
Chapter 10

Two weeks have passed and our situation has worsened. Most of the time when I woke up in the morning, he's gone to work. And if he comebacks home, I had already fallen asleep.

I sat in the dining to have my breakfast and I felt lonely. I barely touched my food coz I have no appetite. I thought being with him under one roof is a dream come true, but why I felt differently? It isn't what I imagined. What am I really to him? I recalled those kisses we shared intimately, I felt there's something in it like love, lust, and affection. Or I just assumed things the way I wanted them?

"No man is too busy for someone he loves, don’t be a fool!” my thoughts mocked me.

I got bored at home that I decided to call my brother Andrew to have some lunch out. Thankfully, he agreed and that made me happy a bit.

We were sitting in a nearby restaurant and it felt so nice to have someone to talk to. “What are your plans now?" he questioned while waiting for the food to arrive. "Will you start to work?” he raised his brows.

"I haven't talked to Chad about it," I replied. I told him that for sure I will be working because it's so boring being left alone in his house. "It's about time to help in the business," he said. I nodded because in that way Chadrick and I could spend more time at work.

Our food was served and we started to eat. "When you're happy you can't stop talking but seems you can't say a word right now," he spoke and I could tell that he sensed something was wrong with me.

I didn't want to get emotional in front of him so I just beamed "I'm alright," I motioned a thumbs up. “You know you can count on me right?” he looked me intently in the eyes. I nodded and smiled widely though I'm not really happy.

“If anything doesn’t feel right you can call and talk to me anytime, anywhere,” he added. “I know, thank you” I replied but melancholy was visible on my face. 

I forced myself to eat my food though I have no appetite. I felt worried that if Andrew will continue to talk, my tears will fall non-stop. I didn't want him to see me weak because I'm a grown-up. He annoys me most of the time but still, he's nice and sensible depending on the matter. I called him my sweetest bully kind of a brother. 

Andrew drove me to my new home and before I could open the door of his car, "Whatever happens, I will always be here for you," he held my hand. "Thank you," I mouthed. I moved out of the car because I felt my tears were starting to swell. I didn't want to cry in front of him.

When I entered the house, I went directly to my room. I was surprised because there's a lot of stuff inside. I asked Mona about those and she said they were made delivered by Chad. I requested her to organize them in my closet and she was fast. I saw those lovely dresses customized by some well-known fashion designers around the world and there were paper bags with shoes and bags with them. I felt delighted that he really knew I loved all of those luxuries.

Because of his sudden gesture, "Grateful for the gifts," I sent him a message. I asked him if he's coming for dinner and he said he is and that we need to talk. I told him I will wait for him at 8.  I dropped the call and sat on the couch full of smiles and giggles. I felt like I was back to my high-spirited self. "So sweet of him," I thought. Maybe he was making up for all the days that he wasn't able to accompany me.

I requested Mona to cook some of Chad’s favorite foods. It was already 7 and in a few, I guess he will be home soon. I prepared myself to go downstairs and wait for him in the living room. Our sumptuous dinner was already on the table and it smells good and tasty. Mona is best in everything that she does.

It was already 8 but he is not home yet. I sent him a message but to no reply. Maybe he’s stuck in a meeting or I don't know what caused him long. I waited ‘til 10 but no Chadrick showed up. I opted to call him but it kept on ringing. I called him three times but still no answer and I got nervous thinking something bad happened to him. 

I felt worried that I tried to call and call impatiently. “Hello,” I went silent for a moment as I heard a voice. I opened my mouth but unable to speak. Damn! surprised was an understatement.

My heart pounded erratically and I dropped the call right away. Bloody hell! Who was that? A woman answered his phone and her voice was kind of sophisticated. No need to guess because I know that it belonged to no other but Vanessa Albert. 

I slumped on the couch and buried my face with the palms of my hand. The thought of him with her at nearly midnight made me feel sick. My stomach was churning which makes me wanted to vomit. My legs were feeling jelly and the pain in my chest was unbearable. 

Why did he let me wait for a couple of hours if he will just spend his night with her? My mind was in haywire and I didn't know if I'll get angry or not.

I felt so broken that I burst into tears. All I wanted was to be happy with him but everything was wrong. How would we get married if he's smitten by another woman? My goal was to be happily married to him and not – just married. 

I assumed that everything will fall into my wishes but seemed it was the other way around.

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Guess it's hard to differ between Love and Delusion since you had eyes only on one guy eversince growing up together

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