
Jealous Denzel

We got to the tattoo shop in a blink of time because Hunter was riding fast on his motorcycle. The wall in the tattoo shop was covered with artistic drawings and posters of all kinds of tattoos. A couple of guys were around but Denzel claimed he was VIP. We went into a room where a tattoo artist was. He was only waiting for Hunter. Then, the artist pointed to a bag on the desk.

"Help yourself out. We got it ordered just for you." The artist stated pointing. I nervously got hold of the bag and feasted my eyes on the different Chinese dishes which was ordered from my favorite restaurant.

"You want some?" I asked Hunter and he nodded eagerly.

"I'm starving baby. All the walking about was wearing me out." He replied coming close to taking one of the food boxes. As we sat together to eat before he gets tatted, I brought up a conversation.

"Are you and Denzel having a beef? You two don't seem close." I pointed out.

"He's like a kid brother to me. Who told you that?" He teased.

"Kid brother indeed. It's so adorable how your actions don't agree with you. You and Denzel have something troubling you both and you know it."

"To be honest, I don't have a beef with him but we aren't exactly tight either. The only connection we have is Raven, his mom."

"Then, why are you getting close to me? There's something else beyond your sweet kind gestures to be friends with me. Just spill it out so I can understand you better."

"I just like you. You're cool and someone I want to hang out with all the time. I might not be convincing you the right way but I mean it. You make me happy." He answered.

I couldn't hold back the laugh that burst through me. "That's so corny. It sounds so weird coming from you. I'm still not buying it."

"I'm also not giving up either. I want us to be best of friends."

I sat back and watched Hunter get a tattoo on his back. He has had dozens. I wondered why he wanted to have more. I was rather surprised he still had an untouched spot to put a tattoo on. I have never marked my body before so I couldn't stop asking him if it hurt, if it was itchy, or if It was painless. The tattoo took almost an hour to be done and then, I got a chance to see it, it was a drawing of my messy hair that I haven't been able to clean up and stretch at the hair salon.

"I'm finally convinced. You're crazy to put this on your body, Hunter. I thought tattoos should mean something to you not just ordinary things you see sometimes." I bluntly called him out.

"You're so mean, Sheldon. You know this is permanent. You can't expect me to clean it up right now. What's done is done. All you gotta do is just love it as it is." He grumbled.

"Fine, it's not so bad for an artist who paints about his sexual fantasies in nightclubs and then paints about love and harmony at the mall. Not bad at all." I lamely corrected.

He was laughing so hard, I thought his tummy would hurt.

"Now, your turn, Sheldon. Go lie down. Get something done on this sexy body of yours. I'll pick a drawing if you want." He urged me and I shook free from his hold.

"I've never marked my body before. How do you expect me to just do it suddenly without giving it a good thought and concern?" I asked making him pause and gaze upon my face so tenderly.

"Sometimes, you just have to go for what you want without thinking. Step out of your comfort zone and do something you'll be amazed at your bravery in doing. That's how I live and trust me, I am living my best life." He took off the necklace around his neck and hung it on mine. I was staring at the blinking diamond on my skin.

"I'm giving this to you because I've made up my mind not to regret these decisions I take. Life's a learning field. I won't grow if I don't learn." He stated and I felt my eyes tear up.

"I want to try it." I voiced out as I had just finished watching a motivational video. I was ready to do this. Try something I've never done before and I'm not even thinking about the consequences. Or maybe I was.

'What if I will not like how it turned out?'. I pushed the thoughts to a corner and decided not to regret it.

I went for it, lying on the comfortable chair to get my hip tattooed. Just on my waistline. Hunter was looking at me like a proud dad. I wrote down what I wanted to be drawn on me and the process began. I felt him applying something to my skin. Then, the use of his instrument followed afterward. He started putting down what I wanted to be there. The tool felt hot on my skin but it wasn't mind-blowing as I imagined it to be. I slept off minutes later. When Hunter woke me up, the process was over and he was really proud of me. He hugged me and clicked pictures of the both of us together.

When the celebration of my new tattoo was over, I went home with Hunter. He dropped me by my door and I waved as he drove off. I was holding a bag containing some instructions from the tattoo artist on what I should do and not do on my skin and put in my body. There were also gifts in there. Hunter wanted us to go to shop for clothes but I declined because I wanted to head home.

