
Multiple hidden pieces

The government had tried to keep some details hidden, reporters got some things out. The rumors were in the air that some kind of barrier was preventing any force from effectively using their weapons. The domains had sprung across the area starting from the institute and were spreading throughout the whole of the country. More and more cities reported such areas being created somewhere near them. No city damage was observed right now.

"That is verified news, or just to make us poor creatures go out and capture all at once?'"

"The reporters that reported such do things very secretively and the news by some of them, I can say that it is very based on solid facts. They verify the things with their own selves. They are a thorn to anyone who is targeted by them. This time for the government."

They tried to contact some of the institutes to see what they were going to do. All the institutes had for some reason for the previous few days closed down entry to anyone from outside.

"Hey, everyone. Some announcement is being made by the government again.

The main head of the government, the president, gave a few tens of minutes of speech regarding the situation. Allen and others were surprised than anyone about the kinds of things that were being dropped on the news.

What the gist of the things was that

it was no longer possible to attack those creatures by any kind of advanced modern weapon, but this was only true if those creatures did not go out of some specific places that were being called domains.

It was not known what was creating these domains. But no amount of detection was revealing any kind of technology used. It was more like a natural disaster, came without warning but was part of nature.

The institutes would be enrolling en- masse, that was a piece of peculiar information. The military would also cooperate with the institutions in this regard to find a solution for this solution.

Their previous institute was particularly mentioned in that any member of the institute may take asylum in any of the top institutes and work there. The matter was too big for the small things to be taken into account.

The president was probably grumbling because the reporters had leaked the news too fast and caused some panic among people.

The moment that they got confirmation about that, they decided to split into groups to go into various institutions so that they could better figure out the situation. It would be better for them to not go together as a group and just get isolated together in the new organization they were going to end up in. One or two of them going into a new organization would not matter but with all of them going, it would be very easy for anyone to figure them out.

' Not everyone is thinking that this is not the time to take small matters into account.' was what they thought.

The institute Allen choose was also one of the other top ten. The entrance test being quick and easy, he was able to get into it, along with many others.

only after he was able to get his designated place in the institute, he was able to think back on what they had chosen to do.

'No one is going to share the locations or where he is going to go, with one another.'

'We should try to meet together at this place six months from now. If that can't work out due to any reason and that is likely going to be the case, the next thing would be to gather at some kind of gathering of the institutes. The institutes regularly host competitions among them after all. Well, they diligently used to anyway….'

And the institute of theirs would always be the main host for that kind of setting.

The smooth sailing into the institute made much more sense after he got his rank in the institute. The rank was only short of the maximum possible one, rank 2.

'Not every good thing that you think of as good may be in your favor, is the saying, isn't it.

People were definitely going to be surprised that some new 2 stars were just popping out of nowhere.

'The head definitely did that on purpose. He could have done it gradually, in stages too. I am not sure…what are the intentions behind this kind of gesture'

Considering that he was a 2 star, the responsibilities assigned to 2 stars in his institute included giving lectures and guidance to the new classes.

'Great, now I am a teacher too. come to think of it, I was never a good teacher in the first place and didn't want to go into teaching'

He remembered the times he tried to teach his sister and that did not usually end up anywhere after a few days. Not to mention whenever there was a problem or question that anyone in the team wanted to ask, they would avoid him as much as they could,

 'Yep, definitely not a good track record.'

'I won't be assigned the class that my sister is in, right?'

He had indeed applied in that institution, the institution also had its school. That was why the 2 stars researchers were going there to teach there. The school was linked to the bigger institution, which he was part of now.

He saw the names of the students assigned to his class and there was indeed not the name of his sister.

The first day in his class, he tried to be tough in his discipline, which somewhat worked, somewhat didn't. He could not change his nature. It was just too entertaining watching young ones making mistakes and rebalancing themselves. There were some inconveniences and some conveniences to work like this, as some students could act as the helpers. It was only his second day of taking class, that his eyes nearly pooped out. Due to the influx of new trainees, there was a total of around 3 times the number of students than before. And the person in charge had just handed him the file of the names, containing the names of the new students just like that. Allen really was double thinking about what to do now. It was going to be more trouble than it was worth.

His worries did not come to fruition. Rather, he came to know later that day that this was only a small worry. another message came to him that read as

"All four stars and above researchers are to come at the discussion hall today, at 2 PM, top priority!"

Allen looked at the time and it was 11:00 AM +. Meetings like these would usually be held only after a few days as some researchers would always be outside the place of their research or in their research. The workload of everyone at different times of the year was different. 

He was surprised to see that when he arrived most of the seats were filled, in such a short time to gather.

Very soon, at the exact time, the president of this institute came. He looked at everyone, picked a packet out of his pocket and placed it on the table, in front of everyone, then asked, 

"Do you have any knowledge of what this is?"Allen definitely did not know why he was looking at him while saying that, yep definitely not.

There was some discussion and then replies came as no in multiples.

The president then did not say anything, just asked everyone to carefully watch a video that was made to play in front of everyone.

The scene showed a man grabbing the packet in his hand, taking a syringe-type object out, and injecting that to someone else. The man after a few seconds went to sleep. He woke up abruptly, then when asked to go into the same domains that were created spontaneously, the man, unlike any attempt that they made before to go was able to go inside and even come out without harm. His clothes were made out of the animal's hides though. Anything else that he took in with him did not come out. That was some achievement...

"So, what do you think, Mr. Allen." 

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