
Chapter 14: Warlock's Ring


Ages ago, there once was a man, not an ordinary man. That man had incredible powers. Most people in the area called him a warlock, but he was more than a warlock. He was an extremely gifted alchemist. His experiments were known throughout the land; he was kicked out the academy because of them, but that didn't stop him to continue his work. All of his ancestors were renowned alchemists. He chose a different path, a path that will make him famous for all generations to come.

He walked slowly, his head held high. There was no one in the world that was more important than him. He knew this. Yet again, faith always has a card to play. Against her, every power is weak, even a mighty alchemist. Even, he can't escape her powers. No one can. The alchemist turned. His eyes were looking in every direction. He had the feeling that somebody was watching him. He turned again. There was nobody. The street was empty.

He continued to the bookshop. The front door was opened. The alchemist stopped for a moment. He waited. There was no point in waiting anymore. He entered.

Half of the shelves were empty. He went up to the owner.

“Don't tell me,” the alchemist said, “that you are closing.”

“Yes,” the owner said, lifting his head from the account book.


“The accounts are good.”

“That isn't a reason.”

“It is, my friend. We are moving to a bigger place.”

“So, it isn't the case like with Tom's Bakery?”


“What happened to Tom?”

“After that flood, he's just waiting for an opportunity.”

“He chose a bad lot for his bakery.”

“If I remember, it is lot 21, after all?”

“It's lot 23.”

“It always was a swamp. How may I help you?”

“I'm searching for a book.”

“What kind of a book?”

“A rare one, you have heard about Astilr's ring?”


“I'm planning to make a stronger one.”

“Is that possible?”

“I've made two lesser ones.”

“It is possible. I know what you need.”

“That was easy.”

“Search in the back.”

The alchemist went in the back. The shelves were full of every known alchemical ingredient. He stopped, lifted on of the jars that had a creature inside. The creature was mix between a bat and reptile.

Interesting, he thought. This is something new. I've never seen this one before. The mages are always making something new. We will see what creatures I can make. There is nothing special about that. No special skills needed. The only limit is imagination. And I have plenty of it.

He returned the creature on the shelf. The entire row was filled with mutants; some of them were still alive.

Nothing new, my experiments were stronger. Charlatans!

The back room was large. He searched, until he found the book, he searched for. The book was massive, covered in a thick layer of dust. The cover was locked with a handle that was shaped like a figure with elongated arms, he forced the lock. Nothing happened, he wasn't losing hope. With one movement of his hand, he removed the layer of dust.

Runes appeared under his hand. The lock opened with a loud noise, the figure moved to the left. A smile went across the alchemist face; he was pleased. He opened the book. Pages turn on their own, the book stopped on the thirty-second page. The alchemist moved a bit closer. The page was written in a different language than the previous page. Letters moved across the page. They changed order; they were glowing now. Words could be seen on alchemist's face. He moved closer. On the spine of the book, a gap opened. The gap was getting bigger.

“I know, what this is,” the alchemist said. “It's a portal. The book is written in an unknown code. Something, inside the book is helping me.”

A ray of light flashed.

He traveled over fields, mountains, and islands. Something was traveling the same speed with him. The alchemist turned. His face was like hard granite. He continued to travel.

What is this, he thought. Where am I? This place isn't real. Maybe, this is all a memory. There is no other explanation. This isn't the dreamfort. It couldn't be? It is the dreamfort.

“Yes,” a voice said, “this is the dreamfort.”

“Show yourself, you shadow!” the alchemist said.

“First, you need to find me.”

“Great, we have a comedian. This is getting better.”

“Better think fast…”

“What the…”

Underneath him, the sea was alive. A giant sea creature formed. The alchemist moved to the left. The giant followed with his hand. The alchemist moved to the right. The giant stood there, slowly elongating his fingers. They followed him everywhere. He moved up and down, right and left. The fingers were following him, everywhere.

Wait a moment; this is the dreamfort. I can do whatever I want. What do I want? A fire sword, that's it!

