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Fandi, bekerja di sebuah kelompok yang terlibat secara langsung dalam hal jual beli manusia. Fandi besar dan dididik oleh kelompok itu untuk suatu saat kemudian hari menjadi salah satu pemimpin di sana. Sesekali, Fandi juga keluar untuk menetapkan target, melakukan pendekatan dan lalu menculiknya. Kelompok hanya memilih orang yang tidak memiliki siapa pun, agar tidak akan ada tindakan dari pihak keluarga sandera yang akan membahayakan kelom[pok di kemudian hari. Saat melakukan pengintaian dan telah menentukan korbannya. Di tengah proses pendekatan, dia jatuh cinta pada korbannya. Fandi menyembunyikan fakta jika dia mengintai gadis itu, dia bermaksud mengganti gadisnya dengan gadis lain yang akan dia jadikan korban. Sebelum apa yang dia rencanakan terjadi, pihak kelompok sudah mengetahui keberadaan gadis itu. Mereka melakukan penculikan tanpa sepengetahuan Fandi. Saat tahu, Fandi marah besar. Dia melawan apa pun untuk membebaskan sang kekasih. Fandi berhasil dan lari dari kelompok. Kelompok memburunya dan melakukan banyak hal untuk menangkap pengkhianat seperti Fandi. Akankah Fandi berhasil? Menyelamatkan kekasihnya, melancarkan dendamnya.
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Shield Me
Shield Me
When a fire destroys young Valiant's family home she finds herself hurled in a life that is attempting to destroy her. "Malcolm, please. I'm tired. It's been years and I haven't told anyone. I just want to be left alone." I pleaded with him for mercy hoping he'd been satisfied with the devilment he'd kept up for years. He grabbed my butt and hissed, "Bịtch, you don't get to say when you're tired. As long as I have access to you, you'll open up and let me fûck you. Now, where's the money I gave from the last time? Did you spend it? Do you need more? I'll stop by tonight. Since you weren't here last night....wait did you fûck him? You let him touch what is mine." My eyes widened in terror knowing that my revealing the truth to him would cause me more pain. I cry uncontrollably for minutes until I hear Roman's voice shouting! "I'm going to kill that motherfūcker!" But there appeared with Roman Driggs, his best friend and battle buddy Reece Shields, sexy, confident and dangerous. Charged with keeping an eye out for Valiant, Reece begins to fall in love with his friend's girlfriend... **** "Damnit woman! I love you! It kills me everyday that I'm not the one! He doesn't deserve you and in spite of what you think about yourself, you're the perfect girl for me. I've never wanted or needed something so bad." He had tears streaming down his face. **** "Reece, I love you and am in love with you. Please help me." "I think I'm pregnant." There's a trail of betrayal, lust and schemes that tear apart the world of two military friends and complicates the love of the remaining couple.
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Queen of Shield - Putri Sang Duke
Queen of Shield - Putri Sang Duke
Seorang gadis yatim piatu meninggal dunia dengan cara yang sangat mengenaskan. Ia mati terbakar di dalam panti asuhan tempat di mana ia dibuang dan dibesarkan. Gadis itu kira, setelah ia mati, kemalangannya akan berakhir. Namun nyatanya ia salah. Saat ia membuka mata, gadis itu justru hidup kembali sebagai Koa Dorian. Sosok perempuan bodoh dalam sebuah novel yang dulu pernah dibacanya. Lady Koa merupakan anak haram Duke Dorian dengan seorang maid di Dorian Dukedom. Menjadi satu-satunya keturunan Duke Dorian membuat Koa diperlakukan dengan sangat baik. Ia hidup bergelimpangan harta. Namun sayang, meski Koa terlahir cantik, ia begitu bodoh. Kebodohannya sampai membuatnya ditipu oleh Pangeran Nathaniel. Ia merayu Koa, memanfaatkannya untuk naik tahta dan membuangnya setelah itu. Pangeran kemudian berselingkuh dengan putri count pinggiran. Setelah itu, kehidupan Koa berubah berantakan dan ia kehilangan segalanya. Duchess Dorian menyebut ini sebagai karma. Karma akibat perbuatan Duke yang dulu menyelingkuhinya demi seorang maid. Duchess mengatakan pada Koa jika memang itulah takdirnya. Takdir seorang putri cantik nan bodoh. Tak ingin mengalami akhir mengenaskan untuk kedua kali, gadis yatim piatu yang kini hidup sebagai Koa Dorian bertekad untuk merubah takdir malangnyanya dan mewujudkan cita-citanya untuk hidup bahagia di kehidupan barunya ini.
