
Chapter 5: Tame You

Scarlett's Point of View

Despite the excruciating pain between my legs, I forced myself to move and leave his room. Guilt weighed heavy on my heart as I stood outside his door for what felt like half an hour. In the end, I went back to my room to wash off the remnants of his touch.

After cleaning myself up, I eventually made my way to the kitchen and prepared breakfast in a daze.

 Staring at the sizzling egg in the pan, memories flooded my mind in a rush. 'Why did I do that? In two years we've been "together" I have never pushed myself to him neither did he.'

'So, you wanted to drug me just so we could sleep together?'

'Is that your pathetic attempt at getting me in bed?'

'Are you that horny or you just really want to get pregnant?'

As soon as I remembered his mention of the aphrodisiac and his harsh words, my body constricted and I hurried to the refrigerator, dumping the waters down the sink. Next, I rushed to the bar station and began pouring out each bottle of wine and liquor into the sink as well.

After I was done, I caught a whiff of something burning.


My eyes widened and panic set in as I realized I had left the stove on! 

With urgency, I sprinted to the kitchen only to be met with disappointment as I saw the burnt egg. It was too late to salvage it now. The egg in the pan was now charred beyond recognition.

“What a waste,” I murmured in the air.

Just as I was about to throw away the egg, I heard the sound of hurried footsteps getting louder and closer by the second. In the next instant, I was jolted when Storm materialized in front of me, causing my heart to jump. 

With a surprise evident in my eyes, I noticed sweat glistening on his forehead down to his chest as he stood there, wearing only boxer shorts.

Shock still plastered my face as I nervously glanced down at his boxers. My mind was clouded with confusion as to why I couldn't tear my eyes away, until his arrogant voice snapped me back to reality.

"Have you seen enough? Are you still not satisfied with what we did last night?"

"W-what?!" I could feel heat rising to my cheeks as his words hit me hard.

"What, pretending to be innocent again? Or pretending you have no recollection just to make it seem like you had no part in planning this at all?" He smirked without humor as he shook his head. "Like father, like daughter."

I shot him a sharp glare, but instead of engaging in a fight, I simply turned away and continued to do what I was doing. Guilt still gnawed at my conscience for what I had done last night - it felt like I had forced him into it, so I would make it slide whatever he would say today. I would just bear with it!

I was about to reach for the refrigerator to grab another egg and some bacon, but his words stopped me in my tracks. "You're cooking again? Knowing you, you'll probably burn it." His tone dripped with sarcasm as he added, "Must be nice to have that kind of money to waste."

My fist clenched instinctively as I turned my focus back to him, answering with a steely tone. "What's the issue with simply taking one of your eggs?!"

As soon as the words left my mouth, I could see a flicker of shock in his eyes. I could tell he understood the accidental double meaning behind that line.

My heart raced as I tried to backtrack, but before I could even take a step, he grabbed my arms and tugged me back towards him.

"Scarlett," he uttered my name with a frigid tone, his eyes blazing with anger.

It was as if I were a stranger to him, not the woman he had shared a bed with last night, not his wife. I could see the disgust and loathing in his expression, as if I were his sworn enemy, someone he longed to destroy. 

"No more games," he hissed, making our faces too close. "I know your type, willing to do anything for money. If that's what you want, I can give it to you. Just get the hell out of my life!"

My attempt to control my patience had failed miserably. I forcefully removed his hand from my arm and shoved him away, unable to contain my frustration any longer.

"Mister Scoville," I sneered, struggling to maintain composure before I continued, "you seem to have forgotten something very important. It is not me who needs you, but rather the other way around. If I were to leave this instant, do you truly believe your grandpa would be pleased with your behavior?"

I couldn't help but smirk. "Oh, you're fully aware of the consequences, aren't you?"

He clenched his jaw tightly, but refrained from speaking. Just before I walked away, I couldn't help but add, "Not once in the past two years have I bothered you or gotten in your way. And if you want to continue living your life peacefully, I suggest you learn to tame yourself before I am forced to unleash my wild side and become the one who tames you."

"Do you think grandpa will continue to take your side?" he growled.

I flashed a mischievous grin as my fingers danced from his arm up to his face. "Come on, try me," I playfully taunted. "I'll show you exactly what you're searching for, husband..."

He violently grabbed and squeezed my hand, his eyes filled with devilry. "You dare to threaten me like this? I will not rest until I expose your family's deceit and reveal how they wormed their way into our fortune!"

"Isn't that why we arranged this marriage in the first place? So you could assist my father's business. Be rational, Storm. You desire freedom? It's yours. You seek peace? I won't interfere. You want to see other women? Be my guest. But you can never divorce me! If you have a reason to kick me out of your life, I, too, have a reason to stay in this marriage."

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