
A One Night Stand and a Stalker

Waiting for them outside the bar was a dark-blue Ferrari. Nothing else mattered to Cinnia except going wherever he wanted her to go.

She didn't take a look at the driver that opened the car door for them and she didn't care. The number one thing on her mind was the man who was making her go crazy.

As they settled in the car and he signaled for the driver to move, she tried her best to regulate her breathing and reduce the heat in her core.

Denzel had other plans. He pulled the privacy shutter down and the next moment, he pulled Cinnia onto his lap.

Caution flew to the wind instantly the moment her center connected with his covered bulge.

She straddled him, grinding slowly on him; an action that elicited a needy groan. 

At that moment, she forgot that he was supposed to be part of the enemy and that he was trouble.

He moved her dress up further to expose her round and fleshy butt and in response, she helped him out of his jacket.

His eyes focused on her breasts as his hands caressed the soft flesh of her butt.

Her skin, the color of rich cocoa seeds, called to him, fueled him and inebriated him.

He wanted more. Needed more.

She shared the same thought as their lips clashed in an intense kiss that burned all of her fears and trepidations away.

They ravaged each other needily, exploring every inch of their bodies that they could reach.

Just as she was able to take off his shirt, she noticed that the car had come to a stop.

Reality flooded back once again. However, before the door was opened, Denzel pulled down her dress and set her back beside him.

Taking her hand, he stepped out of the car as the driver held the door open and she followed suit.

They were right in front of one of Denzel's two mansions in the state of East Volken.

He had purchased this one in Bromsken strictly for business purposes but it turned out that another use had been found for it.

Kissing the back of her hand gently, he led her through the elevator which he unlocked with an eye scan.

The elevator dinged open and he welcomed her into his expansive living quarters.

Suddenly, she was lifted in the air with her legs straddling his waist and before she could say a word, his lips enveloped hers once more and caution flew to the wind again.

She was all he craved and he was all she longed for.

She had loved and been with two different men in her search for respite despite the messiness of her life but she had never felt the way she felt right then with any of them.

They carried on making out as he led her to his crisp and cool bedroom that smelled just the way he did, the only difference being the hints of sandalwood that permeated the air.

The cool air did nothing to calm either of them down. The fire that had been kindled could only be snuffed out by the two of them.

They were in no mood to snuff it out just yet.

Shutting the door behind them softly, he set her down on the plush carpet.

Taking off his shoes and kicking them to the side, he motioned to her to do the same.

Once she did, she sank her feet into the softness of the carpet biting her lip as she sighed contentedly.

"Don't do that," he warned.

"Do what?" she asked innocently though a mischievous smile played on her lips.

She knew what she was doing and she loved the fact that it bothered him. 

Roughly, he grabbed her nape and in one swift motion, pinned her against the door and lifted her right leg.

"You're driving me crazy, Princess."

Princess. It came out so smoothly from his mouth and caressed her ears like a sweet melody.

"Really? I haven't even started yet."

Fluidly, she wrapped her arms around his neck and hoisted herself up, crossing her legs around his waist.

Digging her fingers into his soft, thick, dark hair, she pulled down, baring his long, sculpted neck.

Smiling in satisfaction, she leaned in with the tip of her tongue, licking from the base of his throat to his sharp jawline, enjoying the shudders that ran through his body at her touch.

Getting to his earlobe, she bit it playfully, reveling in the hitch of his breath, and sucked on it gently, eliciting a pleasured groan from him.

Unable to take her teasing much longer, he carried her to the bed and threw her down on the soft mattress.

His green eyes burned with desire as he raked his eyes over her entire body.

He was about to take off his shirt when Cinnia stood up and halted his movements.

"Let me."

She pulled the shirt over his head completely, leaving his chiseled torso open.

His chest was lightly smattered with dark hair that thinned down his abdomen and disappeared into his pants.

With a finger, she trailed down his chest, over the ridges and hard muscles of his belly, and finally traced his V line before ending at the waistband of his pants.

With a seductive smirk, she stuck her little finger into the waistband, lightly tracing his abdomen. His eyes closed in pleasure and his breathing became quicker at her ministrations.

Slowly, she knelt and quickly undid his belt and the button of his pants, yanking them down his long legs.

His boxers followed immediately and she was faced with the very impressive sight of him.

