
18-Finals, Spa Day, Ghostface.


The air crackled with tension as finals week descended upon us. Our living room had transformed into a makeshift study hub, scattered with textbooks, notes, sticky notes, and empty coffee cups.

Izzy, Emma, and I huddled together for a last-minute study session. Today marked the fourth day, and we'd barely gotten enough sleep since finals began. We had just wrapped up with Business Ethics and Microeconomics and were now in our rooms preparing for tomorrow's exams.

In the midst of our study session, Izzy, wielding a colorful stack of highlighters, meticulously flipped through textbook pages, her brows furrowed in deep concentration. Emma was surrounded by an organized array of sticky notes.. As for me, armed with a pen, I frantically scribbled short notes in my notebook.

Tomorrow's exam was no walk in the park. We were gearing up for Statistics and Accounting. Now, I won't say it's difficult, but it's the kind of subject that demands intense focus and thorough preparation if we i
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