


My grip on the man tightened as I felt the primal surge within me, propelled by the relentless force of my wolf. He refused me to relinquish my hold until he assured the guy no longer drew breath. The torment inflicted upon his mate had stoked an inferno of fury within my wolf, and this man had callously reopened the wounds. He's the one to suffer the consequences.

His struggles for breath were palpable against my hold. Each gasp felt like a jolt of satisfaction, a vindication for daring to put his hands on what was mine. My wolf roared in protest, demanding retribution for the pain inflicted on his mate. As his eyes began to cloud over, I couldn't suppress the grim satisfaction that curled my lips. It was a twisted pleasure, a grim reminder that no one had the right to touch what belonged to me.

The simmering rage within me spoke louder than any growl, a declaration that reverberated through the silence.

I'm the only one who's allowed to hurt her. Not you. Not anyone,
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