Normally, she never enjoyed taking men into her mouth but this time, something in her wanted to give him pleasure, wanted to see him in the throes of passion.

She wanted to see him come undone before her.

"Are you sure about this, Princess?" he asked, his hand coming to rest on her afro, combing through each tightly coiled strand tenderly.

"We'll see," she found herself saying as she began stroking the length of him lightly.

"Oh...Fucking hell..." His eyes rolled to the back of his head as her warm, moist lips connected with the tip and moved deeper down his length, sucking harder as she adjusted her mouth to accommodate him.

She looked up at him from under her lashes to find his eyes already on her as he grabbed fistfuls of her hair and began thrusting into her mouth.

It felt even better than she had imagined. His groans and her soft moans filled the room as she took him into her mouth again and again till he swore and came into her mouth.

It didn't taste as weird as she thought it would.

Swallowing it all, she caught some that had dribbled down her chin with her finger, and brought it to her lips, sucking it off while never taking her eyes off of him.

The sight of her on her knees before him made him go hard again instantly.

With a smirk that spoke of a plethora of pleasures to come, he lifted her, planting kisses on her neck as he raised her short dress over her head in one swift movement.

"The lights," she demanded, stopping him from doing anything further.

She couldn't let him see the mark.

"Dim the lights," he instructed his AI, and immediately, the lights dimmed to a soothing near-darkness.


"Much better."

Crouching before her, he pulled her lace thong down her legs.

Sitting her down on the edge of the bed, he began to trail wet kisses from her toes till he got to her inner thighs.

Panting heavily, she grabbed his dark mane just as he draped her legs over his shoulders and dipped his head between them, lapping hungrily at her sensitive bud and sending shockwaves throughout her entire body.

"Yes! Oh... fuck!" she moaned loudly as he continued worshipping at her temple.

Her toes curled and her back arched into his touch as he kept going, his hands caressing the lengths of her thighs.

Before she could release the tension building up in the pit of her stomach, he stopped abruptly, pushed her further into the bed, and settled between her legs, his arousal brushing against her center.

"Say the word and I'll stop."

"Don't you dare think of ending this."

With a wolfish grin that promised unbridled ecstasy, he thrust into her.

She gasped, adjusting her body to the feel of him deep inside her.

He nibbled and sucked on the sweet spot on her neck, caressing every inch of her body as he fucked her to the point that she thought she would go mad from sheer delight.

She matched each thrust with the same intensity and rhythm as their pleasure built up till they could take it no more.

They groaned and quivered in sheer passion and fervor as they came as one.

With one last gentle kiss on her lips, he pulled out of her.

She was exhausted.

"Oh, hell," was the last thing she whispered.

She felt him settle beside her, pull her closer to him and drape blankets over them before sleep took over.


Her eyes flew open. From the time on the digital clock on his nightstand, she hadn’t been asleep for long.

He had his back turned to her as his body rose up and down in tandem with his even breathing.

He was asleep. Fantastic.

Now was the perfect time for her to leave and never look back.

She couldn’t afford to stick around. Not when she was still being hunted by his kind.

She snuck out of the sheets and began putting on her discarded garments as quietly as she could.


A small moan emanated from his mouth as he stirred in his sleep, causing Cinnia to halt her steps just as she was about to grab her shoes.

After making sure he was still asleep, she hastily picked up her shoes and purse and padded to the door.

Softly, she opened the door and with one last glance at his sleeping form which was illuminated by the moonlight from the floor-to-ceiling windows, she whispered, "Goodbye."

Then softly, she closed it and made her way across his living room.

She would have taken the time to properly admire the furniture and the beauty of the place had she not been in a hurry.

On getting to the elevator, she hoped and prayed that the eye scan was just for entry only.

Fortunately for her, her prayers were answered.

Once she was out of the building and into the cold, breezy, moonlit night, she put on her shoes and found her way to the main road to hail a cab that would take her back to the motel she was staying in.

She needed to leave as soon as possible.

However, her heart kept nudging her to go back. To be with the man she had left behind.

It took everything in her to ignore the bond that had cemented between them, the pull that kept urging her to be with him.

Against what her heart wanted, she pulled open the door of the cab and got in.

“Monterana motel, please.”

She didn’t look back. She couldn’t bear to. If she had given in and looked back, then she might have just turned the car around and headed back to his place.