From nowhere a fire sword appeared in his hand. The alchemist jumped into the air. With one blow, he cuts the giant into two. The sword disappears. The alchemist turns, hoping to see the giant destroyed. To his amusement, there was nothing. He turned to island.

The island was some nine hundred meters from him, if you don't count the two smaller ones before it. The alchemist had to make a choice. He decided on the smaller island first. The alchemist swam. The sea was calm. He was near the first island.

“Not bad,” the voice said. “Not bad at all.”

“Enough,” the alchemist said, “with the games. Who are you?”

“You truly want to know?”


“Very well, I am Astilr's memory.”

“His memory, you say?”


“He has advanced that far?”


“If you are his memory, then, there must be a way how to leave this place?”


“You only have to find it.”

“Easy,” the alchemist was on the beach. He was exhausted. Dreams greeted him. He was asleep.

He went up and down, in all directions. The place was weird. The alchemist turned, he looked down. This wasn't the normal dreamfort. This was different. This was unknown for him.

This isn't normal, he thought. This place was strange. It looks familiar. I have been here before. Years ago... it has changed, so much.

The bridge was near; the alchemist started walking towards him. The sky was bright. He walked. The bridge appeared behind the thick bushes, the alchemist stopped. Something wasn't right. He had that feeling. The alchemist moved a step forward; he stopped. The bridge disappeared.

An illusion, he thought. This is the dreamfort after all. Nothing new! If there is one, there are more of them. Better be on my guard.

The alchemist looked up. The bridge was above him. He jumped up. Near him a portal opened, from him a shaman appeared. The shaman's face was stern, his long hair was waiving in the air. On his back he had a two-handed sword.

“It's a good thing that I have found you,” the shaman said.

“Who are you?” the alchemist said.

“That's not important, now. What is important, you must climb that bridge.”


“This isn't the normal dreamfort.”

“I guessed as much.”

“But tell me, why is the bridge important?”

“The first clue is on the bridge.”

“The first clue? To where?”

“You are still on the first island.”

“I remember that. I fell asleep.”


The shaman disappeared. The alchemist stood in midair. He couldn't go up or down.

The choice is me, he thought. Everything here is my choice. The only way is up. I must get to that bridge. Nothing else matters. Nothing will. What's important about that bridge?

He jumped. The cliff was strong to hold his weight. All he needs was one more jump. He gathers his energy and jumped. The top of the cliff was made from a different type of stone. It crumbled under him.

I need to move fast. This isn't the same type of stone. I know it. Nothing is easy in this world. What are you doing? Remember what the shaman said. This isn't the ordinary dreamfort. Everything is real and unreal here. I just need to break the conundrum. I need a stone path.

He thought about a stone path, and it appeared in front of him. The alchemist climbed to the top. A ray of light blinded him. He tried to open his eyes, there was no use, the light was blinding. With every atom of his strength, he opened his eyes. The light was more like a portal. He hurried to it. It was the only visible out of this imaginary place.

The ground shocked periodically, the earth beneath the ground trembled, with his every step. His steps echoed.

He was near the portal. From out of nowhere a thin, dark line appeared. He stopped. The line became bigger and bigger. He just stood there. The line expanded, widened. The alchemist moved a step backward. Something bonny appeared to the sides of the line. It looked like elbows. There was no way. But it was true. A tall, black dressed man stood in front of him. There wasn't a spec of any other color on him.

The man stood there like a statue. The alchemist, thought, what to do next. To use magic, it was too easy. Like in everything, there is catch. Maybe, the man was magic-resistant. He could use a sword. Judging by his clothes, he wasn't immune to melee attacks. That was, his only option for now. The alchemist lunged, to man avoided.

“You can do better than that,” he mocked him.

“Of course, I can,” the alchemist replied.

“I'm not seeing that.”

“You will see it, soon, enough.”

“I'm waiting.”

“Wait for all you want. It ends soon!”

