrior.

I heard thunder approaching, the Goddess was showing her sympathies towards us by giving us a gray day. I sighed and decided to come out to be with my beta, he hadn't even let his mate touch him in all this time.

As soon as I opened the door of the car, something invisible hit me. I couldn't come to what it was nor understand what was happening to me. It smell like wood and something sweet, triggering a primal effect on me. Was there a cherry tree near us? I stood up too fast, my head spun slightly, yet I quickly pushed that away. I looked around, searching for any flowery tree but finding none. The place was surrounded by green and gray. I stumbled on my feet as I walked towards Alex and I felt my body shudder. I get a hold of his arm, squeezing it tight enough to bring his confused gaze up to me.

"Alpha?" He whispered to me. His first words ever after his son's last breath.

He caught my frenzy stance, I was desperate, my heart pounding fast and hard, I thought the drugs were taking a toll on me at first, but this was something else; I knew it.

He shook my shoulder, visibly worried now, and looked around searching for a threat. I swallowed hard, only to find my mouth tasting the scent my body was now craving. The guards started to look around and held their guns ready to shoot.

I focused all my strength and took a deep sniff, my head snapped towards a group of gray stones. Could it be? I saw only stones and grass, then on one of the farthest rows, there were colorful flowers resting. No, I was not smelling those roses, it was something else.

I was already walking towards the far location, and only when I am halfway to reach it, I slowed down and noticed my guards following close, trying to understand my behavior. I saw a blanket with someone laying atop. I closed my eyes, not stopping my approach, and sniff the air again. My wolf howled inside me, and I struggled to keep myself from shifting. Was she our mate?

I slowed down even more as we were getting closer, her body laid on a blanket without moving. I held my breath, I couldn't take another sniff, it was driving my wolf and me crazy. Her intoxicating scent was mixed with alcohol, and I prayed the Goddess that I had not arrived late to a possible suicidal attempt.

I held my hand up and make my men stop; I gave a few more steps, and the rain started falling. I sensed her slow pulse and sighed with relief. I rushed closer as I saw she was not moving. When I saw her face, I felt mesmerized. I knew she had just been crying herself to sleep. I looked around and saw only one other car, an old pickup truck besides ours, which should be hers. I felt the rain begin to crash down over my shoulders and got worried when I saw she wasn't moving. I had to protect her, I had to keep her safe. My wolf agreed.

I signaled my men to get closer and gather her stuff. I kneeled next to her and felt drawn to her in a way I just couldn't explain. She was our mate, there was no way I could return to my village immediately, as I had planned.

I slid my arms under her and lifted her effortlessly, blanket included. I looked around to see Alex arrive behind my men and he saws what I was doing. I couldn't explain to him, but a small smile neared the corner of his lips as he saw me cradling her in my arms protectively. He nodded to me, and I rushed her to our car. I made sure she was comfortable and safe before I walked out to my beta and friend.

We stood under the rain while the small casket containing Peyton's remains sank in the ground. It only had his belongings; his clothes, and toys. Back home, just after the fight was over, we burned his remains to set his soul free to join the Goddess. This part was what we got used to doing while we kept our identities hidden in the human world.

I tried my best to keep calm and steady, while Peyton's mother, Cara, said sweet words about her son. In truth, my wolf was pacing back and forth, already wanting to get back to our mate. After centuries, we'd finally found her.

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