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Arya Tumanggala
Arya Tumanggala
Dalam satu penugasan, upeti yang dikawal Tumanggala dirampas gerombolan begal. Seluruh anggota rombongan tewas kecuali dirinya dan seorang prajurit lagi. Akibatnya, Tumanggala difitnah terlibat dalam perampasan tersebut. Ia pun nyaris dijatuhi hukuman mati. Coreng di muka membuat sang prajurit gigih mengembalikan nama baik. Tumanggala kemudian berhasil menghabisi gerombolan begal yang merampas upeti raja. Namun Tumanggala sungguh tak menyangka, semua itu justru mendatangkan malapetaka bagi dirinya dan keluarga.
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Resisting Xavier
Resisting Xavier
He was darkness, sinfully gorgeous, a dangerous fantasy, a walking orgasm with strings of broken heart behind him a proof of his heartless nature. He was everything decadent yet delicious your mom warned you about. She wanted light He wanted her After running away from her abusive drug addict of a step father and a mother who was busy getting her next fix to care for a whiny 15 years old, Maya could safely say she have had it rough in life and just wanted her own happy ever after. A husband who adores her, a picket fence, a dog and three adorable children. After she catches her fantasized soulmate cheating on her with her Best friend, she is shattered which left her deciding to throw caution into the air once and indulge in a mind blowing one night stand. A one night stand which leaves her sprawled on the bed humiliated, turned on and intrigued about the hot stranger with the distant cold blue eyes who practically freaked out when he discovered she was a virgin. When her friend gets her a Job as a PA to the CEO of one of the biggest establishment in the country but turns out Mr CEO was the hot stranger and what's more? He wants to claim her in every way possible but Maya knows what a picket fence guy material looks like and her insanely hot brooding boss wasn't it.
9.422.1K viewsCompleted
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Mrs Xavier
Mrs Xavier
One night. The one night she wasn't supposed to be there. She got into a one on one arguement with Mr Xavier, The CEO of a Milton billionaire industry, X&O. In an attempt to get revenge he forcefully hires her as his Pa. But things didn't go as he wished, and they both have to stick together to fight new obtsacles. Now the question to fate is that will they survive without tearing each other apart first. "I want his head." I grin evily, watching him from the window. Even without doing anything, he still annoys me.
8.78.8K viewsCompleted
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Arya Tumanggala 2
Arya Tumanggala 2
Tumanggala tengah bertugas mengawal seorang puteri ketika segerombolan penjahat datang mengacau. Sang puteri diculik, Tumanggala dibuat hampir mati kalau tidak ditolong gurunya. Begitu pulih, ia pun bertekad menyelamatkan sang puteri. Lalu sebuah rahasia besar mengenai masa lalunya, yang melibatkan anggota komplotan penjahat dengan orang tuanya, terkuak. Arya Tumanggala meradang!
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Alpha Xavier
Alpha Xavier
Myra has always wanted to meet her mate, its all she has dreamed of all her life. When her parents die in a rogue attack, she ends up in the hands of the enemy, who tortures her everyday.Her wolf is very resilient and helps her through the torture until she one day escapes. She lands in the territory of Xavier, the most ruthless, feared alpha in the world. One look at him and she knows they are mates. Her lifelong dream to meet her mate turns into an absolute nightmare when he rejects her. She embarks on a journey to make him love her at cost, she has nothing more to loose anyway.
1.3K viewsOngoing
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Dunia persilatan selalu penuh dengan dendam. Bahkan meski tinggal jiwanya saja, beberapa pendekar tetap memiliki api dendam membara. Itulah yang dialami pendekar tua bernama Wangun Genta Pati. Dia harus menemukan tubuh untuk dijadikan tempat reinkarnasi.Seorang bayi tidak beruntung dilahirkan dari rahim perempuan tua sekarat. Namanya Wangsa, seorang pemuda dengan hati dan jiwa yang bersih.Namun sayang, tubuhnya terpilih jadi wadah balas dendam Wangun Genta Pati. Perseteruan dua jiwa satu tubuh semakin keruh dan dari sinilah petualangan Wangsa dimulai. Apa Arya berhasil meredam dendam Wangun Genta Pati, atau malah ikut terbakar api balas dendam yang membara?Cover : pinterest
9.35.3K viewsOngoing
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Pengantin Kecil Tuan Xavier
Pengantin Kecil Tuan Xavier
Nandini Ayla Putri, seorang gadis yang di kucilkan oleh keluarganya sendiri. Dia berjuang untuk menghidupi dirinya sendiri dengan bekerja di sebuah toko bunga. Karena dia di anggap sebagai pembawa sial oleh ibunya. Dia mempunyai seorang kakak laki-laki dan juga seorang kakak perempuan. Sang kakak perempuan mempunyai pacar. Yang bagi Nandini kekasih sang kakak itu seorang pria dingin juga angkuh. Hidup Nandini berubah total ketika dia harus menggantikan posisi sang kakak. Nandini terpaksa menikahi kekasih kakaknya, karena kakaknya kabur ketika hari pernikahan. Hidupnya hancur bahkan untuk hidup pun Nandini enggan. Namun semunya berubah ketika Xavier mulai menyadari keberadaan sang istri dan dia mulai mencintai juga menyayangi istrinya. Xavier sadar jika Nandini berbeda dengan ibu dan kakaknya.
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Devin Or Xavier
Devin Or Xavier
One thing is certain that Emily could not tell the difference between love and feelings. Emily struggled in a confusing love triangle between Devin, the bad boy bully in school, and her stepbrother Xavier who bullies her at home. "You are mine, Emily!" Xavier groaned in raw frustration. He looked over Emily's shoulders and noticed Devin staring at them. Since his stepsister started dating the bad boy, his love and obsession for her increased as his hatred for While increased as well. It hurts him to see the girl he loves so much getting comfortable with the bad Boy he has an unspeakable history with. "I love you, Emily" Xavier smirked as he moved closer to her "You belong to me sister or not!" He pulled her closer and smashed her lips in a forbidden kiss while Devin watched!
105.8K viewsCompleted
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Good Novel
Good Novel
Poetry and all, to inspire and to create, to give people spirit that they love, to give back something they lost and they missing in their live. Keep writing and keep on reading. We are exist for you and your desired to keep writing and reading story.
7.910.3K viewsOngoing
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Legenda Pendekar Arya Dewantara
Legenda Pendekar Arya Dewantara
Arya Dewantara sekarat dalam peristiwa penyerangan besar-besaran di desa Cikulon. Ia menyaksikan kematian kedua orang tuanya dan seluruh warga desa.  Dengan kekuatan dari kitab pengobatan Dhanwantari, perlahan ia menyembuhkan dirinya dan bangkit dengan kekuatan baru sebagai titisan sang dewa pengobatan, yaitu dewa Dhanwantari.  Arya Dewantara berjanji akan membalaskan dendam kedua orang tuanya. Ia mengetahui bila kelompok topeng kegelapan yang bertanggung jawab atas penyerangan itu.  Kelompok berjumlah 13 orang pendekar terkuat yang memiliki kekuatan aliran hitam tersebut sedang mencari tiga buah pusaka sakti bernama cincin Amertabumi, kitab Dhanwantari dan pedang giok naga hijau. Ketiga pusaka tersebut digadang-gadang sebagai senjata terkuat yang bila digabungkan bisa mencapai keabadian. Apakah Arya Dewantara mampu membunuh para anggota dari topeng kegelapan? Bagaimana akhir dari ketiga pusaka sakti tersebut? Saksikan terus di Sang Legenda Arya Dewantara. 
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