All Chapters of The Stranger in 15B: Chapter 1 - Chapter 9
9 Chapters
“Did you talk to Robbie?” I asked my very tall, very blonde beautiful cousin Whitney.“Yes,” she says, not looking away from her locker. “Well? What did he say? Does he like me?” Robbie, the most popular guy in school. A basketball player. The guy I helped pass English and Math even though he was two years older than me.“Lauren, the thing is—“ Whitney started but got interrupted as Robbie with all his muscles picked up my cousin and swung her. She giggles mercilessly.“Hey L.” He said after releasing my cousin.“Hey Robbie,” I meekly said. He always did call me L—it was probably because he never remembered my name. “Hey,” Whitney also adds, making googly eyes at him.“Hey hot stuff—“ he was obviously now talking to Whitney. “Be ready this Friday. Our first date! Wear something hot. Revealing.” He winks at her, kisses her cheeks, and leaves.I am furious. “What the hell was that?” I yell.“Lauren. He doesn’t like you. He didn’t even remember your name.” She sighed.“What does that m
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Chapter 1
It wasn't as if I was in a hurry, as any good New Yorker knows, you should always get to the airport three hours before your flight, but also like any good New Yorker, I did not like waiting, especially in situations where I have to rely on other people. I also really did not like airports, especially when I was going to fulfill a family obligation, and not on a fun vacation! Thankfully, the airport experience didn’t take any more than 1 HOUR! Did I mention I hated airports?Now at the gate, as I waited I wanted to start doing some schoolwork. As my laptop battery was about to die, I made my way to a power port right in front of me that was inconspicuously free. I quietly gathered all my belongings and rolled over to the port, but before I got there, I saw, almost in slow motion, a man with slicked-back dark hair in a navy blue business suit beat me to it.“Hey, that was mine!” I yelled. “First come, first serve Ma’am!”“Ma’am! Do I look like a Ma’am to you?” We were making a scene
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Chapter 2
"You are joking right?""Nope, unless she lied to me about her name," he said and took his phone out. He scrolled through it for some time and handed it to me.On his screen, I saw a picture of him and a blond girl, both with a wide smile on their face. They had their cheeks pressed against one another. The blond girl, with her innocent-seeming hazel eyes, and slightly chubby cheeks, without a doubt, was the same girl who once told me I was too ugly to come to her sweet sixteen."Oh my god!" I exclaimed. "You got rid of her, and you want her back? Are you a mental patient?""I love her and I know she loves me!" He defended."She loves herself and no one else. One time in high school I asked her for advice about talking to a crush and she somehow ended up on a date with him. She is pure evil!" I pronounced."That was in high school. She isn't the same anymore. She is kind, loving, and was always there for me!" He said breathlessly, like just the memory of her filled him with joy."How
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Chapter 3
"WHAT?" I yelled, rather loudly, causing several babies in the plane to cry in unison. I was my own worst enemy, as well as everyone else’s on the plane right now. "Shhh..." Stephan said, placing a finger on his parted lips. "It might make my life easier, plus, imagine your cousin's face when she sees that you are at her wedding with someone she used to be with."This proposition felt so tempting that I almost accepted it on the spot. Seeing Whitney's beautiful face crumble as she came to terms with the fact that her ugly cousin was now dating her ex. The one who was madly in love with her, was now in love with me (even if it was just a lie). However, I knew this would not be a good idea in the long run. If discovered, I would have to admit to Whitney that her presence, her mean comments, and her successful personal life did have an effect on me, so much so that I was currently contemplating having her ex-boyfriend be my fake date to her wedding, and this was too embarrassing to even
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Chapter 4
