
Chapter 3_ Liam refusal

Mr. John Patrick grins at Mr. Taiye, mentioning that she pursued Business Administration at the University of Nigeria.

"That's acceptable, then. Kindly request that she send us her CV once she returns home. I'm confident that we have ample openings available for individuals who are new to our organization. I eagerly await her reply."

"Father!" Liam abruptly interrupted his father's speech, his expression growing even more serious.

"You can't simply charm me with her yet," Liam remarks, and his father grins in response.

"I understand, Liam. I am merely attempting to acknowledge Mr. John Patrick's kindness and dedication in collaborating with us for more than two decades," Mr. Taiye replied, as Mr. John simply offered a faint smile to Liam before politely departing. 

"I will be departing now, boss. Thank you and congratulations once again, Liam."

Liam acknowledged Mr. John's final remarks and proceeded to join his father at the front of the meeting hall. 

He stood near the exit door and said, "I don't appreciate everything you just did, father. There are numerous alternative methods to provide recompense to Mr. John without causing harm to myself."

"What is your intention behind that statement, Liam? Mr. John has been a dedicated employee. I understand that you may not be familiar with everything here since you're new, but that's perfectly fine. Furthermore, he mentioned that his daughter's agreement was crucial. It's possible that she won't agree to work with us, so there's no need for you to be concerned about everything I just mentioned."

 As Mr. Taiye makes his way out of the meeting hall, Liam responds to him."I hope she doesn't bother. I am currently not interested in women."

"Liam!" Mr. Taiye pauses, looking back at his son with a disapproving shake of his head.

"You should be more mindful of what you say in front of your mother. One day, you will come across a suitable life partner, but that is not the main focus at the moment. Let's shift our attention to business and put aside everything we've just discussed."

"Alright, father!" Liam let out a weary sigh as he observed his father's departure from the meeting hall, leaving him alone in the vast space. His personal assistant hurried back into the meeting hall to meet him right after his father departed.

"What is the next course of action, boss?" Brown inquired, facing Liam head-on.

"Get the car ready. I'll be heading back to my humble abode for today. Tomorrow marks the beginning of all official duties."

"Alright, boss!" After concluding the meeting, Brown made his way down to the ground floor to notify Liam's personal driver about getting the car ready.

"Israel, prepare the car; the boss is ready to depart."

"Alright." Israel agrees. The Benson Group is a thriving company with five stories and a substantial workforce. 

Liam emerges from the elevator and strolls towards the car park, where a group of their employees gather around their vehicles, engaged in conversation.

 It's a leisurely day, with little work to be done, as his father granted them a day off to witness his appointment as the new CEO.

Liam settled into the back seat as Israel skillfully started the car's engine and smoothly drove him home to the Benson residential villa. 

Liam descended from the car and made his way directly to the living room on the lower level. However, his mother was absent, as she was occupied in the kitchen, preparing a meal. 

This was despite the presence of numerous maids and servants who diligently attended to their household duties. His mother, Mrs. Juliet Jackson, continues to take charge of the cooking, as she thoroughly enjoys preparing their traditional meals.

A maid emerged to greet Liam upon hearing the car's arrival. She respectfully bowed and extended a warm welcome, addressing him as "Master Liam."

"Thank you," Liam averted his gaze as he headed towards the kitchen in search of his mother. The enticing scent of the dish she's cooking wafts through the entire living room as she expertly prepares the beloved soup, complete with tender beef and succulent fish.

"Good afternoon, mom," Liam cheerfully greeted his mother as he walked into the kitchen, and the two maids assisting his mother respectfully lowered their heads in his presence, "Welcome back, esteemed Master Liam."

"Thank you everyone." Liam replied to them as his mom washed her hands in the kitchen sink and dried them with her short kitchen towel. She then walked up to meet him and gave him a warm hug.

"Welcome back, my child. How was your day at work?" "Mrs. Juliet inquired, she said.

"Alright, mother, Hasn't dad come back yet?" Liam inquired, to which she responded, "No, my dear. Perhaps he is spending time with his friends. It's clear that he's thrilled to have you back and ready to take on the role of CEO once again."

"I understand, Mom," Liam says with a slight smile to his mother as he exits the kitchen, while his mother gives instructions to the cook as her meal nears completion.

"Just make sure to keep an eye on it to prevent it from getting burned. Once it's prepared, serve it immediately," Mrs. Juliet directed a maid.

