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Trillionaire After Divorce
Trillionaire After Divorce
Olivia B. Lawson gave up her life for love. She married her college sweetheart Vincent, who grew colder by the day. ‘Sign these documents to give my mother a piece of your liver; she needs it!’ ‘Your mother? The same one who hates me?’ ‘Stop being selfish, Olivia! I didn't marry a selfish woman!’ To make matters worse, the best friend she trusted conspired against her and slept with her husband. With nowhere else to turn when her life is threatened, she relies on the kindness of a handsome stranger: ‘Help me, my husband wants to steal my organs. I promise to repay you when we get these divorce documents to court.’ Will Olivia regret her proposal when the handsome stranger turns out to be the ruthless and most feared among the 'new money': 'Billionaire' film investor Matteo D'Amico, a wolf in sheep's clothing?
1015.1K viewsOngoing
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Pada zaman abad ke 19, seorang wanita bernama Dansi memiliki anak kembar laki-laki dan perempuan yang bernama Jen dan Ben. Dansi memiliki warisan yang berupa magic book dari ibunya yang merupakan penyihir terkuat. Ania adalah kakak Dansi yang ingin merebut warisan itu dan membuat Dansi harus menggunakan magic book untuk membuka pintu portal agar kedua anaknya selamat. Namun karena suatu hal kedua anak kembar itu harus terpisah dalam dimensi waktu yang berbeda. Ratusan tahun kemudian, seorang gadis bernama Jani berulang tahun ke 17 saat ibunya sakit dan meninggal. Ken adalah laki-laki yang menjadi musuh Jani di sekolah. Ayahnya meninggal bersamaan dengan ibu Jani. Awal kehidupan mereka yang sebatang kara membuat keduanya mendapatkan warisan yang tak disangka sebelumnya. Buku antik menjadi warisan untuk Jani dan sebuah pisau untuk Ken. Warisan mereka yang lain adalah Jani dan Ken harus tinggal dalam satu atap dan menikah setelah lulus sekolah. Kebencian diantaranya membuat keduanya tak menerima keputusan itu hingga menjadikan rumah mereka menjadi dua bagian yang tak boleh dilanggarnya. "Aku akan menjagamu tak perduli masa lalu kita. Rasa yang selama ini kutolak tak mampu ku cegah lagi. Aku mencintaimu Queen Jani Donovan," batin Ken yang memandang Jani dalam tidurnya. Jani adalah titisan Jen sang pewaris dan Ken adalah titisan Ben sang pelindung. Mereka ditakdirkan untuk menjadi pasangan dikehidupan saat ini. Pengikut ratu Ania yang telah ada selama ratusan tahun mencoba membangkitkanya dengan cara yang tidak wajar. Kekuatan sihir Jani yang tiba-tiba muncul dan Ken yang memiliki tenaga super menjadikan mereka tak terkalahkan. "Ratu Ania, aku siap menghadapimu." Jani menatap ke sebuah kastil tersembunyi dengan makhluk aneh bertubuh separo manusia separo hewan yang menjadi penjaganya. Ken berada di samping Jani dengan tubuh kekarnya dan siap menjadi penjaganya. Ikuti kisahnya. Berlatar belakang pada kehidupan masa kini dengan konflik hati antara benci dan cin
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Ex-Husband After Divorce
Ex-Husband After Divorce
“Ayo kita perbarui kontraknya. Jadilah teman tidurku kapan pun dan di mana pun aku mau.” Lydia yang akhirnya telah berhasil melewati kontrak pernikahan setahunnya dengan aman dan telah resmi bercerai, seharusnya kini dia sudah bebas menjalani hidupnya seperti biasa. Tapi yang terjadi malah sebaliknya. Lydia malah kembali terjerat dengan Reino, mantan suami kontraknya yang playboy. Reino Andersen, tidak pernah memandang mantan istrinya sebagai perempuan yang pantas mendampinginya. Namun setelah kejadian malam itu, tubuh yang selalu dihina kurus itu menjadi candu baginya.
