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Celeste is a happy-go-lucky girl. A simple, pretty, and 'boring' girl. She is in her 2nd year of college when her life became disarray. Her almost perfect life, crushed down. It all started when she met this guy who has an algid deep set of eyes, thick eyebrows, and long eyelashes named Karl Galileo. The first time she met him, he pissed her off, and that's the reason why she hated him. But along the way, she did not notice that she's slowly falling, falling in love with this man. Everything was so magical, a butterfly in her tummy, that enchanting music she's hearing every time they are together but destiny plays a nasty trick. After a long run, a long battle, a thousand heartbreaks, she decided to stop their afflictive love story. The story she always believes that will end in happy ever after just ended melancholic. She believes that Karl will be her knight in shining armor but no, Karl became stranger to her. A stranger who has a lot of painful, happy, and unforgettable memories with her. After the chase and run, chase and escape, chase and hide, chase and let go moment, she finally made up her mind, she gave up. This is not your ordinary story because this is the story of betrayal, pain, suffering and yet the character still chooses to stood up and continue living their lives. This story will slapped you the truth that you are the only one who is making your hurt bleed.
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The Billionaire's Alternate Plan
The Billionaire's Alternate Plan
Juliette gave up on her dream of ever gaining Michael's notice the day the senator's daughter, Aria, came into the picture. She'd do anything for the ruthless and sometimes cruel Michael. Even three years later, when he hires her to plan his wedding to Aria. Aria has always been jealous of and hated Juliette. When things start going wrong with the wedding plans, it's Juliette who gets blamed for Aria's tampering. Juliette foolishly allowed Michael to create the contract for the event. When Aria skips out on the wedding. Juliette is forced to be the bride because of a clause in the contract. A five-year contract marriage to the man of her dreams becomes a nightmare when he promises to make her pay for destroying his wedding and reputation. Never mind that Aria ran away on her own or canceled all of Juliette's arrangements. It's Juliette who loses her business and becomes trapped in a loveless marriage. On her third wedding anniversary, the only present Michael ever gave her was divorce papers. Now what will she do when she finds Aria has taken her place? Michael learned early in life, women want money and not the men behind the money. He’s always got an alternate plan, and a five year plan for his future. Blind by anger and the need to lash out, he uses Juliette as a backup bride to pin her down and unleash his revenge upon. It’s only for five years after all. It’s a trial run marriage. Who the bride is doesn’t matter. Will Michael finally learn from his mistakes? Is it too late? What about Leon, Michael's best friend, and who stole Aria from Michael? Can they sort this out before it's too late? Cover by Graziana (@gm_bookcover_design)
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5 Tahun Setelah Bercerai
5 Tahun Setelah Bercerai
Sudah mengenal sejak lama, dan saling memahami karakter masing-masing, tidak menjamin kehidupan rumah tangga berjalan dengan lancar. Buktinya, pernikahan Najwa dan Ferdi harus kandas di tahun ke tujuh. Menikah atas pilihan sendiri, menjaga cinta dan saling setia adalah janji mereka. Namun, semua hanya omong kosong belaka. Kala garis dua tak kunjung tiba, Ferdi mulai goyah dengan hasutan ibunya. Menikah lagi adalah pilihan yang harus Ferdi jalani. Najwa, tentu saja menolak pernikahan itu. Mereka sehat, itu yang dikatakan dokter saat memeriksa kesuburan Najwa dan Ferdi. Seharusnya, hanya tinggal menunggu waktu untuk mereka mendapatkan keturunan. Ketika harus memilih berbagi atau pergi, Najwa memilih pergi. Secinta apa pun ia pada Ferdi, ia tetap tidak mau berbagi. Lima tahun setelah perceraian itu, Najwa dan Ferdi kembali bertemu. Sebuah kegiatan yang mengharuskan mereka sering bertemu. Ferdi yakin getar itu masih sama, meski kini wanita itu telah jauh berbeda. Sebuah kejadian membuat Ferdi mengetahui sebuah fakta mengejutkan. Najwa sudah memiliki seorang anak. Apakah itu anak Ferdi? Atau anak Najwa bersama suami barunya?