"Okay, Ma'am," Nora replied, taking charge as the cook and leader of all the maids and servants in their home. 

Mrs. Juliet emerges to greet her son, who is lounging on the couch with his legs stretched out. She gracefully emerges, adorned in her customary flowing brown attire. With a regal gesture, she delicately removes her kitchen apron from her waist and passes it to a waiting maid.

"Here, kindly transport this item to the laundry room and cleanse it."

"Alright, ma'am," the maid picked up the apron and exited the room, as Mrs. Juliet made her way over to the couch across from Liam.

"Mom, why are you so concerned about cooking when you have the maids and cooks at your service?" Liam inquired, observing his mother as she settled down.

"I understand, my child, but you're aware that cooking can be considered a form of physical activity, and I also happen to find joy in cooking." 

"I can't rely solely on the maids and cook for all the work. It's possible that I might become lazy and sick since I retired from the nursing home earlier this year before you came back."

"Hmm," Liam muses. "It's alright, mother. I'm fine with that, as long as you're not feeling stressed," he responds.

"Certainly not, my child. "So, how did the event go?"

"Alright mother, it's just a regular gathering of the new staff, but I'm not particularly fond of the attire chosen by some of the younger female staff," Liam expressed, his face contorting with annoyance.

"What is your intention behind that statement, my child?" Were they not donning garments? How else did you anticipate them to be attired?" Mrs. Juliet inquired, her eyes widening in confusion at her son's claims.

"Good mother. Not bad! That's the ideal attire for a co-operative worker in an office setting. A decent dressing, not attempting to charm anyone in the workplace."

"Oh, Liam!" Mrs. Juliet wore a subtle smile on her face. "They're young women and likely in pursuit of a life partner. One wouldn't anticipate them to dress in a manner that suggests they are married, concealing everything. And besides, they may desire your admiration for one of them."

"No, mother! I won't permit that. Tomorrow, I will be implementing a new dress code policy for Brown and all the female staff. It is expected that everyone, both new and old employees, will adhere to this policy. Those who are unable to comply may need to consider other options."

"Liam! You certainly won't do just that. You have recently assumed the role of CEO once again. You shouldn't mistreat your workers and colleagues at the office simply because you hold a position of authority," Mrs. Juliet expresses with a disapproving expression.

"I apologize, Mom. But that's how I envision their attire starting tomorrow. I will ensure that they undergo a thorough inspection at the gate prior to granting them access to the company. I've already got the dress code all set, and Brown will be distributing the information to everyone tomorrow." Liam rose to his feet, leaving Mrs. Juliet utterly astonished.

"Liam!" After much anticipation, she finally reaches out to him, causing him to come to a halt."I apologize, Mom, but if my father gets involved, I will have no choice but to step down from the company. It's important to maintain my focus, and I want to avoid any potential distractions from my female staff."

"Alright, my dear child, if that's your preference, I can only hope that it doesn't negatively impact the company's progress."

"Of course not, mother," Liam finally smiles at his mother, pleased to see that she already agrees.

"I should head upstairs and freshen up now. The scent of the soup is enticing. I'll go freshen up quickly and return downstairs to join you for dinner."

"Alright, my child, I will be eagerly awaiting your arrival." Mrs. Juliet Benson observes her son ascending the stairs in the living room, making his way to the second floor. 

Their home is a typical duplex. Despite her husband's wealth, she insists on staying in the Benson Villa, where countless memories from her past reside. She lets out a sigh as she rises to set the dining table with the assistance of the maids.

 At that very moment, her husband returns home accompanied by one of his acquaintances, Mr. Tunji Martin. She warmly welcomes them as they enter the living room and encounters her on her way to the dining room.

"Welcome, my dear!" Mrs. Juliet eagerly returned to greet her husband. Despite his advanced age of 68, she affectionately refers to him as my dear.

"Wow, the scent of the soup is so enticing," Mr. Taiye remarks to his wife, who responds with a smile.

"Where could Liam be? Has he not returned yet? Mr. Taiye inquired.

"He's returned," Mrs. Juliet responds, "he went upstairs to freshen up."

"Alright, allow me to introduce you to my acquaintance, Tunji Martin. We have a small business discussion, but that can wait because Tunji will be joining us for dinner."

"Alright, sweetheart," Mrs. Juliet beams at Mr. Tunji as he greets her, "Great job, ma'am."

"Welcome, sir," she replied.

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