
Its A Promise

The couple entered the room after sorting out everything between them. "Mummy, daddy", Ruby ran towards them smiling showing her brilliant smile. After looking at his wife and daughter Isaac didn't want to die and leave his precious treasure behind all alone in this world. He was ready to die for the boss who took him in when he had nothing. 'I m allowed to be selfish once in a while can't I?' Isaac thought as his desire to be with his family grew stronger.

Isaac directly went in front of the man and said, "I don't want to die yet. I have things I need to take care of and things I need to see through till the last of my capability." This time Isaac didn't have the pathetic begging attitude but he seemed determined and eyes were full of light completely different from the man of last night who was psychotic. Letting him cool spend a night in oblivion was the best decision. Kim and Chris both gave thumbs up to their boss in their heart.

Chris did all the talking for his brother except when not necessary. He stepped forward with a contract. "Just so you know, we contacted Tom Blake about you but that scoundrel didn't even lift up a finger to take you back so we have informed them that you are have been extreminated along with your family." "But I have brothers there who are really close to me….."Isaac exclaimed but soon calmed down. 'Who was he? No one. Beggars can't be choosers.'

"Take this." Chris handed him a bag containing tickets and some Cheque. "Leave this city and go far away. The farther the better where darkness won't touch the young saplings. As for your brothers it's better if no one knows you are alive. No, don't let anyone know you are alive. It's better that way for all of us."

Isaac knew the consequences of leaving a gang was really bad and if the boss wanted he could have him killed in just a flick of his hand. If it was possible he wanted to meet Drake that silly boy who was always there for him. But it will be safer if he didn't know it.

"Are you really letting us go? After all I have done?" Isaac was still unsure.


Isaac was filled with happiness, astonishment and a little bit of suspicion. What if it was just a trap to massacre his family. He couldn't help but ask, "Why are you doing this much for us? Even after all I did. We are just strangers."

"It's my wish and that's all that matters." The man spoke calmly as the ocean deep and mysterious. But in truth all he wanted was not to see a family torn up because of anyone as long as he could help it. The world was selfish and dark and he was no exception but he could never let someone else go through the hell he once suffered.

After the trio had left he got up to leave for his study. As he was walking he turned around, "Get the reporters and media ready. It's finally time to reveal the new head of Tyrell group to public." Chris upon hearing this joyfully replied, "Yes, boss."

Elaine returned to her school after resting for one day. She felt more energetic than ever not only physically but she felt happy and content. The end of the high school was coming near. After one month they all would graduate and go their separate ways. Elaine despite having spent about ten years of her life with these people didn't have that strong connection and bonding with them. As soon as she entered the classroom everyone glanced at her which was totally normal since she was absent for a day without any notice.

She was the honor student, the prettiest and well the coldest so no one dared to approach her except the three girls who loved to pull pranks on her. She sat on her designated seat as she waited for her class to start.  The three girls who picked up a fight with her last time didn't even dare to look at her. Probably because they were afraid or it may be because they were busy looking at something else in their smartphones.

They were giggling and whispering to each other in excitement until the whole class could hear it. "He is so hot..Ohh my god he is too handsome..". A girl said as the next girl added, "Even his long hair looks so dazzling… my life is worthless than his hair." "Let me the mole beneath your eyes Prince."

"His mole is even prettier than you." Another girl teased her. They all laughed heartily.

"Awww he even looks dazzling in his suit." "I heard he is taking over the whole company and he is just twenty five isn't he?" Even the boys were gathering over their seats out of curiosity, "He is…he is nothing special." A boy claimed out loud but tip of his ear was red as well. The charm even got the boys. Elaine who was ignoring them actually was also curious as to who this guy was they were fangirling and fanboying over. Everyone were talking about the man when Elaine spoke out, "I..I also want to see it."

Everyone stopped their chattering as they looked at her with surprise in their eyes. She actually initiated a conversation with them and it was enough to petrify them back and forth. Seeing no one responding to her, Elaine felt a little embarrassed and she blushed a little as she asked awkwardly, "So I can't?"

'She is goddesses in our school uniform.'

'She is not cold at all, only a little awkward.'

'Pretty.' Such thoughts were running in the mind of all of her classmates at that moment. Breaking the silence one of the girl moved aside to make some space as she asked her to come beside her. "Come here. We will show you." Elaine was unsure as she went but she was pulled by her and landed right on the seat. "Why are you so nervous? We won't eat you."

"Look at him. Isn't he magnificent." The same girl pushed forward the phone that covered the recent news. On the front page a blonde man with cold and domineering aura sat in front of hundreds of cameras and reporters. He looked extremely stunning in the black suit draped over his body. His dark black eyes were extremely deep that showed hint of neither nervousness nor fear. He looked way too calm, collected and mature for a 25 years old. "We are just 6 year younger than him but look at him.." one of the student sighed.

Elaine looked at the man in the video dumbstruck. 'This person wasn't the one she found in her courtyard, was he?' Elaine had thoughts swirling around her heads. If she really saved such a great person wasn't she the savior of the whole group. Wasn't he indebted to her. Even if she was feverish and little tired that night she could never forget the bewitching face.

