


I was pretty damn sure he could hear the resounding pounding of my heart or sense the heat that flooded through my body. My mouth was dry as hay as he leaned closer, placing both his arms on either side of my head and caged me with his strong and muscular body.

The way he looked into my eyes, almost like he was diving into the depths of my soul, had me both breathless and weak at the knees at once. And I have never been weak at knees for anyone. Ever. The pull towards him was so intense that I could almost taste it, something intoxicating lingering in my senses.

“Because you are my mate,” Asher whispered. “And only you have the right to be my… Luna.”

My stomach flipped, goosebumps tingling all over my skin at the way he articulated the word luna. It was a struggle to think highly of this man or even remotely try to trust him. But the way he called me his Luna, there was a deep, carnal promise hanging through each syllable. A promise that…I wasn’t alone. It scared me. The realization knocked the wind out of my chest, making me avert my eyes, breaking the trance that was taking over me slowly.

No. This was the bond, this was the bond doing its crazy nonsense. I can’t let myself get carried away, not by a man who ran away from his mate. And that wasn’t all. I was here for a reason and one little slip on my part could cost me both mine and my father’s life. It wasn’t a risk I was willing to take.

“And that’s why I am asking you,” he added with a sigh. “I know the timing isn’t ideal with the way things are between us and absolutely not the correct way to do this, but I really need your help, Ivyanka. It would be mortifying if my father were to arrange a mating ball for me. But I do need my Luna, and I am running out of time.”

“So you want to marry me, so you can save your ass from your father?” I demanded, narrowing my eyes at him. Asher blinked, looking surprised for a second before he shrugged.

“I…well, I won’t lie, so yes. But that’s because I have never even remotely considered the idea of getting married. And we have just met. Unlike what people believe, that finding your mate is the ultimate path to whatever bliss awaits, I just can’t think of it that way. Yes, there is this invisible thread between us. Yes, we are destined to be together, but I can’t just make do with that. I need time to process whatever this is. And time is the one thing I don’t have… on my side. …”

“What exactly are you implying?” I frowned. Asher sighed again, looking frustrated as he ran his fingers through his hair. I wished he would just move the hell away and not stand so close.

“I am not ready to get married,” Asher said, clenching his jaw.

“Then why are you asking me?”

“Because I know you are not either…”

“Oh…kay, and your point is? Just so you know, you aren’t making much sense.”

“I think it would be easier for us because we are on the same page about marriage. If I marry one of the girls, my parents decide for me, it could lead to a complicated situation I’d rather avoid. Those women, …they have expectations, they would do anything for the title of being my Luna and all the perks that come with it, potentially creating unnecessary drama. They will have expectations I know I can’t fulfill. But you…”

“I don’t have any expectations from you? Is that what you are saying?” I scowled.

“Do you?” Asher asked, raising a brow.

“No, absolutely none.”

“Precisely! And that works perfectly fine. I don’t have any expectations from you either. And neither of us are interested in getting married and securing a long-term partnership. That’s why you are the perfect person to ask for help, apart from the obvious fact that you are my mate.”

“Wow…talk about a whole new level of delusion,” Silver grimaced. “He really thinks the whole concept of the bond can simply be avoided, doesn’t he?”

“So you want to marry me, because we…don’t have any expectations of each other?” I had no idea what he was trying to imply.

“Yeah, kind of,” he nodded, lighting a cigarette. “Look, here’s the thing. Apart from the reawakening, there are things going on that have my father worried a bit…”

“What things?” I asked curiously. Did Killian do something I don’t know about?

“Some things,” he shrugged. “And that is another reason he wants me to have my Luna, whether you or someone else. He believes when the pack is complete, it makes the pack soul stronger. And GrayCrest can’t be called complete until I find my Luna. He feels something bad will befall us if I go without my Luna any longer.”

“What?” I frowned. “That’s stupid, no offense.”

“I know, but it is what it is. That’s why I am asking you for help before my father gets any crazier,” he said. “If we could just keep up being husband and wife for a few months until my father is done with his absurd superstitions, it would solve all the problems,”

“And what after that?”

“I don’t know… “ Asher muttered, blowing out a puff of smoke. “We can try and make it work, the whole matebond thing. But if you still feel like you don’t want to be with me, I will not stop you or hold the bond against you. I will take the blame, you can reject me and leave if you want to.”

“What a lousy idiot,” Silver mocked.

“So basically you are proposing a marriage of convenience to me?” I made a face.

“I am just asking for your help because I don’t know what to do. You are the only person who can help me, so you can call this arrangement. You are free to make the rules and I will agree to whatever you want, I promise. Just help me this time…”

“Do you hear how selfish you sound?” I demanded, feeling pissed even though I wasn’t sure why.

“I know, but I’d rather be selfish than be a liar,” he said. “I am not ready for marriage. But I can assure you if you want to give us a chance, I will try. If it works, then perfect, but if it doesn’t, or whatever decision you make, whether to stay or leave…I will accept it. I will never use the excuse of the bond to make you stay if you don’t want to, I promise. I know I am not the fairytale mate you dreamed of, and you certainly deserve better. Just because the moon goddess says I am your perfect match doesn’t mean you have to feel that way.”

I didn’t know what to say. How could I marry him? I could barely stand his presence. We’d kill each other before saying “I do.” Asher was right, we didn’t fit. We’ll never be that perfect couple like the others. There’s no match between us. He’s the crowned prince of one of the strongest packs in the world, and I’m just a warrior and alpha of a pack that no longer exists. Marrying Asher would make me the Luna of GrayCrest, the pack I was supposed to help Killian destroy. It’s wrong on so many levels.

A sin.

“So…what do you think?” Asher asked, hope brimming in his voice. Before I could respond, he stiffened, his whole body going rigid. His dark eyes narrowed, and I blinked as he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer.

“Wh…” I began, but he slammed his index finger on my lips and shook his head.

“Sssh…” he whispered. I wasn’t sure what was happening, but judging by his stance, it felt like he was listening for something intently. I tried to listen too, but all I could hear was the occasional rustling of leaves. However, the silence was soon replaced by the resounding howls that pierced through the surrounding silence, one after another, like fireworks. Asher let out a deep growl in his throat before turning to me, his eyes serious.

“Stay here,” he commanded. "Get in the car and lock the doors. I'll be right back."

I parted my lips to respond, but he had already disappeared into the forest. A few moments later, I heard the telltale sound of the snapping of bones and shuffling—he shifted. There was a fierce crunching sound and more howling before I felt his presence gone. A split second later, everything turned silent like before while I stood there, not daring to move.

What in hell just happened? The creepy silence accompanied by the inky darkness was enough for me to move my feet and do what Asher commanded. I was perfectly capable of defending myself, but still, I would love to avoid a fight. Grabbing the car keys Asher threw on the ground, I turned, and immediately a scream escaped my lips as his hazel eyes peered back at me.

“Hello, Ivyanka,” he murmured, his eyes burning into mine in the darkness. I couldn’t breathe, a sudden death-like chill enveloping me in its grasp.


Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Ally Cat
Brilliant, loving the progress and direction of the book. ......
goodnovel comment avatar
oh my!!!! can't wait for next update........ amazing chapter .........

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