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5 games on
5 games on
“Kau sudah tiba?” tanyanya. Perempuan itu adalah sosok Claretta yang sangat Altair rindukan. “Altair?” ucap Altair. Perempuan itu tertawa kecil dengan menutupi mulut dengan tangannya. “Terdengar aneh jika seseorang memanggilku dengan namaku sendiri,” ujar Claretta. “Mungkin banyak pertanyaan yang akan kamu lontarkan kepadaku,” ungkap Claretta, “tapi sebelum itu tolong Altair, terbiasalah dengan tubuhmu yang baru, aku sudah lelah dengan tuntutan sebagai penerus pengendali Mana, yang aku inginkan hanya bagaimana rasa memiliki seorang ibu.” sambung Claretta. Claretta menengadahkan wajahnya ke langit. “Kau pasti tahu banyak informasi tentang duniaku sekarang karena kau adalah orang yang cerdas dan tangguh,” ujar Claretta lagi melihat wajah Altair. Wajah mereka saling menatap Altair tidak bisa membalas perkataan Claretta Altair yang merasa tidak adil dengan pertukaran tubuh seenaknya yang dilakukan dewa kepada mereka berdua. Muncul perasaan iba di dalam benak mereka masing-masing seperti mengerti rasa sakit, penderitaan mereka dan kesedihan. Claretta mengambil kedua tangan Altair, air matanya tidak bisa dibendung. Dengan tersenyum Claretta berkata,”Mungkin karena aku sudah berada di tubuh seorang wanita jadi perasaanku menjadi lebih sedikit sensitif.” “Maukah kamu merelakan hidup kita yang sekarang?” tanya Claretta dengan harap. Altair menggenggam tangan wanita kecil itu, kini hati Altair menjadi goyah karena sebelum dirinya bertemu dengan pemilik asli tubuh Altair, dia berniat untuk memukul kepala orang tersebut yang dengan sesuka hati meminta kepada dewa untuk menukarkan tubuhnya tanpa izin. Angin sejuk berhembus, menerbangkan beberapa kelopak bunga di sekitar mereka mengibaskan rambut panjang milik Claretta. “Ternyata, aku sangat cantik.” batin Altair. Altair meletakkan tangannya di atas kepala Claretta dan membelai kepalanya seraya berkata, “tidak apa-apa.” ucap Altair dengan tenang. Akhirnya mereka saling mengikhlaskan satu sama lain dan memutuskan untuk menjalani kehidupan mereka sekarang masing-masing, mereka terpisah oleh sebuah cahaya. “Aku akan menjaga ibumu Altair sebagaimana ibuku sendiri karena aku sangat menyayanginya.” ujar Claretta yang hanya terdengar suara.
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Желание #5
Желание #5
Оказаться в одной квартире со сводным братцем – то еще удовольствие, особенно если когда-то была в него влюблена. Впрочем, я давно уже не та наивная девочка, которая смотрела на него большими глазами. Хотя он, кажется, считает иначе. Содержит нецензурные выражения.
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In a kingdom far away, a military man drove into an hospital, the look of everything was twentieth century, vehicles were everywhere and the housed there were made in concretes, there were no horses or chariots, the Military man drove in a hurry, pulled over and opened the truck doors, some more officers jumped down, and took down seven wounded body, some nurses came out with stretchers they put the sick bodies on them and pushed all to the big lab, and once they reached the lab, they threw the seven on the beds, and belt then to them, they were running around trying their best to prevent something only them. Could explained, the seven began to shake heads violently and so were all part of their bodies, the beds began to shake, and suddenly they all opened their eyes, and all the wounds disappeared, the nurses looked at the officers on ground and said, " they too made it," as they began to untie them, the dreams had been harvested and these time it ended, we can now tell the location of the five billions diamond mirrors that had the original piece of the vanished worlds.
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Вероника №5
Вероника №5
Еще недавно Даша Кольцова искренне считала себя Главной Неудачницей планеты Земля. Бледная моль, затюканная родителями и мужем, да еще и со скучной профессией химика-разработчика… И вдруг девушка меняется до неузнаваемости! Друзья и коллеги не могут понять, что произошло, но теперь перед ними другая Даша – яркая, роскошная, обворожительная… Однако у этой рыжеволосой красавицы есть не только нежные поклонники, но и враги, желающие ей страшной смерти… Это первая книга в серии о Даше Кольцовой: 1. Вероника №5 2. Ни слова о деньгах 3. Мужчина с потенциалом
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Istri 5 milyar
Istri 5 milyar
Cerita ini akan direvisi! Sere baru saja dipecat oleh CEO yang tempatnya berkerja, karena menolak berhubungan badan dengan pria itu. Tiba - tiba saat dirinya tengah menikmati makan dalam keadaan suasana hati tak enak. Kedatangan Kean semakin membuatnya kesal. Dia harus melahirkan, setelah anak mereka lahir dirinya akan diceraikan, Sere meminta mahar lima milyar, agar membuat Faresta tidak menganggunya lagi, malah menyanggupinya. Ikuti kisahnya....
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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King
The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King
BOOK ONE of COALESCENCE OF THE FIVE: After being rejected by 5 mates, Gamma Lucianne pleaded with the Moon Goddess to spare her from any further mate-bonds. To her dismay, she is being bonded for the sixth time. What’s worse is that her sixth-chance mate is the most powerful creature ruling over all werewolves and Lycans - the Lycan King himself. She is certain, dead certain, that a rejection would come sooner or later, though she hopes for it to be sooner. King Alexandar was ecstatic to meet his bonded mate, and couldn’t thank their Goddess enough for gifting him someone so perfect. However, he soon realizes that this gift is reluctant to accept him, and more than willing to sever their bond. He tries to connect with her but she seems so far away. He is desperate to get intimate with her but she seems reluctant to open up to him. He tries to tell her that he is willing to commit to her for the rest of his life but she doesn’t seem to believe him. He is pleading for a chance: a chance to get to know her; a chance to show her that he’s different; and a chance to love her. But when not-so-subtle crushes, jealous suitors, self-entitled Queen-wannabes, an old flame, a silent protector and a past wedding engagement threaten to jeopardize their relationship, will Lucianne and Xandar still choose to be together? Is their love strong enough to overcome everything and everyone? Or will Lucianne resort to enduring a sixth rejection from the one person she thought she could entrust her heart with? *** BOOK TWO: The Rogues Who Went Rogue BOOK THREE: The Indomitable Huntress & the Hardened Duke
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