
The Billionaire's Chosen Bride
The Billionaire's Chosen Bride
Author: Goodness Chiamaka

Chapter 1 _ Returned Home

Arriving in AJ CITY, Nancy couldn't help but feel perplexed by her parents' request for her to come back home. 

She had previously studied in City X and graduated with a degree in business administration. Her father made it clear to her, "Nancy, I expect you to come back home and not stay in City X."

Nancy looked displeased as she spoke on the phone with her father. Since she was aware of her father's position as a politician in AJ City, she felt compelled to comply with his instructions. She arrived at the airport promptly at 2pm, and to her delight, her father's men were already there, ready to escort her home.

"Welcome back, Nancy." Her older adopted brother, Matthew Marlon, flashed a smile at her, but Nancy couldn't hide her disappointment as she accompanied him to the car. 

She found herself in the back seat of the car, fully aware that the City was under the control of President Nolan Alejandro and his influential family. The City was named after the Alejandro family, which adds an intriguing history of the city. They had been in power for years, and any political party that dared to challenge them was swiftly silenced.

Nancy observed the road ahead as Matthew ignited the car engine and departed from the airport. Her gaze was drawn to the massive billboard showcasing the images of the city president as well.

"Hmm..." Nancy hummed, and she noticed Matthew's smile reflected in the rearview mirror of the car.

She disregarded his smile, preoccupied with the perplexing insistence of her parents for her to come back home.

Upon returning home, the security personnel at her father's mansion graciously opened the grand black gate for them. Nancy observed as Matthew skillfully maneuvered his sleek, high-end SUV onto the premises and parked it with precision.

She caught sight of her parents at the entrance of the grand mansion. Her mother was elegantly dressed in a striking red gown, while her father stood tall in his sleek black suit. The maids, dressed in their crisp blue uniforms, stood dutifully behind her parents.

Nancy gracefully exited the vehicle and made her way towards the grand entrance of the mansion, eager to reunite with her parents. She donned a vibrant red top, paired with sleek black trousers and elegant black high-heeled shoes.

Nancy finally arrived at the mansion and her mother warmly greeted her, "Welcome home, my dear."

"Good afternoon, Mom and Dad." Nancy beamed with joy as she embraced her parents, relishing the warmth of their presence. "Welcome home, Nancy," her father exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine happiness. It was a long-awaited moment, and Nancy couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment as she settled back into the comfort of her family's embrace.

"Thanks, dad," Nancy replied, still embracing her mother. The maids greeted her with a warm "Welcome home, Nancy." 

"Thank you everyone" Nancy greeted the maids with a warm smile, and her mother kindly suggested that they all proceed indoors.

With a nod, Nancy acquiesced to her mother's request and made her way into the living room.

She noticed that their living room remained the same, with its white walls and lovely flower vases scattered about.

Nancy approached one of the black couches in the living room, which happened to have seven of them.

"Home, sweet home" She murmured softly as she settled onto one of the sleek black couches behind her.

She noticed her mother standing right in the middle of the living room, wearing a warm smile that reached her eyes.

"Mom, what's got you so excited to see me? You seem like you have some great news!" Nancy inquired, intrigued by the source of her mother's radiant smile. Her mother is a stunning and youthful woman, even at the age of 51. Her mother's face remained completely unaffected. Her mother, who still looks under forty years old, is quite remarkable.

Mrs. Olivia Marlon settled herself onto the black couch with a smile. She responded, "Of course I'm thrilled to see you, Nancy. You've transformed and you look absolutely stunning now compared to when you left the city five years ago."

"Thanks mom, but I haven't changed," Nancy replied, flashing a sweet smile at her mother. She understood her mother's perspective, as she had undergone a transformation since she departed the city half a decade ago to pursue her studies overseas. As her physique had undergone changes, she has become an attractive and alluring young woman.

Nancy's presence never failed to captivate those who crossed her path. People would often pause and gaze at her, unable to resist her undeniable charm.

She was well aware of her mother's fondness for referring to her as an angel. This was likely due to her sharp pointed nose, blue sparkling eyes, and her long golden hair, which were undoubtedly her most captivating features.

“Mom, I think it's time for me to head upstairs and freshen up a bit. I'll be down for dinner," Nancy said, rising from the couch.

“Okay, my dear,” Mrs. Olivia Marlon replied, clearly captivated by her daughter. She contemplated sharing the news of the arranged marriage with the president's son to Nancy, but ultimately chose to postpone it for now.

Nancy smiled and made her way upstairs to her bedroom. As she reached the door, she gently pushed it open and stepped into her room. 

She noticed that her room remained unchanged, with its pink walls and lovely flower vases scattered about.

Nancy approached her room window and gently drew back the curtains, gazing out at the world beyond. She noticed a fleet of black cars pulling up and parking outside her father's mansion.

She observed a group of individuals dressed in black suits as they exited a vehicle at the rear. They proceeded to approach the vehicle at the front and gracefully opened its door.

Nancy observed a man dressed in a black suit with a vibrant red shirt exit the car. She encountered his captivating gaze, but quickly averted her eyes and closed her room curtains.

Nancy made her way back to the bathroom to undress and take a relaxing bath before rejoining her parents downstairs for dinner. 

She removed her red top and black trousers before entering the bathroom to take a bath.

After a few hours, Nancy emerged from her bathroom, clad in a long white towel. She made her way to her bed, where she sat down and began to moisturize her body.

She deeply longed for her family while she resided in City X, prompting her to embark on a quest for a fresh employment opportunity in AJ City. Since she was already at home, and she didn't have any plans to return to City X in the near future.

Nancy sat on her bed and opened her drawer, retrieving her body lotion to moisturize her skin. 

She grabbed her television remote and turned it on. To her surprise, she saw the photos and videos of their city President being displayed once again on her television screen.

As Nancy turned up the volume on the television, she listened intently to the reporter's announcement. "Good evening citizens of AJ City," the reporter began, "I have some exciting news to share with you. President Nolan Alejandro has emerged victorious in the recently concluded election, securing an impressive 50 million votes."

"Hmm......" Nancy scowled as she had a strong aversion towards the Alejandro family. She promptly turned off her television, fully aware of the long-standing rule of the Alejandro family and their aversion to any other family taking control.

She was aware of her father's involvement in politics, specifically with the Alejandro Political party group. With a sigh, she made the conscious choice to not let politics consume her thoughts.

She was not fond of the extravagant lifestyle her family led. She longed for a more modest life for herself with her husband, and their future children. 

The constant presence of security personnel, who followed her every move since her return to the city, was something she found unsettling.

She finished applying lotion to her fair skin and stood up from the bed to find an outfit to wear.

She entered her closet and retrieved a short brown gown. As she put it on, she noticed how it perfectly accentuated her figure, highlighting her curves and bringing out her natural shape.

Nancy smiled as she made her way back to her room, towel in hand. She gently dried her long, golden hair and combed it so that it cascaded down her back.

She comes from a political family and was brought up with an emphasis on always looking presentable. She noticed that the time in her room was still after 4pm.

Little did she know the true motive behind her parents' request to come back home, otherwise she wouldn't have been there.

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Angel Anagbor
interesting ...

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