
Let's do it

*Laura’s POV *

I. Am. Doomed.

I woke up a few hours later to find myself stripped and chained, both of my hands had cuffs around them with chains that were connected to the ceiling; and even my legs were chained too but I didn't see where the chains led to. The room was dark.

My palms were all sweaty, my hair clung to my face due to the presence of excessive sweat and my stomach was already grumbling from the lack of food for the past few hours. Worst of all was my butts, they were in pain! The cold metallic chair was not just hard against it but also felt like tiny needles were pricking at it.

Dear Goddess, I'm going to pass out soon...

The only sound that had been resounding around the room was the tick tock of the wall clock that I couldn't help but notice when the sound of an opening door took its place. I still couldn't see anything but I knew who had entered, for his presence made that weird sweet sensation crawl up my skin again.

"I see you haven't changed- yet, and it's past 12 already." He drawled from a corner of the room.

The lights flickered on blinding me for a moment. He was standing with his arms folded and a brooding look on his handsome face.

"I can't change." I voiced quietly, my voice sounded distant and hoarse, it didn't even sound like me... I felt like I was about to puke.

"Why?" He asked, walking closer to where I was chained until he was standing right in front of me.

This dumb idiot!

"Because I made up the story," I croaked out, "how could you be so stupid as to believed singing like that?" I asked angrily. As if insulting him wasn't enough, I spat at him at him, and even though the spittle didn't hit where I wanted it to, it still managed to grace his left foot where I watched it slowly dissolve into nothingness.

Oh God, I am stupid. So stupid.

I shouldn't have yelled, I shouldn't even have spat at him- because somehow I feel like an alarm just ticked off, and his cool demeanor turned into a psychotic beast in the blink of an eye.

And he slapped me. Like really slapped me.

"Oh you think I bought that silly joke of yours?" he seethed, holding my face roughly in his hands. My head was reeling and I couldn't seem to focus, I just wanted to wake up and realize that this was all a dream and it was Annabel he took not me.

"Now I'm going to show you what stupid people do." With that he pulled at my hair, forcing me to stand and then slapped his lips against mine forcefully.

 I was conflicted. I didn’t know whether to give into the kiss that was fast tumbling my senses or cry out from the pain he was inflicting on my scalp; so I just stood rooted to the floor while his lips assaulted me.

“Please p-please s-stop!” I cried out, when his hold on my hair tightened. I kept crying while scratching at his hands until it drew blood, but he didn’t even flinch; instead his other hand went up my chest, tugged off my bra and began its sweet assault on my breasts. “Sto—” My words trailed off as his warm mouth came in contact with one of my nipples; I moaned shamelessly.

I couldn’t decide if it was the Mate bond or the adrenaline pumping through my veins that made his touches light a blazing fire on my skin. I only knew that I wanted more, I needed to feel what it was like to be taken by your mate. I wanted him to do things to me.

He suddenly sat on the chair I once sat on, and forcefully pulled me down so that I was straddling him, and before I could fully decipher what he was trying to do, he had ripped off my panties and inserted two of his fingers into my throbbing pussy. I moaned again.

“f-fuck!” I moaned, arching my back to allow him easier access; He pumped his fingers in and out of my vagina continuously until I began to spasm, but as soon as I was close to orgasm, he stopped.

I opened my eyes slowly, only to catch him staring at me with an indecipherable look on his face; and was about to sit up when he pulled me back down on his laps forcefully.

“What’re you trying to—” but the words had not yet fully left my mouth when I suddenly heard the unmistakable sound of his zipper going off. My heart raced in anticipation.

I sucked in a sharp breath when I felt something rod like rub gently against my vagina opening; he teasingly rubbed against it slowly until I began to tremble lightly; and just as I was about to pull away to relive myself from the sensations his touch was doing to me, I felt him grip my waist tightly and then he plunged deep into my womanhood.

He started slowly, as if allowing me accommodate the massive size of his not so little member, and slowly he began to pick up pace; a few minutes into the sex, he was already pounding into me so quickly, so deeply that I couldn’t feel my body anymore.

My eyes glazed over when his thrusts became frantic, almost beastly, painful even. It seemed like every plunge broke me, bit by bit until I was slowly dissolving in his hands.

I suddenly felt one of his hands go up between our genitals to rub at my clit as he fucked my pussy. The sensations, his fingers, everything was leaving me in a mess. I wanted to scream, to cry out, to moan, but the idea of having people hear us made me seal my mouth shut.

And again, as soon as I was about to climax, he stopped.

“Why!” I groaned in sexual frustration, I wanted to release so badly; his skillful hands had succeeded in turning me on so much that my body ached. “What did you do that for!” I cried out in desperation.

“What did I do what for?” He asked cluelessly, pulling me up so that I got up from his lap. I did slowly, my body trembling.

“Why did you stop?” I cried out frustratedly, my body felt like was on fire, like a huge automobile had run over me, as soon as he got up, I quickly sat back down on the chair to hide my trembling legs.

“I stopped because I grew bored.” He said simply, but his eyes, they seemed disgusted. He looked like someone who had been forced to eat stale food, “I’ll call on one of the maids to untie you and send you to the guest room, I do not want to see you in this room again.”

I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to jubilate at his statement, but I felt myself growing sad, I felt sad, because he was my mate! And I’d had high expectations for him.

I’d always thought my mate would be my escape from the harshness of this world, my pillar, but it turns out he’s just like everyone else, everyone who didn’t like me…

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