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Luna Rising
Luna Rising
Abandoned as a child, I was brought back into the Blue Moon pack as their adopted daughter. I was called a spoiled princess and looked down on others because of my status as their new Luna with my mate, Alpha Dominic. I love him, but he doesn't share the same feelings and ignores me. One day everything changed when they accused me of murdering one of the pack members. The rule applies to all, including being a Luna sentenced to death. Wanting to undo this fate, undo the things I have done to the pack as they loathe and wish for my death. I desperately wanted to make a change. Turn over a new leaf. I pray to the Moon Goddess for a second chance as I close my eyes before the man I love executes me. I open my eyes to see that I have returned one year before my end. Given this second chance, I decided to make things right. I annulled my mate's bond with Dominic and left the pack to live with other species, who were also abandoned. Soon, I learned things I never had in my previous life. I'm wolfless so that I can't shift into a wolf. I'm not a wolf. I'm someone not from this world.
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A Shield for Arlin
A Shield for Arlin
Arlin cuma cewek intovert biasa yang bisa dibilang rada susah dalam menjalin pertemanan. Setidaknya itulah pandangan orang orang sekitar di kampusnya. Padahal ada sebuah rahasia yang Arlin berusaha untuk tutupi, yaitu bahwa ia mempunyai kemampuan untuk melihat makhluk makhluk tak kasat mata dan berkomunikasi dengan mereka. Cuma ada satu cowok yang berhasil menjalin pertemanan sama dia, yaitu Jeffrey. Jeffrey adalah kakak tingkat Arlin di kampusnya. Berawal dari hal tak terduga membuat mereka berakhir menjadi sangat dekat. Arlin menyukai Jeffrey. Setidaknya itu yang Arlin rasakan hingga gadis itu bertemu dengan seorang cowok yang berhasil membuatnya terhindar dari gangguan para hantu yang sering mengganggunya, hal itu membuat Arlin bersedia melakukan apapun agar Jevan mau menjadi tamengnya dari para hantu, termasuk dengan mempermalukan dirinya sendiri.
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The Garden Of Rising Stars
The Garden Of Rising Stars
Collen McDermott.A nobody. Someone you could walk past without ever blinking an eye. Most of the people who know of his existence see him as the bottom of society.Reality? Reality is always significantly different. Everything you've ever dreamed of, everything you've wished for, all lay in the palm of his hand. A man who has it all yet one could say has nothing. A man who could give you everything, and has the power to take it all away.After a lifetime of mistreatment and bad luck. He stepped forward striving to fulfil a promise to a departed loved one.Little by little each character's past and secrets will be revealed as Collen does his best to support those close to him.A story revealing a darker side of life and love. "Everyone has a secret."Hello just want to say thank you for reading my book and I truly hope you enjoy it. If you have the spare time please leave a review whether you wish to bash the book or say how much you love it, I'll take what constructive criticism I can get =)
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Rising Of The Luna
Rising Of The Luna
In life, we do not always get what we want. Alpha Kelvin, the Alpha of the half-moon park has always wanted his descendants to remain the Alpha hence he had always wished for a son to succeed him as his enemy and rival, Damien, a wicked wolf had always wanted the throne for himself. After a long fight, Damien and Kelvin both got married and had children. Unfortunately, Alpha Kelvin had a daughter and Alpha Damien had a son. What lies ahead for Half-Moon Park?
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Rising Dawn
Rising Dawn
Faris likes to be in control of his life and has always been someone with a plan. He don't like uncertainty and surprises. Same is case with women in his life. He likes them to submissive and obedient. He is in control but everything turns haywire when a girl from his past appears back. Everything was under control in his life until Sierra Jane enters. She takes away his breath with her beauty and shuts him up with her brains. She is sassy and witty and everything he can't control. Join in the journey of Faris and Sierra, an unconventional love story of two unconventional persons
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Fenrir Rising
Fenrir Rising
Follow the life of a young wolf to adulthood in this world of magic. His life of tragedy shapes the way he views the world, trying to change it the way he sees fit.
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Mafian Hero
Mafian Hero
...." Should I stop?" his deep husky voice asked sending shivers down my spine. His hands , leaving trails if goosebumps all around me. My breath hatching...I couldn't say anything...I couldn't do anything, only to be overwhelmed by this pleasure. He chuckled and whispered," I told you, you're all mine, and mine only..."
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