“We shall see.”

The alchemist moved under, swiftly lifted the sword up. He continued a few steps forward. The man stood, turned, and transformed into the same black line that he was made from. The alchemist entered the portal. The portal went in all directions. It had too many exits. He had to choose. The choice was his; he hoped that he chose right.


He woke. The sun has already set. He stood up, looked in every direction, and decided to explore the island. The beach was long and wide, he walked for hours, searching for a way off this island. To him, the island looked deserted. That gave him the feeling of satisfaction. It calmed his nerves. It was almost exciting. His mind was working overtime. He could do the traditional way and make a raft. It would take time, time he didn't have too much to spend. He decided to sleep; it was the best option he had. A goods night sleep, will do him good. And slept he did. It was more an exhausted sleep than a normal one. There were no dreams this time, only everlasting darkness.

He woke around noon. He looked at the second island, sat down and started to think. He weighted his choices. Out two evils, he chose the lesser one. The raft appeared from thin air. He stepped on the raft and started rowing, even in the dreamfort, there are still some limitations. He rowed. The sea was calm. He rowed. The sea changed. He looked at his side. A sea serpent lunged at him, the alchemist rolled. Again, he summoned his sword. The serpent hissed. He swung his sword forward and cuts the serpent. Poisoned blood sprays in streams. The alchemist moves to the left, the serpent positions itself above him, ready to strike. A heartbeat later, it was over, the serpent lay dead.

The alchemist continued to row. The larger island was near. Above him the voice appeared again:

“Good, you are making progress.”

“Enough with the games, you fiend!” the alchemist lifted his brow.

“And, I thought, you had a sense for humor.”

“I'm rowing for ages.”

“It's good for you.”

“A lot of things, they say, are good for you.”

“What's the difference?”

“You wouldn't understand.”

“You're in the dreamfort.”

“That changes everything.”

“How come?”

“This isn't real.”

“It is, everything is real.”

“No, it isn't.”

“Yes, it is.”

“Not, until you make it.”


“Where is the exit?”

“The exit is on the largest island, of course.”

“So, more rowing, then?”


“Great,” the alchemist turned and continued to row. The island was in sight.


He found the portal. The alchemist stopped, looked around and saw nothing. It was more than strange for him. But none the less, he moved forward. The voice appeared again, the alchemist turned. The voice was a person now:

“I know you; you are Aaron Silva.”

“You know me, but I don't know you,” the alchemist moved a bit closer.

“You do,” the man continued, “you saw me at Setrana.”

“I did?”

“Yes, you did.”

“Now, I remember, you are Alstir. But, I thought…”

“I'm not dead, as you can see.”

“How is that possible?”

“I created my other self in the dreamfort, until this parts dies, I'm still alive.”

“Good to know.”

“I came…”

“I know, what you seek, I created that formula.”

“Those anything need to change?”

“Yes, replace the second and the third ingredient, and double the amount of every ingredient.”

“That's it?”


“Finally, something interesting,” the alchemist entered the portal.


He was back at the bookstore. He looked around, the clock stood frozen. He looked; again, time started flowing again. He thanked the owner and went slowly down the road. His sixth sense was working; he turned and saw her, the most beautiful woman, in town, and the daughter of the man that kicked of the academy. His feelings were mixed. Shall he return the favor or hear the woman out? He decided on the second option.

“I heard, that you are making Alstair's ring. Is it true?” she asked.

“Yes,” he replied with hidden emotions.

“So, you know the formula?” her eyes opened widely.

“Yes, I do.” he never liked to boast.

“I always wanted to see that.”

“Do you now?”


“Do you need an assistant?”

“Yes,” they walked together down the street.

That night, a man and a woman entered the history records for making the famous Alstir's ring. What happened to Aaron and his assistant? First it was mutual admiration and then, when all hope was lost, love. Yes, true love that can break many bonds.

From him our second main hero traces her line. All will be revailed in the future chapters.

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