
Chapter 4

As Anthony laid down on his bed, his mind replayed his meeting with Luna earlier. After the accident, Anthony had been going to the place for the past three days without fail, hoping she would be awake already and he could meet her. He was already becoming impatient, wondering if he had overdid things and if she would ever wake up. He needed her to wake up, he needed to meet her, that was why he had planned the entire accident in the first place. As luck would have it, she had woken up today, he could breathe easy. He replayed the meeting in his head, she seemed gentle and kind. And she was certainly very beautiful, Anthony remembered her features well. She was about 5'4ft tall, and had long blonde hair. Her face was heart shaped, her eyes were moon shaped and they were the most beguiling turquoise green. She had a pointed nose and full lips. He also remembered her soft smile that gave her a gentle and elegant aura.

'With looks like that, this doesn't really have to be torture for me', Anthony thought to himself.

She seemed gentle and naive enough. She was just perfect for the plan, everything should go as he planned.

He would return to the palace again tomorrow and then his plans would officially be put into motion.

The Next Day

Anthony stepped out of his house and entered the streets. He was on his way to the palace.

"Anthony! Good morning", the woman who had a kiosk on his street greeted him as he walked by.

"Good morning, Mrs. Weatherby", Anthony answered with a smile and stopped in front of her kiosk.

"I heard you saved the Lunar Three days back, is it true?", Mrs. Weatherby asked enthusiastically.

Anthony chuckled.

"News does travel fast. Now where did you hear that, hm?", Anthony asked with his charming smile.

"Does it matter?", Mrs. Weatherby asked back.

"What matters is if it's true or not. Now tell me, is it true?", Mrs. Weatherby asked.

Anthony laughed before nodding his head in the positive.

"Wow, so it's true?", Mrs. Weatherby exclaimed in surprise.

"Wow, I'm so proud", Mrs. Weatherby complimented.

"Good job"

"It's not a big deal. It's my duty to serve and it's an honor that I was able to", Anthony answered righteously.

"Where are you going now?", Mrs. Weatherby asked him.

"To the palace", Anthony answered.

"I want to check on Luna and make sure she's alright. I want to make sure she's recovering well", Anthony told her.

"That's good. That's very thoughtful", Mrs. Weatherby complimented him and Anthony smiled in response.

"Well then, I shan't keep you back any longer", Mrs. Weatherby told him.

"Go on", she urged him.

"Goodbye Mrs. Weatherby", Anthony bid her goodbye with a smile before leaving.

When Anthony arrived at the palace the guards stopped him.

"Who are you? What is your business here?", they asked him in their deep voices.

"I'm here to see the Luna," Anthony answered calmly.

"And what business do you have with the Luna?", one of the guards asked.

"Certainly none of yours", Anthony replied snidely.

"What did you say?", the guard boomed angrily.

He looked at Anthony, anger brimming inside him. How dare this nobody talk to him like that?

Anthony's expression had completely changed as well. Who was this guard to speak to him that way? Just because he worked in the palace didn't make him anything. His usual charming smile could no longer be seen on his face as his eyes turned ruthless and his expression dark. Even the guard was a bit startled by Anthony's expression but he didn't want to seem weak so he held his ground. The guard and Anthony were engaged in an intense stare down when Rosa who was passing by heard the commotion. She went closer to find out what it was and was surprised to see Anthony.

"Mr. Anthony, what are you doing here?", Rosa asked him.

As soon as Anthony heard Rosa's voice, his expression changed and he was now smiling in his usual charming way.

"I came to see the Luna, to check on how she is doing but the guards won't let me in", Anthony answered her sweetly.

"Oh, let him in", Rosa told the guards.

The guard who had an altercation with Anthony seemed reluctant but he opened the gate anyway for Anthony to pass.

"Thank you", Anthony said as he walked past the guard but the look in his eyes made the guard shiver slightly.

"Sorry about that but the security has to be strict", Rosa said when Anthony had passed the gate.

"It's no problem. I completely understand", Anthony told her, smiling charmingly at her.

"Come", Rosa said as she led him into the palace.

"You wait here and I'll inform the Luna of your arrival", Rosa told him when they reached the grand reception room.

"Ok, thank you", Anthony smiled at her.

And with that Rosa left Anthony alone in the reception room.

As soon as Rosa left, the gentle smile on his face disappeared. Anthony looked around the reception room with a dark expression, a single thought swirling repeatedly in his mind.

"Who is here?", Rayne asked Rosa.

"The young man who saved you, Mr. Anthony", Rosa replied.

"Did he say why he is here?", Rayne asked calmly as she opened her jewelry box and looked for a pair of earrings to wear.

"He said he wants to check up on you, to see how you are doing", Rosa answered.

"Hmm", Rayne hummed in response as she picked out a pair of earrings.

She held one of them close to her face and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was satisfied with how it looked and proceeded to put them on.

"Will you be seeing him? Or should I ask him to leave?", Rosa asked.

Rayne clasped the second earring and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She looked beautiful.

"There's no need for that, I will see him", Rayne told Rosa who nodded.

"He is in the reception, right?"

"Yes, he is"

"Alright", Rayne said as she stood up.

"Can you call Sophia?", Rayne asked Rosa who nodded in agreement.

"Of course", Rosa replied.

"Have her meet me in the reception", Rayne said before leaving the room and heading for the reception room.

Rayne walked into the reception room and Anthony immediately stood up.

"My Luna", he bowed.

"Mr. Anthony", Rayne said with a smile.

"To what do I owe this visit?", Rayne asked him gently.

"I wanted to check on how you are doing", Anthony answered softly with a shy smile.

If it was any other girl that saw Anthony's expression right now they would probably go crazy, Rayne herself had fallen for it once before, but not this time. When she saw his expression now, she felt a sense of disgust. She knew all too well the real expression underneath the smile. She had seen the devilish grin that that smile hid and she wasn't at all impressed. Instead she was excited to see how long he would be able to keep that smile once she started with her plans.

"That's very kind of you", Rayne complimented.

Anthony's blush deepened.

"Not at all, it's just...."

"Rayne?", Sophia called out as she walked into the reception room, interrupting Anthony.

"Ah, Sophia, please join us", Rayne invited her.

"Sophia, this is the man who saved my life, Mr. Anthony", Rayne began to introduce them.

"Mr. Anthony, this is my best friend, Sophia", she finished the introductions.

"Nice to meet you", Sophia said as she stretched out her hands and smiled coyly at Anthony.

"You too", Anthony replied, smiling too. He took her hand and shook it.

Rayne watched the two of them with a sly smile on her face. In her first life, these two had met on their own terms, Rayne wasn't planning on playing the game by their rules in this lifetime. The rules of the game had been changed and she was the game changer.

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