She didn’t even know his name.

He didn’t know her name.

Denzel had woken up to find her side of the bed empty and cold.

There was no note. No explanation.

She simply disappeared.

He wondered if he had done something wrong to make her leave the way she did.

'I couldn’t have imagined the mate bond, could I?' he pondered.

It was real. He had acknowledged it and so had she.

“She did say she wasn’t sure if it was a good or a bad thing though. Fuck!” He muttered to himself as he paced around his room.

His light caramel skin glistened as the moonlight streaked in from the gap in his curtains.

He hadn’t even noticed how much time had gone by. He had been completely and utterly enveloped in her overwhelming presence.

“Would you like me to find her, sir?” his head of security asked through the intercom.

The security team had seen her leave but assumed their boss had sent her off as he sometimes did with the others.

This time was the first they had ever seen their Alpha so deeply worried about the whereabouts of someone he had brought home.

For a minute, he wanted to say yes. He wanted his team to leave no stone unturned in finding her and bringing her back to where she belonged—by his side.

“No,” he said instead. “Let her go.”

She left for a reason. If she wanted to stay then she would have.

If he had marked her as his, then he would have been able to track her to at least be sure that she was safe but he hadn’t.

The marking was more intimate than the mate bond or even sex.

It meant that they were yours and you were theirs for life. The pull was stronger and more innate than the mate bond.

It was something to be done when both parties were fully aware of the decision they were making.

The mate bond could be rejected by either party but once a wolf and she-wolf marked each other, then it was sealed for life.

They could not reject each other from then on.

Therefore, it wasn’t something he could bring himself to do to her without her full consent.

Though she shouldn't have been able to walk away so easily because of the bond, if she wanted to come back to him, then she would.

Two months later.

West Volken. The birthplace of her parents and the state with the largest population of supernatural beings.

It was the first time Cinnia had ever stepped foot there.

She thought she would feel something, perhaps a sense of belonging or family, once she stepped on home soil but there was nothing.

She didn’t feel connected to this place her parents had once called home.

The air smelled clean and fresh, filled with the scent of humans.

She could only catch whiffs of the scents of a few werewolves.

Her parents had told her that much. The wolves and witches preferred to mostly mind their business and keep their abilities a secret from most of the human population.

That was the agreement they had made with the human governing powers so they could all live in relative peace.

The wolves lived beyond the woods of Lunar Crest, a thriving and bustling city famous for its magnificent coffee, delicious cuisine, and iridescent nightlife.

Lunar crest, its woods, and lands beyond was home to the Nightfall wolves, the largest and most powerful of all the werewolf packs.

Her father had been Alpha of the pack and Alpha King of the twelve packs of West Volken but had been deposed following his romance with her mother.

Cinnia had been warned by her parents to never return because the wolves and witches weren’t even the main threats.

"They won't be the only ones to come for you. Don't ever look back."

But she was done living in fear.

They would not expect her to come to Lunar Crest so she could be safe for some days or weeks.

In the meantime, she would dedicate most of her time to finding out whether the big, bad threat was real or if she had been running from a phantom.

Cinnia weaved through the busy crowd with nothing but her purse containing her phone, passport, a bit of cash, and her cards.

In all her five years of running, she had learned to carry only the bare necessities.

She could always buy clothes, shoes, and accessories wherever she went but carrying them with her would only slow her down if she need to leave a place ASAP.

Meanwhile, a hooded figure followed Cinnia at a respectable distance, making sure to not catch her attention.

The moment she stepped into a clothing store on a less crowded street to purchase a fresh outfit and make some inquiries, the hooded figure followed her in.

The figure let her pick out an outfit while they pretended to browse through the vast sections of clothes.

Their eyes remained fixed on Cinnia wherever she went.

Until the opportunity came.

Cinnia stepped into the changing rooms to test her outfit and in turn, the figure followed her into the changing rooms only to be met with a pocket knife aimed at their jugular.

“Who or what are you?” she asked, trying to sound as threatening as possible.

“You already know what I am. I have been searching all over for you, Cinnia.”

The figure took its hood off, revealing a youthful face and cascading blonde hair.


Before Cinnia could say another word, a strange-smelling powder was blown into her face causing her eyes to roll back into her head with her knife clattering to the ground as the blonde woman caught her limp body with surprising strength.

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