
Chapter 5

Chapter Five

Son of a bitch!

Tristan couldn't believe he’d gotten saddled with a wildcat. He punched the wall to calm his rampant desire, Ren his wolf wanted to come out to the surface but Tristan was able to rein him it. Goddess forbid if Ren had gotten his way, he had never reacted that way to anyone at all not even with Rowena. Goddess help him when he’d smelled her arousal he was willing to throw caution to the wind, to take what was offered to him. Damn he was going to take her up on her challenge and fuck her senseless until he smelled the fear buried deep down and his common sense kicked in long enough to ask her age.


Seven freaking teen! Or had she been lying so he’d let her go? Which ever the case may be he didn't want to get entangled with a human at least not on a romantic scale . He does business with humans all the time, he owned a billion dollar corporation he’d just never had any of them as as a lover.

Humans were fragile and besides , it’d be hard to keep t
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