
A new day

As the night grew deeper and the room enveloped in a serene calm, Adeline rose from her seat beside Hazel, her presence a comforting anchor in the quietude.

"Hazel, I must bid you goodbye for now," Adeline said softly, her gaze filled with warmth and understanding. "Thank you for allowing me to share in this special moment with you and Theo. Your love and dedication are truly inspiring."

Hazel stood up, a mixture of gratitude and wistfulness in her eyes as she embraced Adeline, the bond of their friendship strong and unwavering. "Thank you, Addie, for always being there for me, for Theo. Your support means the world to me."

Adeline returned the embrace, holding Hazel close for a moment before stepping back, a gentle smile on her lips. "Remember, Hazel, you are never alone in this journey. I'll always be just a phone call away, ready to listen, to support, to share in both the joys and challenges that come your way."

With a final nod of understanding and a shared look of mutual respect
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