
Small World


Everything was still fresh in my memory, haunting me even as I attempted to forget. From the day I married until the moment I escaped my cruel husband, the memories were etched into my mind like deep scars. Despite my efforts to move on, painful recollections threatened to consume me. But above all, I had a greater purpose – to ensure my son, Austin, did not suffer due to the burning fire of revenge within me. As much as I longed for retribution against my ex-mate, Alpha King Zander Blake, I refused to put Austin's well-being at risk.

But the truth was, taking down the Alpha King was no easy task. It required a foolproof plan and abundant resources to challenge the mightiest, most merciless, and seemingly invincible ruler. The rumors of his heartlessness were undoubtedly true, and I feared he wouldn't even hesitate to kill his own son if it served his pride and ambitions.

I struggled to calm the tumultuous emotions swirling within me, feeling like a storm was about to engulf me. Yet, I couldn't help but steal a glance at my son, who was blissfully playing with building blocks. My heart swelled with love and tenderness at the sight of him. After losing everything, Austin had become my reason to keep going. Nothing in this world was more precious to me than him. I was aware that my thoughts could be irrational at times, but I couldn't help being frightened for him. The fear of Zander discovering Austin's existence and the potential consequences consumed me.

Suddenly, my breaths became shallow, and panic threatened to overtake me. I struggled to keep it together and reached for a glass of cold water, attempting to regain control. Sitting down, I closed my eyes, trying to focus on the good memories to calm myself.

Gradually, my breathing steadied, and my heart resumed its normal rhythm. I glanced at the time and realized I was running late for my appointment with the bank manager. Panic resurfaced momentarily before I forced myself to take a deep breath and gather my belongings. I needed to head out quickly.

"Uncle, would you mind looking after Austin for a while? I have an appointment with the bank manager regarding my education loan," I pleaded with my uncle, hoping he'd agree.

"Selena, don't worry about Austin. I'm not too old to take care of my only grandchild. He enjoys spending time with me, don't you, Austin?" Uncle assured me, turning to my diligent son.

"Yes, Grandpa!" Austin replied with a bright smile.

I walked up to Austin and gently kissed his forehead.

“Be good to Grandpa, alright? I'll be back before you know it,” I whispered softly.

"Okay, Mom!" Austin nodded, his innocent eyes meeting mine, giving me the strength to face the challenges that lay ahead..

My uncle had been an unwavering pillar of support throughout this challenging journey. Without him, raising Austin alone would have been an insurmountable task. I could always count on him to take care of Austin when I had to be at work, which eased my worries.

Due to financial constraints, I relied on public transport and took the bus to the bank. As I arrived, I waited patiently until the bank manager was available to see me. His apologetic expression triggered a sense of foreboding in me as if something unpleasant was about to unfold.

He carefully examined my loan application and documents, and then he delivered the crushing blow. "Miss Selena, we regret to inform you that we cannot grant you an education loan at this time. You already have a substantial outstanding loan that remains unpaid," he said gently, his eyes conveying empathy.

 "How... how is it possible? As far as I know, I don't have any loans," I replied, my voice trembling from panicking.

"Look at the screen. It shows you took a big loan three years ago, and it's still active," he said, turning the computer screen toward me.

Yes, he was right. My account displayed the pending loan from three years ago.

"Thank you," I mumbled and left the bank. 


I returned home with weary feet and a heart heavy with disappointment. Countless thoughts and considerations swirled in my mind, the pros and cons of my next steps consuming my every waking moment.

As I stepped into the calm and soothing atmosphere of the house, I took a deep breath to steady myself before gently closing the door behind me. Austin and Uncle were engrossed in watching TV, and I managed to muster a smile as I passed them. Making my way to the window, my favorite spot, I found solace in its comforting presence. Dragging my beloved bean bag near the window, I slumped down onto it, seeking a moment of respite. Closing my eyes, I focused on the peaceful chirping of birds returning to their nests, allowing the sounds to bring me relief and calm amidst the chaos in my mind.


Uncle's voice snapped me out of my moment of tranquility, and I opened my eyes to find him standing before me. His gaze bore into me, seemingly reading the emotions etched on my face. Feeling self-conscious, I looked away.

"So you didn't get the loan, right?!" he deduced.

With a heavy sigh, I rubbed my forehead, confirming his observation.

I nodded, relaying the details of my loan application rejection. Uncle's agitation was palpable as he pressed me for my decision.

"What are you going to do now?" he asked frantically. "I still believe accepting that deal is the best option, Selena," he suggested.

Shaking my head, I couldn't fathom taking that path. "No, Uncle. I've made up my mind. There's something unfinished in the Moonglow Pack, and I have to go back. I should know about my loan and my luna fund. Perhaps the Moon Goddess herself wants this," I uttered through gritted teeth, the pain and anger of the past still burning within me whenever I thought about that pack and its cruel ruler.

