
Chapter 2

Chapter Two:

Karen looked up and found herself face to face with a tall, muscular werewolf dressed in the royal guard uniform. 

He had a stern expression on his face, and his eyes were narrowed as he glared down at her.

"I'm sorry," Karen said, taking a step back. 

"I didn't see you there."

The guard looked her up and down, his eyes lingering on her training gear. 

"What are you doing here? This is a restricted area."

Karen straightened her back, trying to appear confident. 

"I am here as a substitute bride for the prince. But it seems that he has already rejected me and chosen another."

The guard raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised. 

"I see. Well, you should leave immediately. It's not safe for you here."

Karen frowned. 

"What do you mean? Why isn't it safe?"

The guard hesitated, his expression softening slightly. 

"There are those who would not take kindly to your presence here. You should not have come."

Karen felt a shiver run down her spine. 

She knew that the palace was filled with intrigue and danger, but she had not expected to be targeted so quickly.

"I have to find a way to make things right," Karen said, her voice determined. 

"I can't just leave and abandon my family."

The guard sighed. 

"Very well. But be careful. And keep out of trouble."

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Karen alone in the hallway. 

She took a deep breath and continued on her way, her mind racing with ideas.

As she walked, she heard a muffled sound coming from behind a nearby door. 

She hesitated, then approached it cautiously. 

As she pushed it open, she saw a small room with a single figure sitting in the center.

It was the prince.

Karen froze, unsure of what to do. She had never seen him up close before, and she was still surprised by how different he looked from the rumors she had heard.

He was not disabled, useless, or cruel. 

He was quite handsome, with dark hair and piercing blue eyes. 

He was dressed in simple clothes, and his expression was thoughtful as he looked up at her.

"I'm sorry," Karen said quickly, realizing that she had intruded. 

"I didn't mean to disturb you."

The prince shook his head. 

"It's alright. I was just thinking."

Karen hesitated, then decided to take a chance. 

"About what?"

The prince looked at her, his eyes searching hers. 

"About you. About why you're here."

Karen felt a blush rise to her cheeks. 

"You have already rejected me."

The prince nodded. 

"Yes, I have. But that doesn't mean that I don't want to get to know you better."

Karen was taken aback. 

"What do you mean?"

The prince stood up and walked over to her, his eyes locked on hers. 

"I mean that I think we have a lot in common. We both want to shape our destinies and rebel against the old ways. And I think we can help each other."

Karen felt a thrill run through her body. 

She had not expected the prince to be so open and honest with her. 

She looked up at him, her eyes shining. 

"How can we help each other?"

The prince smiled. 

"By working together. By joining forces to bring about change in our world. I know it won't be easy, but I believe that we can do it. Together."

Karen felt a surge of hope and excitement. 

She had found an unexpected ally in the prince, someone who understood her and shared her dreams.

"I'm in," she said, holding out her hand to shake his.

The prince took her hand and shook it firmly. 

"Good. But we have to be careful. Some would stop us from achieving our goals."

Karen nodded, her mind racing with possibilities. 

"I understand. But what do we do first?"

The prince hesitated, then leaned in closer to her. 

"First, we need to find out who is behind the attacks on the palace. I have reason to believe that it's someone close to me, someone, who wants to prevent me from making any changes."

Karen's eyes widened. 

"Do you have any idea who it could be?"

The prince shook his head. 

"Not yet. But I have a plan. I need you to help me."

Karen nodded, her heart pounding. 

"What can I do?"

The prince leaned in even closer, his voice low and intense. 

"I need you to go undercover. Pretend to be a servant in the palace and gather information. Keep your ears open and your eyes peeled. And report back to me."

Karen felt a surge of fear mixed with excitement. 

This was a dangerous mission, but it was also a chance to prove herself and make a difference. 

She nodded again, her voice firm. 

"I'm ready. When do we start?"

The prince smiled, a glint of mischief in his eyes. 

"Tonight. Meet me at the east gate at midnight. I'll show you how to get in and give you more details about your mission."

Karen nodded, feeling a sense of purpose and excitement. 

She had never felt so alive before.

As she left the room and made her way back to the servant's quarters, she couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead. 

She knew that the road ahead was fraught with danger, but she also knew that she was ready to face it head-on.

She had found an ally in the prince, someone who shared her dreams of rebellion and change. 

And together, they would fight to make their world a better place.

The prince took her hand and shook it firmly, his blue eyes bright with determination. 

"Good. Then let's start by getting out of here. There are too many dangers lurking in this palace, and I don't want anything to happen to you."

Karen nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. 

She had found an unexpected ally in the prince, and together they would fight for their freedom.

As they made their way out of the small room, Karen couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead. 

She had taken a huge risk by coming to the palace, but she knew that there was no going back now.

As they walked down the hallway, Karen saw several guards patrolling the area. 

She felt her heart race with fear, wondering if they would be caught. 

But the prince seemed unfazed, walking with a calm and steady pace.

Suddenly, they heard a loud shout from behind them. 

Karen turned around and saw several guards running towards them, their swords drawn.

"Stop right there!" one of them shouted. 

"You are both under arrest!"

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