I ran upstairs to meet Denzel and show him the new tattoo I had just done.

He was reading a book when I came in. I immediately started taking off my pants so he would see the tattoo properly.

"Sheldon...stop! What are you doing?" He was yelling. Probably thinking I wanted to strip naked and then jump on him to get some action going. I went ahead to get rid of it totally, then, I turned around for him to see.

"My new tattoo! What did you think?" I was excited and giddy over it. I had no fucking idea what made me this crazy over it. "See what it says?" I added to draw his attention.

"It says 'Bee'" Denzel answered and I giggled.

"I ran out of ideas for inspiration so I just went with Bee since it's my new nickname from you," I explained.

"It's beautiful. I love it. And let me guess, Hunter made you get this?" He asked still looking at it.

"Yes, he did. He didn't force me though. It was just a suggestion. Have I done something wrong?" I asked rhetorically before sitting next to him on the bed.

"No, you didn't. I really like the tattoo. I just couldn't hide that I saw you getting off his motorcycle earlier." He stated.

"This is my first tattoo. The first time making my body. I don't think I feel too good about it. I'm so insecure about it." I started crying. Like a helpless little bitch. I did this so happily but then, I got emotional now that I'm far from the pressure. The pressure was Hunter. He made me do this. And I didn't object one bit. I didn't have any reason to.

"Come here," Denzel drew me close to himself and I enfolded his torso with my arms. "There's nothing wrong with getting a tattoo. They look great on you. All you gotta do now is live with it and appreciate the steps you take in improving yourself." He kissed my forehead and I shuddered under his hold. "You shouldn't spend too much time with Hunter, though. He's a worse influence than you already are. I can't have him make things worse for us."

"Are you indirectly calling me a fool for going out with him today? Is that what you're trying to say?" I pointed out.

"I don't know, Sheldon. I can't tell you anything anymore because you'll always think I'm trying to control you or that I underestimate you. You shouldn't be this attached to him whilst knowing he can ruin everything. I love that fucking tattoo but I hate the initiator of the tattoo. He's not one of my favorite relatives."

"I know, you made it clear with how you talk about him. I'm just frustrated. That's all."

"Never go out with him again. That's a warning."

"I'm sorry but I can't do that. I have so many things to discover. I want—"

Without warning, He slammed his lips against mine, forcing my lips to open for him. I felt the tension flowing through him. His kiss felt so right. More right than anything I had ever felt in my life. I grabbed onto his shirt and held him to myself so that we wouldn't break apart.

He entangled for a moment and I tried catching my breath. "It wasn't a request, it was an order, Sheldon. My blood boils whenever I see you with him. And the fact that he has had you is killing me!"

"Denzel, it's not—"

"Shut up!"

He crushed my lips again, kissing me more passionately than I ever imagined someone would. He was angry. He didn't need to tell me, his whole body was pushed to the wall.

At the wrong moment, his phone started ringing out loud, interrupting his rough possession of my lips. He stopped kissing me and gazed at me desperately. Only for a second.

"I have to take this. If you know what's right for you, keep your ass seated on this bed." He ordered and I nodded like I was hypnotized by his forceful measures. He left the bed to answer the call while I remained on the bed wondering why Denzel thinks I should stop seeing Hunter. I thought he didn't give a shit anymore.

My thoughts were drifting and I shut my eyes to push back the tears from wherever they were coming from. And that was when I felt Denzel's hands on both of my ankles. I was startled. He drove my legs apart and I opened my eyes in shock. My heartbeat fluctuated. I felt like I was rising above the sand.

"Denzel, what...what are you doing?" I stuttered, clearly aware of what he wanted to do. But I was shaken because I didn't see it coming a few minutes ago when I was bawling my eyes out. He rested his head just above my underwear. He used his hands to slide one side from the other and left it hanging on the other side. My underwear was out of the way now. He could see me. Every inch of me down there.

"Did I forget to mention that I'm starving and you're on my menu?" His deep voice asked and shivers ran through my body system. I wanted to scream out loud that this was finally happening. Denzel was going down on me for the very first time. I was nervous and at the same time excited. He parted my opening with two of his fingers and then, sent his tongue right in the middle. He flicked it a few times and I instantly began to heat up.

"Mm, something tells me we are both going to enjoy this." He said setting his eyes devoid of happiness on me.

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