The rehearsal felt like torture because Whitney used it as a way to besmirch everything I did. From the way I walked, to how I was slouching when I was standing, or that I was not smiling enough.Robbie was no help. While Whitney was focusing on how I was doing things, I noticed that Robbie was doing the same to Whitney, like a controlling stage mom. All in all, my boy Robbie needed to chill. Not that she didn't deserve it. I suppose I was just a bit more sensitive to how he was acting because if Whitney had done what I had asked, I would be in her shoes right now.Relax, it was just a high school crush I thought to myself. Though he was the last boy I truly liked, maybe because I was naive then. Now I have data to help me make choices, and none of them lead to a boyfriend. Just then my phone pinged inside my hand. It's crazy, I know, but bear with me, what if the serial killer of Clown Face is still alive and kicking or killing and the guy they have in prison is innocent? Stephen te
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Chapter 5
The drive to the hall was five-minute and most of the wedding party was either in front of us or behind us.The hall itself was a pretty building made of glass, almost like a greenhouse, and you could see twinkling lights raining down even though it was noon and we were a few feet away. From what my mom was saying, they had rented another building for their wedding. If this was where the rehearsal was, I couldn't even imagine how beautiful the wedding reception location was going to look. My heart began pounding and my stomach churned.She was getting married in this beautiful place, while I was pathetically pretending to have a boyfriend."Maybe't a good idea," I said through what felt like a panic attack."You okay?" He asked.I took a few deep breaths, not fully able to complete any of them. "Let's not do this! You just walk in and tell her the truth!" I suggested.But when I looked over to the hall, I saw that Whitney was out there welcoming all the guests w
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Chapter 6
Several pockets of crowds were starting to break up as people began to find their seats. Stephan and I did the same thing. Aaron also joined us a few minutes later with his date who was wearing a similar dress to my earlier knee-length option."This is–what’s your name again?” Aaron asked the tall, skinny, model like Burnett next to him. “Did he hire a prostitute for this event?” Stephen whispered into my ears. “Shh!”“Marley.” She meekly said. “Sorry, yes! Marley. She is my new assistant. Just started. Join me at the wedding as we are deploying a new project and may need her assistance.” We all exchanged hellos and conversed in between the awkward silences that usually occur when strangers are forced to hang out. Stephan took one of those opportunities to quietly comment, "Too late, it looks like he likes brunettes."I twirl my curly, blond hair in between my fingers.”I can always dye it!” I couldn't help but give a slight giggle at this comment and Stephan's investment in my l
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Chapter 7
I had left lunch angry and upset. Instead of driving home with Stephan, I had asked my mother to take me home. Although she was confused I had made up an excuse about how Stephan had to go pick up his stuff from the hotel to bring. "Why can't you go to the hotel with him and come to the house together?" She had questioned. "Yeah, I can drop you off!" Stephan had offered. "Mom, I am uncomfortable in this dress, and I don't want to make him drive back and forth." " I am going to stay back late and help aunt Karen clean up. Ask Dad to take you back." She had suggested, thankfully not questioning me more. After dropping me off, my Father had gone back to the hall to help my mother. So I decided to relax in my room upstairs, on my bed, out of my uncomfortable dress, but not quite ready to put another pair of clothes on. Therefore, I was just in my bra and underwear, on my phone, listening to music and replying to more emails in between skipping songs I was not enjoying. Through
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Chapter 8
Stephan stopped at a home, dirty green in color and dilapidated in condition. The lawn was overgrown, the windows boarded up, and the roof chinked in places. “What is this?” I asked, getting out of the car.“Clown Face’s house.” He said, coming up next to me. I turned around to get back into the car. He laughed heavily and said, “I am kidding. It maybe the house that my dad lived in. Whitney was one of the reasons I am here, but this is another.”“Maybe?” I asked curious. “I was pretty much raised by my mother and stepdad. My mother only ever told me my father’s real name. I knew nothing else. Until I started doing some research. I found out this is where he grew up. Not sure where he is now. He may not be alive.”“This honestly explains so much about you. I get why you are so nice now. Boys raised by women tend to be kinder—according to the data.” “You think I am nice?” We both looked at each other. Stephan gave me his innocent boyish smile and my heart did somersaults. “I was
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