
Chapter Eleven [ Switching school

Chapter Eleven [Switching School]

“It only takes 15 minutes before we turn left, but that will be the beginning of terrible struggles against all odds because the road to the left turn is not only narrow, rocky, and full of deep holes but when it rains becomes muddy, slippery, and water can sweep away. At last, this passenger vehicle has few passengers, and I can set properly inside of it while traveling because I know that the road from here to the crossing is completely cemented and all vehicles can travel smoothly. But this time, I'm confident that I'll sit inside, next to the back of the driver's seat, rather than near the door.”

Ericka is eager as she stretches and raises her right arms to signal the drivers to slow down and accommodate her wish to board that ancient, unkempt-looking painted vehicle.

There is a 5x2 size long, well-curved, smoothly formed wooden built flat for setting that crosses the door, and because she is rushing to board, the driver's assistant who is in charge of collecting the passengers' fares must first remove it before she can enter.

She is aware that the interior is filled with stacks of cartoon boxes full of groceries for the variety store that the businessman purchased from the town proper to satisfy the needs of the locals. They will buy such items rather than going to the town to shop and spend money on transportation, they just buy it in the variety store even though the price is higher.

At the time, Ericka wore a cotton light blue shirt with a miniskirt that might measure 6 inches long and had pleats.

She is trying to establish a secure position inside the passengers’ vehicles which is filled with various dry and canned items for sale, while still sporting black shoes and white socks. Old people who are also passengers responded negatively to her miniskirts.

Ericka's mother only gives her one blue skirt and two blouses, which she wears within a week, so she already has five days' worth of school uniform use under her belt.

However, some of the elderly residents of the farm, who are narrow-minded and degrade the young students who reside there, become upset by Ericka's frequent changes in position and remark,

"Please don't switch from one seat to another and stay in one position exclusively. We die from your stench, and the air is no longer fresh enough to breathe!”

Since everyone can see that there is no more room inside the passengers vehicles and Ericka is merely taking chances to fit her tiny, small body inside so that she can get home, she doesn't give a damn about the old woman's contemptuous remarks.

Ericka has already encountered this type of business person in the community who behaves badly towards her when money is involved, so she has learned that the values of old adults with money can often be frustrating. However, that haughty old business woman has no respect for the young people.

She remembers that Nolis' parents are also business-minded individuals who only become nice when they learn that her parents own a cast farmland with a plantation, but those who don't know her yet are very rude and disrespectful at her young age. She is aware that when dealing with poor, less privileged individuals, money matters can turn good behavior into bad.

When she gets to her farm house, she swiftly puts out all of her dirty clothes from the inside bag, organizes her used textbooks and notes into piles, and turns on the radio to listen while she discovers many new positive traits displayed in the radio drama characters.

Although it seems corny and theatrical, Ericka is aware that paying close attention to the media helped her build positive traits that she can one day use when interacting with other racial and socioeconomic groups around the world.

But as the days pass when she is on vacation with her family over the summer, she observes gradually how her mother badgers her father until they have heated disagreements that turn into fighting.

Her father is holding a sharp bolo that he sharpened to be used in clearing out the weedy forest while her mother has only her sharp, nasty words attacking her father all the while made him feel insulted and impatiently yawling, scorning, and sneering at her nagging mother. Her parents are still in their Middle Ages and appear to have the strength to wrestle.

“Please calm down and address the issues in detail so that you may fully comprehend each other, mother and father. “

After working hard for a year to achieve a high academic performance rating from the town's official high school, Ericka interrupted in a loud, respectful tone of voice while relaxing next to the window where she can enjoy the fantastic, beautiful scenery of the green, vast mountain ranges to the north. The fresh air blowing there has made her feel refreshed and relaxed.

The only family members she can think of at the time who don't care about the topics on which her parents often disagreed when Ericka was around are her two brothers.

Ericka doesn't comprehend why they are arguing either, so as the days, weeks, and months go by, she eventually becomes accustomed to their everyday arguments.

 Sometimes she raises the radio volume so she won't hear their arguments, but her parents don't seem to mind. Until her father left to check his working animals and brought them to a good, green pasture, they continued to mock, quarrel, and yell at one another when he returns home.

He spends the entire day caring for his pet, not even pausing to snooze or eat till it got dark. However, her mother began to nag him again until they were all fast asleep.

One day, Ericka is alone in her room fixing her tattered clothing. She is already finished with the housework, so she is unaware that her parents are around.

She is merely waiting for the allotted amount of time to prepare and cook their lunch. When her father entered the kitchen, he instructed her to rip the string beans into pieces, remove the leaves of the green vegetables slowly from each branch, grate the coconut flesh, and gather the coconut milk so that the vegetables would be tasty when cooked for lunch.

