
Chapter 4

This time, they were more alert than before. One of the men took out a gun, the other took the small bat from the floor, and the last was looking around the corners.

My heart was rapidly pounding in my chest. I can practically hear it from here. The sweats dripped down from my temple to my chin as my body felt hotter than it ever did before.

I should've done that. I should've look down if I would step on something, and now we're both dead.

In a flash, a huge rat comes in view infront of them.

All three men slowly looked down at the rat. The man number 1 tilted his head to the side, looking confused. The man number 2 did a little wave at him. And finally, the man number three, stomped on it, instantly crushing it. I fight back a gasp. The squeaking of the rat dying made me scared, as liquid blood drips and rolls on the floor.

Never thought I'd be thanking a rat for saving my life before.

They all turned their focus back on the girl. And as they did, I tried to think.

"Okay, ummm.....hurry. We uh- we need to come up- with a- with a plan." I turned around and faced him, whispering.

His eyes finally turned to me, panicked. "They- they are..."

"Drug dealers? Yes." I confirmed by nodding my head, and once I did, he stumbled back quietly on the wall, removing his hood.

I tried to think of a plan. I can't leave her. Something can happen. No way. I can't save her. There are three guys out there, bigger, faster, and stronger than me.

But there is one thing.....

I removed my thoughts and focused on the sheriff's son. I think he finally got to compose himself as he uses his inhaler again.

"Okay, can you take her?" I asked.

He turned to me in disbelief. A wrinkled forehead made it's way to his face. He ran his fingers through his hair as he close his eyes, leaning his head back into the wall.

It took him some seconds but once he was focused I asked him again. "Can you save her?"

Fear flashed through his eyes at first. "I'm not sure..." he admitted. He banged his head on the wall several times before speaking again. "I mean, we can, but not like this!"

"Okay. Right now you're just being a coward." I said.

If his dad is the main sherriff, then no doubt he can do this. He should be trained at least once in his lifetime. He's the last hope I have, to save this girl.

"No I'm not. I'm just saying we can't take them down! We should-" he whisper yelled at me, but before he finishes, I interrupted him.

"We should what? Call the police?" I frown at his stupid idea. We couldn't do that. There would be too many issues that it'll cause. "We can't. Your dad will question us what the hell we did to end up in a dark alley."

He rubbed his face with both his hand. "Damn it." He dropped his arms and looked at me straight in the eyes. "What's in it for me if I don't snitch?"

"You not getting scolded by your dad." I shrugged.

He gave me a blank expression. "Okay, fine. The signed CD from Paul McCartney." I rolled my eyes.

He grinned for a moment before speaking up, "What's your plan?"

I didn't have one. I don't just randomly plan out what I would do if I saw a drug dealer in the alley, harassing a poor and innocent girl.

My brain thought fast.

"Simple. All you have to do is take her away from them in the other side of the alley," I started. He slowly nods his head and motioned for me to continue. "...then I'll distract them from here."

My plan might be stupid, but I ain't running away from here just because I'm a coward. The guilt will eat me alive once I see that woman's face flash on the news TV.

It's better to die at a young age for trying to be a hero, than to die at an old age while the guilt continues to torture you every single day.

"How will you distract them?"

Easy. That's one of the things I'm expert about. People in movies tend to be so dumb when they try and distract people. Like for example, they would casually make eye contact with the person behind the dude they are trying to distract.

"Leave that to me." I explained. Sound of the men's laughter in the back was still loud enough to reach my ears. "Now hurry and find the exit of the alley, enter it, and take her."

I pat his shoulders and stand up, backing myself up against the wall to hide from them while he slowly walks away.

Don't panic. You got this.

I let out a shaky and nervous breath I've been holding. I started blinking my eyes to keep my thoughts together.

A minute has passed and so far they were still harassing the girl and pushing her around.

"Where is he?" I whispered lowly.

Did that motherfucker ditch me?

As I was about to let out a small scoff, i saw his figure, hiding behind the wall.

More nervous feeling entered my soul and body. I felt scared. I've done a lot of reckless acts in my life but I've never mess with drug dealers before.

This will probably be the first and last time that I'm messing with someone who does drugs.

I let out a sigh as I step forward, making sure my footsteps was loud enough to be heard by everyone. A few more rats crossed in front of me as my breathing became more shaky.

All the eyes turned to me. Their body was still facing the girl but their eyes was on me. That's a good sign, right?

All their gaze looked almost the same. A small frown and an angry eyes, and a mad sensation.

And suddenly, I wasn't so nervous anymore.

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