"I've got your back, Selena," Uncle affirmed, his support unwavering. "But if you truly want to make that cruel Alpha King suffer, I have a better idea," he proposed confidently.

Curiosity and hope mingled in my voice as I asked, "What is it, Uncle?"

"You have his blood, his heir, Austin. You know how desperately he wanted to have a son. I'm telling you, we could make him fall to his knees," he sneered with a vengeful glint in his eyes. I scowled at the suggestion.

"No! Don't ever think about doing it, Uncle. I am warning you," I roared furiously, my protective instincts kicking in. "Zander should never know about Austin. He is my son, and I am never going to use him in this dirty war between him and me. This is my battle and my revenge. So I will do it my way. I don't need anyone's help," I snapped, glaring at him with determination.

No one, not even my uncle, could contemplate using my son as a pawn to get back at the Alpha King. I knew that Zander had many enemies, and if they discovered Austin's true identity as Zander's blood, they could use him against him. That's precisely why I had kept my son hidden from everyone, even from his own father.

Uncle nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of my decision.

"You don't even know how Zander would react if he knew about Austin. He will see my son as a burden of the past and want to get rid of him. He will kill him, Uncle. He hates me, and he will hate my son too," I contemplated the possibilities, explaining my reasoning to my uncle. The bitter experiences of life and betrayal had made me wary and cautious. "If people know I have Alpha King's son, they will come after me and Austin. No, Uncle. I would never let them do that. I would never let anyone know that I have Alpha King's son. He is my son, and I will protect him from all evil. No one can take him from me," I declared fiercely, reaffirming my commitment to shield my son at all costs.

After losing everything, Austin became my sole source of hope and belief, the reason to keep going despite the crushing pain of betrayal. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my anxiety, repeating the process a few times to steady myself.

"So you have decided on it already," Uncle scoffed, his frustration evident as he observed the difficult circumstances we were living in.

"Yes, Uncle! I will go to the Moonglow pack and try to fix things so that I can start a new life," I announced with determination, undaunted by the challenges that lay ahead. "But, I can't do this without your help. You must ensure that no one knows about Austin. Just like we have kept him hidden from everyone until now, we must continue to do the same in the future," I urged, understanding the importance of protecting my son.

"I will, Selena. But why are you talking as if you will not come back?" he frowned, his concern for me evident in his expression.

I rose from my seat slowly and leaned against the window, gazing at the setting sun, its warm hues reflecting my mixed emotions.

"I don't know, Uncle," I shrugged, uncertainty lacing my words. "But my heart feels uneasy as if something untoward is about to happen," I sighed, grappling with the overwhelming feeling of foreboding.

"Then don't go. We will find another way," he insisted, not wanting to see me put myself in harm's way.

"There is no other way, Uncle," I replied, trying to offer a reassuring smile despite the gravity of the situation. Uncle's face showed perturbation, and I knew he was torn between wanting to protect me and respecting my determination.

"Don't worry. I am not so weak that I can't take care of myself. I have survived there for almost a year. So I can manage a few days at least," I coaxed him gently, hoping to alleviate some of his worries.

"Okay, Selena! If you've made up your mind, I won't stop you. After all, you know better what you're doing. You've lost your family and everything, even your mate betrayed you. You deserve another chance to move on and start your life with a new beginning," Uncle reminded me, and my heart clenched painfully as the memories of everything that had happened resurfaced.

"When will you leave?" he asked.

"Tomorrow!" I replied promptly.

"Tomorrow?" he furrowed his brow in surprise.

"Yes, Uncle! The sooner this work is done, the better. I have to come back before the new school session starts for Austin," I explained, trying to balance my responsibilities as a mother and the urgency of the situation.

"Have you thought about what you're going to tell Austin?" he prompted.

"No, Uncle. But I know I have to tell him eventually," I replied, glancing over at my son who was innocently engrossed in watching TV, a carefree smile on his face.

Austin was an incredibly bright and perceptive boy, even beyond his years. I had no doubt that he would understand, but it still weighed heavily on my heart to break the news to him.

After dinner, as we all settled down for bedtime, I felt it was the right moment to share the news of my departure with Austin.

"Austin! Honey, I have to tell you something," I began, trying to soften the impending revelation.

"What happened, Mom?!" he asked, his innocent blue eyes blinking with curiosity.

"Sweetie, I have to go out of the city for work, and I won't be able to come home for a while," I gently informed him, watching as his innocent face fell with sadness.

"Is it necessary to go?" he asked, his lower lip slightly quivering in a heartwarming display of emotion. I nodded, trying to hold back my own tears.

"Okay, Mom!" he replied, his voice tinged with disappointment.

My heart ached at the sight of my little boy having to endure so much at such a tender age. Life had matured him beyond his years, and I couldn't help but wish that once I successfully completed this work, he would never have to face any more hardships in his life.