They all appeared to be in a lovely, comfortable, and fresh position for a nap as Ericka washed the used utensils, wiped down the table, and cleaned the kitchen. Ericka did a good job of making everyone satiated and satisfied.

 She then settles into her favourite chair next to the open window, where she can enjoy the view of the lovely mountain ranges while feeling the comforting breeze on her face.

Her mother screamed and began making fun of her father again as he slept on the east side beneath the shade of a mango tree. She suddenly let out a huge, full-blast eruption of rage.

She initially observes her father standing there and leaning on the large trunk with one left hand gripping, looking fatigued as though he is experiencing physical pains as evidenced by his terrible facial suffering.

He was already resting down on the long, handmade flat wooden seat and dozing off when she finished cleaning the kitchen.

But Ericka is unable to understand the underlying reasons behind their conflicts, which causes them to argue, leaving her mother dissatisfied with what she sees as her father just playing and relaxing.

She doesn't have time to elaborate and is no longer interested in hearing more about the subject. They were still casually discussing things while they were apart when she slowly snuck away using the back staircase.

While her mother is still inside the kitchen screaming in wrath, her father is already sitting with his bolo fixed on its sheath and is prepared to walk towards the south to where the river bank lies.

Ericka is unable to comprehend how serious their conversation has become. She just knows that they intentionally argue when she is present and able to hear them.

“They won't fight if I'm not around since no one will step in if they damage each other. They will have an option. They need to learn to rein in their emotional outbursts, be kind to one another, and refrain from saying hurtful things. “

Ericka had an idea niggling in the back of her head.

“If no one is there, I know they won't fight again."

So, she hid while quickly moving behind the bush to the mountaintop and approached to her extended family members.

Her female first cousins, who were present, appeared to be having unresolved issues since they remained seated in the kitchen when Ericka greeted them.

She had the modest, graceful, and simple yet lovely demeanour in her younger age and was picked as a beauty candidate with money votes popularity title for the festivals.

Ericka is perfectly aware that the panellist approached her parents to be the candidates as their first choice, but because they feared she could become distracted from her studies. Her parents decline their offers and suggest Eva, the first female cousin.

Even though Eva only owns a few gorgeous clothes, she can still wear them every day, even when she is only at home.

"Erika, anything you need? "Her uncle asks her as she is firmly positioned outside the house and closely scanning the far-off, picturesque scene of a mountain range covered in lush greenery to the west, where the sun is setting.

“Not at all, Uncle. I'm just taking a breather amid the breathtakingly gorgeous surroundings. “

Ericka's attention is drawn to Eva, who is still unable to speak as she stands in the kitchen. Ericka chose to keep her mouth quiet and begin playing hide and seek with her younger male cousins instead of posing as everyone's enemy.

Ericka then begins to adopt a different outlook because she is unable to locate any female relatives that are interested in conversing and being her close relatives.

 She frequently assumes a male persona when playing with her male cousins, who appear to like her ability to scream like a pitch bird, climb trees like a monkey, swim in rivers like a fish, sprint across mountains like a deer, and battle like a ferocious buffalo, among other things.

When the full moon shone, they frequently gathered to practice boxing, jogging, and mountain climbing from late in the afternoon until late at night.

They train bending and lifting with the brothers and cousins on the weekends. She has become accustomed to wearing men's clothing and rarely wears her vibrant outfits. She hasn't had the opportunity to hear her parents argue since then. She expresses out honestly about her academic challenges to the town high school before to the start of classes.

“My preferred option is to finish high school at the local high school. We can at least conserve money, time, and energy.

Since you are not required to pay for my daily or weekly travel expenses and allowance, I may also assist you with performing early morning and late afternoon daily chores here.

Even without money, I can attend school. I simply have breakfast before walking to school. I then come home for lunch and head back to school in time for afternoon classes.

John, my younger brother, won't ever be left alone again because I'll be there for him constantly.”

In order to persuade her mother of her seriousness to transfer from a good quality school to a new established, unorganized high school in the community, Ericka lists all of her good reasons and demands.

It makes no difference that she will endure crossing a flooded river on a rainy day and sweating from the intense heat on a sunny day while traveling the 100 kilometres between her home and school on slick muddy roads during the wet season and dusty, rocky roads during the dry season.

She makes no mention of the fact that she simply wants peace and quiet without interruption from agreeable male students or immorality problems from the boarding house. However, she discreetly ignored everything for her ambitions for the future.

 Since her brother is still in elementary school and will graduate the following year, her mother quietly discussed the matter with her father, and he nodded silently in agreement.

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