Others who were observing her misinterpreted her silence as being captivated by the man. 'Even Elaine can't escape this man's charm.' Some the boys were crying in their heart as they cursed the man for sweeping their goddesses off her feet. Only if Elaine knew what they were thinking they she would have totally denied them in spot. One of the girl asked her, "What do you think about him?"

Elaine who was lost in her own thoughts looked at her, "Huh…uhhh..he is nice." "Just nice. Elaine are you blind? Sick probably? He is Michael Tyrell the boss of the top most company 'Tyrell group' of the legendary 'Tyrell family." The girl emphasized each of the word.

'So his name was Michael huh.' Elaine thought, 'If he is that big shot what was he doing in this village then.' Just then the teacher entered the classroom so all the students dispersed and hurried back to their own seats. As she was walking towards her seat she thought, "Whatever I just picked him up. Let's just forget him. Plus he really didn't appeal to her since she had someone she already liked for a long time. The three girls who picked a fight with her and bullied her were silent throughout the time she was there.

When the time came for returning back home, she again found those three girls waiting for her at the gate. "Have some kind of business with me?"

The three girls bowed simultaneously as they apologized, "We are sorry for treating you like that and playing prank on you even when you did nothing wrong to us." "It's like we said we misunderstood you as looking down on us. I know apologizing now won't make any differences but we want to make sure you forgive us."

Elaine was never the type to hold grudges. "Okay. I already forgive you. Don't worry about that now."

"Really?!" the three girls shouted in synchronized manner. "Yes yes, now I got to go. Don't want to be late for my job now." Elaine walked away leaving the three girls.  She stopped some steps away and said, "Well see you tomorrow the." And walked away with the tips of her ear a little red. It had been a long time since she had ever greeted or said farewell to her friends. The three girls who were not expecting this giggled happily as they looked at Elaine walking away at fast pace.

Elaine went shopping after she finished her job and brought some vegetables, fresh meat and few snacks as she made her way to the old couple's house. She specially took early leave toady. "Grandpa, grandma. Are you in?" Elaine entered their house directly from the front door. "Oh it's the little fool. Mr. Ron came out from the door leading to the pharmacy. "What's those?" He pointed at her hands full of shopping bags.

"Hey, young man help me carry them. This maiden is tired carrying all this load." Elaine called out the old man as she acted pitiful.  "Yes, the knight is here to save the damsel in distress." He came laughing as he held some of the bags for her and entered the kitchen where Mrs. Ron was just about to make dinner for them. "Good evening, Grandma."

"You are just in time. since you just recovered you need nutritious food for your body. Stay for dinner…. Oh seems like you already had a plan for that."

"I thought maybe I should cook something for you as thank you for taking care of him." Elaine smiled as she looked at the old couple. "Thank you isn't necessary silly. But that aside can you cook?"  both of them looked at her with doubts clearly written in their face. She was a little bit embarrassed but managed to respond, "Well I searched the net, read the recipes and tried some I can surely make some good foods."

"Well...we will see. Do you best." Both of them gave a thumbs up but their expression betrayed their cheers. They still didn't believe her.

'I will make you believe me. Heh." Elaine started to sort out the dishes and materials she needed. Her cutting skill was good but the real challenge came when the time to cook came.

Within 30 minutes the whole kitchen smelt of smoke and burnt onions and spices. Elaine came out coughing with some black soot on her face. The old couple laughed a bit and they told her to go and clean up. "We will cook together, all three of us ok? You clean up, I will clean the kitchen." The old lady offered as she dusted her hair. Although she was a little bit ashamed at failing miserably like that she felt happy knowing they were gonna cook together.

Mr. Ron also closed the shop early to help them. While Mrs. Ron cooked, Elaine stood beside her observing everything and passing her required ingredients. Mr. Ron cracked up some jokes in between making the whole kitchen laugh wildly. Finally when all the dishes were done Elaine picked up some important tips but nothing more. If she tried her hand at cooking next time she knew that she would end up destroying the whole place. The table was full of tasty and mouthwatering delicacies. Looking at the bright red colour of the roasted chicken she couldn't help but swallow her saliva. Her stomach growled but she didn't care for all her attention was at the food in front of her.

"Here, eat up a lot and grow big and healthy." Mrs. Ron added some meat pieces to her bowl and Elaine ate it happily. The meal was peaceful and happy. After the meal Elaine finally explained the reason of her visit.

" I am leaving this village and moving to central town after I graduate." Mrs.Ron who was keeping away the dried dishes stopped her hands and continued as if she had heard nothing.

After a long silence Mr. Ron broke the silence, "Are you sure?"


"Will you be alright there?"

"I think I can manage. I have applied for scholarship in a military university and as long as I get it I will have no worries. But I can mange to live on my own as well. I have money saved from part time."

"We can't stop you if you have already decided."

Elaine was truly grateful to this old couple and she loved them. She bowed down before them as she expressed her gratitude. "I will never forget you two. I will come visit. So please don't be angry at me." Elaine softly said as her voice choked up.

Mrs. Ron finally wiped her wet hand on towel and strode toward the girl kneeling on the floor.

"This silly girl." Mrs. Ron hugged her. "This old lady will never forgive you if you forget your promise."

"It's a promise." Elaine hugged her tightly even when the corners of her eyes were getting wet with tears.

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Bella Jersey
I’m glad they understand she has to grow

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