

“This is today's specials. It is shredded lamb meat and potatoes specially made by our top tier Chef.” The waiter said with a grin. He looked at Violet's face and swallowed.

“Excuse me, miss? You look so awfully familiar.”

Violet turned to look at her and indeed, he was familiar.

“Aren't you the girl that had a spat with her father a few years ago?”

Violet felt something in her chest move. She looked around the restaurant and wondered why it looked so familiar.

It was also a inn and She'd been here before. When she used to work for the Keitan killer's association, she booked a premium room which she shared with Piggy.

She wondered if Piggy was still alive. It'd been years since she last saw him and that Saintess from Lagsu..

The waiter grinned, reading the expression on Violet's face.

“It really is you! Recently, your dad dropped by and I asked him why he didn't bring you and he said with a straight face that he disowned you. It was really funny. Did you two fight recently? Is that why you've come here to make up with him?”

Violet uncomfortably shifted in her seat. The waiter was talking about Poison.. or Jade.

“What are you talking about? Go and bring more dishes, we're hungry.”

The waiter grinned, “Got it. I'll be right back!” With that, he hurried back to the counter where a line of hungry customers were waiting.

Uak looked at Violet confusedly, “Your highness, what is that weirdo talking about?”

“It's a long story.” She plainly replied and started digging into the food.

She didn't need to eat. She was just bored.

“Nice meat!” She audibly praised as she bit into the meat.

When she was receiving punishment, she had nothing to eat and when she got out, the healer only gave her green soup and fruits to eat. She rarely had meat and now.. she was eating a spicy one that was soft yet edible.

It was more pleasurable to have then sex.

Violet took in the scent of the food as she ate, not paying attention to anything else. It made her feel rather present.

Across the table was a man looking at Violet keenly as she ate.

He was a scholarly looking man with a green robe and perfume pouch by his waist. His skin was smooth and delicate and his brown eyes gleamed as he caressed the edges of his folded hand fan.

A smirk appeared on his face and he said in a hushed tone.

As expected, you're still alive.. Interesting.

He stood from his table and appeared in front of the counter, whispering something to the waiter's ear.

The waiter grinned from ear to ear and nodded. He called one among the workers and whispered something in his ear.


“Your majesty, do you like the meat?”

Violet looked at Uak seriously.

“If you want some, tell the waiter to hurry up with your order.”

Uak sunk back in her seat. Violet had caught her.

Just then, the waiter from earlier arrived with two trays of different dishes.

He placed them on the table and looked at Violet.

“Miss, your beauty is indeed exhilarating.”

Violet didn't even look up.

She grabbed another plate of food and boredly started digging in.

The young boy who was a worker in the inn came back with a bouquet of roses. Without warning, he tossed them into her lap.

Violet looked up, showing her angry eyes but the waiter wasn't paying attention to her. Instead, to the flowers.

“Just now, a handsome gentleman paid for your meals and bought you a bouquet of flowers.”

Uak eyes widened, “Really?”

The waiter looked at her excitedly, “Yes!”

Uak eyes watered. Thank goodness! Now she didn't have to pay any money for the meals. They were incredibly expensive but she didn't want Violet to have short of the bed.

“Where is he?” Violet asked. 

At least, some guys were sensible enough to see that she was pretty despite her scars.

“Right there!”

The waiter pointed to the side of the entrance but when Violet looked, there was no young man standing there. 

He was gone..

The waiter frowned, he thought he'd get to witness a love story unfold in his eyes but the handsome gentleman was nowhere in sight.

Did he perhaps get shy and run away out of fear of rejection?

The waiter let out a sigh of disappointment.

Violet chuckled, “It seems whoever paid for the meals and flowers is not brave enough to meet me so I'll mind my business and enjoy the food.”

The waiter and the boy by his side walked away and Violet continued eating, the bouquet of roses still on her lap.

“Your highness, it seems you have good luck.” Uak said as she tore meat off the chicken bone.

“Even though you just killed someone, a young probably attractive man paid for our meals and even sent you flowers!”

Speaking of flowers.. Violet stared down at her lap. If it were before, she'd sneeze and find it difficult to breathe because she was allergic to rose flowers but now..

She sighed. Taking the flowers and handling it over to Uak.

“Here, for you.”

Uak blinked, mouth full of meat. 

“But.. that gentleman got it for you, why are you giving it to me?”

“I hate flowers.” Was Violet brief response.

Uak blinked, then snatched the flowers and tossed it into the nearby bin. Acting as though nothing happened, she went back to her food.

Violet sighed and kept eating as well.

“Should we use the Inn here or go to another?”

Violet shrugged, “The food service is nice. I can't be bothered to go elsewhere.”

Uak nodded, “Then I'll book a room right now.”

As she stood up to leave, Violet called her back.

“Yes?” Came Uak's innocent reply.

“You'll order two rooms.”

Uak face fell. “Why? We're both girls, what are you afraid of?”

“I have a premonition.”


“You farting and snoring in your sleep.”

Uak's face went a deep shade of red and she muttered under her breath, “So what? It's the way the human body is designed. What am I supposed to do about it? Cut of my intestines? Hmph!” She scoffed.

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