


A few days after that incident at school, students at Crescent college couldn't stop talking about Diego and I.

The school press had even done a paper with the both of us on it, holding ourselves arm to arm, right on the front page.

This pleased me greatly.

"Pedro must be biting his hands just seeing this." I laughed.

"Carla dear, are you busy?" Mom came into my room.

"No. Is there anything?" I asked, keeping my phone aside.

Mom sat next to me and shared, "Carla dear. Your step father and I will be heading to Italy for a trip."

"Oh waw! The wedding hasn't even taken place and you two are already going for a honeymoon. Nice." I winked at Mom.

"Keep shut, you naughty girl."

I laughed at Mom.

"Carlos has a business meeting to face overseas. He wants me to come along with him for a month."

"A month?" I gazed, finding it too long.

"I know, it's too much, but it's important for him to head there and handle all the work at Italy. He doesn't want to feel all lonely there, so I have to go with him. Hope you understand me dear?" Mom asked, looking so innocent.

Who am I to stand against her wish?

"I understand you Mom. You can go with Mr Smith on this trip. I'll be fine by myself," I said, assuring her.

But I was embraced with a sudden decision made by Mom and Mr Smith.

"We decided that you will be staying at Diego's mansion."

"What? Why?" I asked, finding this idea terrible.

"Mom, I'm no longer a little girl, so I see no reason why I can't stay on my own here, " I pointed out to her. But Mom wasn't ready to listen to me.

"No way, young lady. I don't want to hear from the neighbors that you've been throwing a party in my absence."


"We spoke to Diego about this and he strongly agreed that you come over and stay with him, so he can keep an eye on you."

"For real? Your daughter is strongly asking you to let her be and you chose to listen to Diego because he strongly agreed?" I dimmed my eyes at her.

"He's a matured man. He will look after you, " Mom said, finalising her decision.

Nowadays, my matters are being decided by Mom and Mr Smith. No one is even allowing me to make a say.

Now they have decided that I'll go and stay with Diego for a month?

I wanted to object again, but stopped and thought about my plan against Pedro.

"Okay Mom, I've heard, " I accepted.

If Pedro sees that I'm staying with Diego, he'll surely break and want to get me back quickly.

"Maybe this isn't a bad idea after all. I see no reason why I should be scared of Diego. It's not like he's going to be at home all the time, " I viewed.


The D day finally came. Mom and Mr Smith left for Italy after dropping me at Diego's place.

I couldn't help but admire the young billionaire's mansion. It's just so huge.

On my first day at Diego's home, Mr Arrogant wasn't around to trouble me.

I learnt from a maid that he won't be returning from work today. That filled my heart with Joy.

"At least I can have a day of peace to myself without anyone bothering me," I said, filled with gladness.

I didn't hesitate to get down to work.

I took a lot of pictures of myself here in Diego's mansion, uploading it on my Twitter page with the hashtag BROTHER'S HOME.

In less than thirty minutes, I had all my school mates following me, liking and commenting on my pictures.

"Waw! He really is your brother."

"You're so cool."

"Do you remember me? I'm the girl who said Hi to you in school. Can I be your friend?"

I felt on top of the world, but not fully, because I didn't see a trace of Pedro checking out my page.

"He must be jealous," I scoffed.

The next day, I got ready to resume with my new routine of making Pedro jealous.

I went into the mansion's study room to take a pic, only to feel someone's arms around me.

I freaked out, turning around to find Diego there.

"You're back?"

"Did you miss me?" He smirked, trying to near me. But I drew myself away from him, reminding him of our plan.

"All I want is to take pics with you and upload it on my page. That's all," I said, making it clear to Diego.

But this naughty billionaire didn't heed to my words. He had his hands touching my body, making me lose focus on the plan.

I had to stop just to avoid him from touching me any further and leading to something else.

"Just relax Carla. You can do this, " I said, trying to control my anger.

But Diego wouldn't budge.

He continued with his nonsense for the next four days, making it hard for me to get a better picture with him.

All I had to do was avoid him from nearing me by locking myself in my room whenever he started with his naughtiness.

"All I ask from you is a simple picture. Why won't you listen?!" I sparked at Diego one afternoon.

He tried to hit on me while I was taking a picture in the living room, and that got me mad.

"You are the one who asked for my help to make Pedro jealous. So why are you raging out?" He glared at me.

"Not this kind of help!" I sparked, unable to stand his annoying behavior.

"Enough of this. I thought you could help me out, but I can see you're only after one goal, and that's my body. But I won't allow you to touch me. Mark my words!" I decided, showing my anger.

Diego stared at me when I made that decision. His cold eyes sending a warning to me, as I slowly dragged my feet back from him.

My body came shivering when he made a step towards me. That made me know that I was in for it.

As soon as I tried to leave his presence, Diego grabbed me back, pinning me against the wall.

I groaned on feeling his strength on me. My two hands held with one hand above my head and my jaw in his grip.

He gave me the nastiest stare ever. "Is that suppose to be a threat?" He questioned.

I couldn't answer him but tremble at him.

"You seem to have forgotten who you are talking to. This is Diego Smith, not Pedro. If someone dares me, then I make them pay. " He tighetened my cheek while I moaned.

"So you no longer want me touching you? You want to keep me off? " He questioned, darting his eyes at me.

"If that's what you want, then I'm sure my lovely stepmother won't mind me showing her this video of her daughter having sex with her soon to be stepson."

"What?" I muffled through his grip.

Taking his hand off my jaw, Diego took out his phone and showed me a rare video of us having sex from a different angle.

Our face is clearly visible!

"When did you take this?"

"Just try acting smart with me and watch how your mother's dreams go down the drain," He threatened my mom's marriage plan.

He can't be serious!

Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Veronica Sandongo
...️...️...️...️ authoress you are the best
goodnovel comment avatar
Sugar cub
I'm falling for Diego's character
goodnovel comment avatar
The best indeed. I love the story

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