
Chapter Four


The only reason chemistry class is bearable for me is that I'm lab partners with Chelsea Morgan.

 The tall brunette is actually the only person I talk to in this school.

We've been friends since elementary school but we became closer after Caden left.

I have my suspicions that she became friends with me in the first place because she's always had this maxi 'insta' crush on Caden and being his best friend then, I was like the access card to getting any close to him.

Over the years though, she's stopped quizzing me so much about him and paid more attention to really being my friend.

Now, were best friends.

It not like she's totally over her obsession with Caden, for Christ's sake the girl has pictures of him in her room, but now we talk about just us and about him only every once in a while.

I'm early, considering the class is still half empty and 'Baldy' is not even here yet.

In case you were wondering, Baldy is a nick name that stuck on Mr Baldwin for generations now.

It might be as a short form for his name or just because the man is actually bald, I'll never know for sure, because it didn't start with me or anybody in my year at that.

I stroll over to our table and seeing as she's not here yet, I begin going through what we have today.

My fickle mind drifts back to Lizzy instead of staying put on the chemistry book I was trying to read.

The look she'd shot me when she saw me standing with Caden earlier had been blood chilling and threatening.

Is she the one sending me those nasty notes? 

If yes then why?

It's not like I'm a threat to whatever it is she has with Caden. 

We were never an item before and he's never liked me that way. 

There's no way he'd start now, not when he's severed ties with me.

"Off in wonderland again, I see. Hope my baby isn't starring in this one." Chelsea jokes as she takes the seat next to me.

Her baby, that's what she calls Caden now.

"Go away Ches, this is serious. I got another note today." I move closer to her to avoid being overheard.

"It's scaring me that someone keeps getting into my locker despite the fact that I keep changing my combination because of them."

"Hey girl, everything is gonna be okay." She tries soothing me.

"Anybody you pissed off real bad recently or in the past?" She asks trying to play Sherlock.

I raise my brow at her, like she even needs to ask that.

The answer is no.

I've been more invisible in this school than anyone I know.

"Nope." I answer just to get her talking again.

I spy Baldy coming into to the class from the corner of my eye and I hush Ches.

She quit playing Sherlock immediately as we silently agree to leave it for some other time.

The experiment Baldy is expounding on is one I love so much, Chelsea hates it though, so I let everything else fade away except my grousing partner and the teacher.

It seemed like the time flew while we were at it much to my disappointment and Chelsea's glee.

I attend a couple more classes, one with Ches and the other without, before the reliving bell of dismissal went off.

Ches had to run almost immediately, something about having to be somewhere for her mum.

I detour and trudge down to the football field, taking a seat on one of the freshly painted benches.

Yeah, yeah....I need to return his book.

I watch him play like the pro he is.

No, I didn't come for this reason. 

I'm here cause of the book in my possession, seeing him play is just the bonus for my troubles.

He calls out orders to his team mates in his resonating, commanding voice that always spurs others to do his biddings.

Perks of being team captain I guess.

I had to wait after the game so he could go freshen up in their locker room.

"Having you come to me not once but twice in one day is quite the surprise."

 He jabs when he finally gets out. "isn't it, little Jay?"

I roll my eyes. 

Of course it is, I think sarcastically, like I'm the one that started all this.

"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't necessary, Caden."

"So what brings the school's ghost to me, again." He drew out the last part, as if emphasising it.

I bit back a sarcastic reply, and was going to tell him about his book, that's what had brought me after all but I stopped.

Suddenly, wheels were turning in my head and I was coming together with an idea that might save my ass.

This is the almighty Caden Jones.

He has it all, would it be so bad to ask his help with my present predicament in exchange for his book.

I sure hope to heaven and back that this is important to him.

"I have something that belongs to you."

I started and watched his eyes darken in a blink.

Oh wow.

I think he knows what I'm talking about and it looks like the bad boy loves his book.

He didn't say a word, just scowling at me and probably hoping to scare me into returning it.

"But I need your help in exchange for it."

I finished, hopeful.

He scoffed.

"Sorry baby girl but I don't play games." He said without so much as cracking a smile.

"You have my book, give it back. And if you've ope....."

"Don't hold your breath, I didn't." I said angrily, cutting him off.

"But I'm not giving it back unless you promise to help me."

It took a while but he gave in and asked.

"What do you want? A taste of Caden? Want my pickle in your jar, hun?"

His words were insulting and I had to remind myself that this wasn't my Caden.

"No, thanks, not a fan of STDs. Someone keeps threatening me and they leave these creepy notes in my locker. I need help finding who they are and what they want before they hurt me."

He looked angry by the time I was done and I didn't know if it was because of what I'd said about the STDs or because I refused to return his book.

"Okay." He replied me.

That's it?

Well it works for me.

"Thank you." I said, out of options.

He tried a smile I knew was fake.

I would have dared to think it beautiful if it wasn't.

"Have my book ready princess, I'll hand you the ass you need and you hand me my baby unscathed and unopened."


I turn and head to my car.

"What in the red rock river blazes!" I scream as I got to it.

I vaguely hear Caden coming to me and asking if I'm okay as I stare at the slashed rubbers that had been my tyres.

Tears flood my eyes as they land on the white sheet stuck on my back wheel.

It has the same scrawny writing and signed with the same sickening smiley face.

"This is what you get when you don't read my note!! Damn Jade."

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