1044.3K viewsCompleted
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A Divorce After My Rebirth
A Divorce After My Rebirth
Gentle Rain In JunebxgRevengeLovereborn
Natalie Walker poured her heart and soul into loving Cedric Johnson for ten years, only to end up being burned to death by his lover.Cedric thought of that woman as nothing more than a housemaid. Even marriage wouldn't change her status. That was, until he received the news that she wanted a divorce..."Why do you want a divorce?" Cedric asked arrogantly, believing that this woman couldn't survive without him."Aren't you eager for me to die so you can be with your lover? I'm simply fulfilling your wish!" Natalie shot back as she laughed mockingly. "Cedric, I won't be blind again! Not in this lifetime!"Natalie, who had been reborn from the ashes, held the divorce papers and kicked the scumbag and his mistress to the curb.At a press conference for her company, the media asked, "We heard that you initiated the divorce. Could you tell us the reason?"Natalie responded calmly, "It was simply time to let go."That fire had consumed all her emotions.Looking back, it was nothing more than a long-planned trap set for her.
8.7154.5K viewsOngoing
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He's a demon King in the eyes of the world, but she's the only one who can bring him under control.
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Accepting the darkness
Accepting the darkness
MC only wanted to fulfill his family inheritance and be God's armed force on earth as holy abbot in his monastery. But a dark secret surrounds the old walls and the young clergyman comes across a burial chamber in which Lucifer himself was sealed. A long time ago, from his ancestor.Despite his firm belief in his master, he can soon no longer avert his gaze from Lucifer. The hitherto strict life of the main character is mixed up and he has to recognize that light and darkness are not always what they seem to be and that there is far more than one can see. Little by little, more beings appear in his environment and soon he himself gets on the track of his greatest secret ...
9.35.5K viewsOngoing
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After Divorce I Became A Zillionaire
After Divorce I Became A Zillionaire
*The Spin Off, which is the Book 2 ( Rise To Fame After Breakup will be available here from now on. She has loved him all her life, she married him to save him from his vicious girlfriend, but all she got in return was hatred and mistreatment from him and his girlfriend. When she couldn't take it anymore, she did what he has always wanted, she signed the divorce papers Four years later she's back with three gorgeous sons and was now a zillionaire, her husband knelt before her at the airport "Please forgive me wifey" "Ex.." She remarked
9.1162.2K viewsCompleted
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Craving my ex wife after divorce
Craving my ex wife after divorce
"I want you, Diana. I want you now," he whispered in a husky voice and brought his other hand to her waist. * * * * * Marriage was meant to be a beautiful thing but not in Diana’s case. She was a toy, a thing of pleasure. After years on enduring, she finally took the bold step to leave the marriage and suddenly, her husband wants her back! Running away from her husband was one thing, running with his pregnancy was another thing. How far can she run away from the billionaire when she melts at his touch?
8.8234.1K viewsCompleted
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My Ex Wants It After the Divorce
My Ex Wants It After the Divorce
After the divorce, all she sought was revenge for herself and her family, and as she hits rock bottom, without even enough to eat, she realizes that life can still be good. Starting over with everything she has, she is determined to forget her ex-husband and fight for custody of her son, and with that, take revenge on her stepmother who took all her inheritance for herself. They would never forget her name!
9.1169.9K viewsCompleted
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Taking Alpha's Twins Away After Divorce
Taking Alpha's Twins Away After Divorce
Natalia’s life was not so easy before the marriage, but she really didn't expect that she would accidentally marry the most popular man in the pack. Adrian Miller, the future Alpha never taken her seriously in this loveless marriage. But Natalia never stopped making an effort to win his heart. She kept trying until it became too much for her, and she decided to leave him forever. However, she had a secret identity that was kept hidden from everyone. What would happen if everyone found out about it? What if he discovered she was the only person he had ever desired in his life? What if she decided not to forgive him and instead moved on?
9.380.6K viewsOngoing
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