
15. Relax

That morning the atmosphere was not conducive. Many of them deliberately eavesdropped in front of Anya's room. They all knew that it was Anya and Leah who were inside. Some of them sided with Leah and some sided with Anya. But after hearing Leah's words, they blamed Jasmine even more. 

When Jasmine came to meet Anya. She was surprised by the crowd in front of the room, The bedroom door was not closed tightly, so they could hear the commotion coming from inside Anya's room.

"What are you doing here? Jasmine asked while also peeking. 

"It's all because of you, if only you didn't come here. They wouldn't be fighting like this." said one of them who had been in her position near the door. 

"What do you mean? I don't know what you're talking about." 


A hard slap landed right on Jasmine's smooth cheek. The blush she got from the slap was able to shock the others. Even Anya, who was arguing with Leah, chose to leave. 

How surprised Anya and Leah were to see their colleagues crowding in front of Anya's room. And what surprised them even more was Jasmine's cheeks, which they still had a clear imprint of their hands on. 

Anya immediately approached Jasmine and hugged her. She knew how Jasmine felt right now.

"Who did this to Jasmine?" Leah asked intimidatingly at them. None of them wanted to admit it. If it was like this, they could only surrender if Lorensius would intervene. 

Even though the place was busy, they didn't dare report the perpetrator to Anya or Leah. Maybe all of them really hate Jasmine, even Leah has shown it for a long time. But none of them remembered daring to hit Jasmine.

"Answer me, damn it! Who dares to slap her?" Again, Leah asked those who lowered their heads in fear.

"Okay, if you don't want to answer. Don't blame me if Lorensius gets angry with you," The threat given by Leah was able to make several of them come forward. 

"Sorry, here I just want to clear up this misunderstanding. This is where Jasmine was wrong first. When we wanted to wait for you to leave the room, she forced her way in but we didn't give her permission. Then, she got angry and pushed Angel." It's not Angel's fault if he slapped Jasmine, said one of those who made up the lie. 

Anya and Leah knew that what the girl said was a lie. Even though Leah hated Jasmine, she had never once seen Jasmine reply to her words, let alone play rudely like what they said.

Anya whispered to Leah. "Ask the security guard for CCTV. Lorensius deliberately installed CCTV here. It's just that no one knows so they can get away with it." No one heard what the two of them said except for Jasmine, who was still in Anya's arms. 

Anya deliberately walked past them while saying. "It turns out there are lots of caterpillars here that make our bodies itchy. Oh, just wait, Lorensius will throw away these disgusting caterpillars." 

Leah also moved away and followed Anya. Even though a few minutes ago Leah's words hurt Anya, she still cared about Anya and Jasmine.

"No one can hurt them both apart from me. Including you," Leah pointed directly at Angle's face.

Mike took a drag on his cigarette. Currently he is sitting looking at several items that will be auctioned tonight. He also wanted to find satisfaction by participating in the auction.  Ah, to be more precise, it's not an auction but selling illegal goods, such as drugs and so on.


"Is everything ready?" Mike asked those who had just finished loading drugs and other illegal items into the box car.

Tonight they plan to sell all the goods through the dock. He heard from several of his subordinates that the police were investigating any goods coming in and out of neighboring countries. 

"Are you sure it's safe on the dock? If not, I will kill you all," Mike threatened them. 

The workers just swallowed hard in distress. It's their fate if they work and risk their lives. If it wasn't like that, they couldn't make enough money. Only working with Mike can provide three times the salary than working in an office or other well-known company.

"I can guarantee that the dock is a safe place," said one of Mike's subordinates. 

"You are willing to give up your life for me." 

"I'm ready, sir, from the start I gave my life to you,"

The box car went first, followed by Mike's car and several motorbikes. They all headed to the dock, only for the motorcyclists to make a fuss to ward off the police who were looking suspiciously at Mike's car. 

Everyone knows who Mike is, but they don't dare arrest Mike without evidence. Therefore, many police forces tried hard to arrest Mike. Unfortunately, all this time their hard work has always been in vain. Most of those who dared to take on the case regarding Mike did not succeed in getting Mike imprisoned, instead they resigned from the police force.

"Shall we head to the docks too, sir?" asked the driver looking at the boss from behind the glass. 

"Don't immediately point to the pier, we'd better look for a cafe first. I don't want to waste my time if I have to wait for them." 

In about fifteen minutes, Mike's car will arrive at the pier. But they stopped the vehicle and chose to get out of the car to order drinks at the cafe.  Not long after, a man arrived in full uniform from the police. 

"Hi... Mr. Mike." 

Mike only returned the handshake given by the two of them. 

"Can I help you?" Mike just asked so they wouldn't focus on the box car.

"What brings you to this place?" asked the policeman who had been looking at Mike disapprovingly. 

"I just want to have dinner," Mike answered casually without raising any suspicion from them.

The two policemen finally let Mike go and looked for where the box car that the network had previously suspected had gone.

"Once again we apologize for disturbing your time."

"Aren't you guys always bothering me," replied Mike sarcastically. The two policemen who had just received an answer from Mike could only remain silent and no one dared to move.

"Mr. Mike? Is this really you? What are you doing here?"

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