
Chapter 10

Kairos's eyebrows finally arched, and his forehead knotted. For a moment, I thought he had decided and would come near me and confirm something just when I was about to ignore his presence and his pair of lustful eyes. The temperamental beast ignored me, too.

He turned his back on me, then adjusted his body to make himself more comfortable at the sun lounger. He places both hands at the back of his head to make it his pillow, and he closes his eyes afterward. It looks like he's currently marinating himself under the sun that is not there because it's already seven in the evening. We're all just waiting for our personal chefs to be done with the outdoor buffet that Dianna suggested and asked for.

"Yes, Rory?" He asked that question like he was humming it. I sat up straight and looked away from him with annoyance all over my face that I couldn't hide. I force my lid to shut as I breathe in and out in an attempt to control my emotions. This is the time when I hate how I can't help it but express each and every feeling that I feel. It all can be seen on my face, no matter how hard I tried it.

We're at the pool. Underneath my floral skirt and this white dress shirt is a pair of bikini. I did plan to go on a quick dip when I changed my clothes earlier after I went home.

I stood up from the lounger after I removed my strappy heels with my back facing Kairos. I started to unzip my skirt, but before I could pull it down from my legs. He asked a question that I purposely ignored. I have my faith in my legs, and when I am rich enough to afford insurance for this part of my body. I would get one to honor all the compliments that it got from all the people who say my legs could be put in as one of the seven wonders of the world.


I stripped my dress shirt off my body. I was standing on the side of the pool with my bikini. I confidently cut the distance between the two of us with just two steps.

"Would you mind? Helping me with my top? It's too loose. Please tighten it for me," I asked and even shot an innocent smile as if unaware of what I was doing with him. I sat on top of his lap and moved on top of it like I was trying to make myself comfortable.

Kairos held my waist. His finger dug into my skin, and his breathing hitched.

"Stop moving around, Rory!" He warned. I turned to face him, but I was surprised when I saw how close our faces were to each other. It almost felt like he sucked up all the air out of me, and so I stiff on top of his lap for a moment. I bit my lower lip and realized that the rest of the Spencer might suddenly pop somewhere and walk in on us looking like this.

"Nevermind. I got it," I muttered, but Kairos pulled me back on his lap to stop me from leaving.

"Aren't you too impatient?" Kairos whispered in my ears. I held my breath as I felt him pull the string of my bikini strap that I tied just fine around my back earlier. I wanted to tease him, and now it fired back right at me because he is the one who is in control now.

"What are you doing? Just tie it already! They might see us."

"You started it, though," Kairos whispered once again. My eyes shut on their own when I felt him damp his wet kiss on my shoulder while his hand was expertly tying the string of my bikini top.

"Don't you ever start a game with me that you can't play till the end," Kairos said like a warning, and he sounded so sexy as those lips slipped out of his tongue.

"I have my pool in my house, Rory. We'll be home in an hour if you want to swim tonight. You can do it there. Now go get your clothes, and I will dress you up." Kairos ordered. A moment ago. He turns me on, and now I am annoyed at him.

"Why do you always spoil my mood, Kairos?" I asked, unable to hide my irritation. He darted a questioning look, but his lips didn't say anything.

"I want to swim, and you're trying to stop me like you're my parents, and I am a five-year-old kid!"

"I want to swim too, Rory. I want us naked in my pool. Could you wait another hour and stop it with your tantrums? I don't like it," he said. I gritted my teeth at him.

Me? I was throwing a what? Tantrums? Now, he isn't just treating me like one. He is also manipulating me into believing that I am being immature when what I want is for him to stop controlling my life. We just met, and I can already feel how hard it is to be with him. His being good at sex won't make up for all of his flaws, including his temper.

"We could skip dinner here if you want," he added like it would solve anything. Kairos suddenly sits up straight from his lounger.

"You were annoyed at me the moment that you brought yourself here. What did I do?" I rolled my eyes at how dense he was. Kairos stood up, and he started picking up the clothes that I had left on the lounger.

"Come here, Rory. I'll dress you up, and we'll talk later," he said like a promise and for the first time. I think he smiled.

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