"Austin, you know Mom loves you so much. But, baby, I have to go because it's very important, and after that, I will never have to leave you again," I assured him, gently sweeping his dark hair aside and planting a loving kiss on his forehead.

"Really, Mom?!" His eyes sparkled with hope and innocence.

"Yes, my darling," I replied, a warm smile gracing my face.

Once this work was completed, I would continue my studies and find a stable job, ensuring a future where I could spend my whole life with Austin and Uncle.

"Alright, Mom. You go and come back quickly after finishing your work," he agreed with a determined nod.

"I will return soon, Austin. But promise me you and Grandpa will be good, and you won't feel sad in my absence," I implored, concern lacing my voice.

"I won't be sad, Mom. I'm a big boy now," he promised, placing a tiny hand over his chest, and his sweet gesture brought a mixture of joy and sadness to my heart at the thought of leaving him for a few days.

"Yes, my big boy. Mom loves you more than anything in this world," I confessed, kissing his rosy cheek affectionately.

"I love you too, Mom," he said, wrapping his tiny arms around me, hugging me tightly.

Oh, Moon Goddess, please grant me strength this time. Help me accomplish my work swiftly so I can return to my beloved son.

I silently prayed in my heart, closing my eyes as I held Austin close. The weight of my responsibilities and emotions drifted away as exhaustion claimed me, and soon, I fell asleep with my precious child nestled safely in my arms.



"Zander, did you see the news? We looked amazing in those pictures," I exclaimed to Zander, my excitement bubbling over. However, his attention remained fixed on his laptop screen, seemingly uninterested.

I set his laptop aside and positioned myself on his lap, attempting to capture his focus.

"What's going on, Avery? Can't you see I was engrossed in important work?" he snapped with a scowl. 

Oddly, I even found him hot when he was angry. Truth be told, I loved every aspect of him. Yes, I was head over heels in love with my best friend.

"You're leaving for a week, and you're still glued to your dull laptop?!" I complained, adding a touch of sensuality by fluttering my eyelashes.

"Would you spend some quality time with me?" I leaned in closer as I whispered seductively. 

"Have you lost your mind, Avery? You remember the agreement between us," he retorted sharply. "I'm not interested in getting intimate until after the wedding," he reminded me in his icy tone.

I let out a sigh of exasperation. Zander's self-control was truly remarkable. No matter how hard I tried to seduce him, his reaction remained disappointingly unaffected.

"We're engaged, darling," I purred, my finger tracing a path along his lips as I closed the distance between us. However, just as our lips were about to meet, he suddenly pulled away, setting me down on the couch before standing up.

"I'm running behind schedule. I need to leave," he stated formally as he left abruptly and briskly.

A soft chuckle escaped my lips. It was merely a matter of a few more days, and then he would be bound to me forever. I could sense the excitement in my wolf, Leah, as her growls of anticipation echoed in my mind. She shared my desires, my aspirations.

Despite having admirers who appreciated my beauty from all corners of the world, my heart longed for only one man: Zander Blake. Men were ready to kill and die for me. But I only wanted Zander. I had wanted him all my life. He had been with me since our childhood. He was my first crush, my first kiss, and my first in everything in my dreams. I sighed hopelessly.

I knew he only had eyes for me. I wanted to be the only woman in his life. Only me. So, I had never let a woman come close to him. He was mine. Our fathers were friends, and they wanted us to marry and choose each other as mates. Everything was going so perfectly, and marriage was in the cards.  I was so happy and was on cloud nine. The ruthless Alpha King Zander Blake was mine until... that bitch, Selena, came between us.

I had loved him since we were children and always wanted to marry him. I even rejected my fated mate just to be with Zander, and I believed Zander also loved me as he agreed to marry me. But then, he met that ugly bitch, and all the hell broke loose after that.

I didn't know what kind of spell she and her father had cast on Zander, that he had forgotten everything after seeing that whore. He forgot about our love, friendship, and promises and wanted to marry that wolfless filthy daughter of a useless Alpha of the world's weakest pack.

That cunning witch took everything from me; my Zander, my love, and my position. I always dreamed of being the Luna Queen of the North. But my dream was shattered in a blink of an eye when Zander announced he was going to marry Selena in a pack’s alliance. I swallowed the lump of insult down my throat and waited for the right time to come. It was tough to manipulate Zander. But how long could he resist my beauty?

I threw my head back and laughed smugly as I remembered. 

That ugly bitch couldn't hold a candle before me. She was useless in the name of a woman and Luna. She was a mistake. When Zander saw it, he kicked her out of his life.

Nevertheless, finally, the day had come for which I had been waiting for so long. Zander would marry me and mark me as his Luna and mate.

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Di Prabakar
Phew! Desperate woman agreeing to cruel things

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